Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Blessing or Burden (Joel & Benji Madden plus others)

pt 52 After the Party Its The After Party

by Reign_Madden 5 reviews

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Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-10-22 - Updated: 2006-10-22 - 2012 words

Another p.o.v

I had failed miserably. It wasn't supposed to be this way at all. I'll just have to try harder from now on. I would have her there was no doubt about it. I was more determind then ever and I would dispose of anyone who got in the way.

Joel's p.o.v

The cab ride took about 20 minutes and it was the longest 20 minutes of my life. No one said a word. I was starting to think that the drama hadn't ended yet at all, it actually felt like the worst was still to come.
Between Bob, Benji, Paul and Adam we managed to carry Reign and Lisa onto MCR's bus.
'Put Reign in my bunk and Lisa can sleep in Reign's' Gerard ordered.
'You might want to change their clothes' Frankie says as Benji and Paul walk through into the bunk area.
'You know one day, I don't when, but I'm going to go out and have a drama free evening' I say falling into the couch.
'I am so with you on that' Mikey says raising his hand.
'When was the last time Reign had a drink?' I ask no one in particular.
'A lifetime ago. When she thought you guys left her she turned into a right alcoholic. She hasn't had any since' Gerard says.

Benji's p.o.v

I undressed Reign and slipped her into her vest and shorts. I was tired when I eventually finished she was heavier then she looked.
I covered her over and kissed her goodnight. This whole evening could have been so different.
'They're settled' I say coming into the living area
'Does anyone want a drink?' Mikey says
'Yeah I'll have anything with alcohol in it.' Adam says from his seat on the couch next to Gerard
'Sorry man we don't keep alcohol on the bus, Reign and Gerard here used to abuse it' Mikey says matter-of-factly
'Oh ok then I'll have whatever you've got.'
'What I wanna know is why she was drinking in the first place?' Bob says staring directly at me.
'I don't know, I wasn't even with her.' I reply honestly
'Why not?'
'That's none of your business man'
'Yeah it is actually, why weren't you with her?' Bob asks again.
'Because we had a fight okay' I answer
'So you had a fight and Reign decides to drown her sorrows, now she's paralytic well done man' he says irritably
'Don't blame me for her getting drunk.' I say getting wound up.
'Why shouldn't we? You piss her off and she gets drunk who else are we supposed to blame?' He shoots back
'Okay everyone needs to calm down' Billy says 'Yes Reign got drunk but she's safe now so lets just chill out so the situation doesn't get any worse.'

Joel's p.o.v

'What I wanna know is who the fuck drugged my girlfriend' Paul says walking into the room.
'I have no idea how that happened, Lisa doesn't even drink' I say.
'Well she would've had to drink something' Gerard replies lighting a cigarette
'But I was with her at the bar, I didn't see her drink anything, it was Reign who was backing 'em down like here was no tomorrow.' Paul says settling on the arm of the couch.
'Yeah but you left to come and get me' I say
'Yeah but that was like 3 minutes, she would've had to have ordered the drink, get it drugged and then drink it.' He explains.
'It's not impossible' Mikey says
'Can I just say something real quick?' Adam says 'you might want to consider that it wasn't meant for Lisa but it could've been for Reign.'
'What are you talking about?' I ask
'Maybe Lisa drank one of Reign's drinks to stop her from drinking it and in doing so got drugged instead of Reign.' He finishes.
'You seem to know an awful lot about this' Frankie says
'I'm just supposing okay, what's your problem anyway?' Adam asks Frankie
'I don't know maybe it the simple fact that you have an interest in Reign or perhaps it's that you just happen to show up in the nick of time.' Frankie says
'Frankie that's enough.' Ray says
'But he has a point' Benji says 'What we're you doing there anyway?'
'Benji don't' I say 'That's not helping.'
'No Joel it's alright. I'd just finished watching a movie, I grabbed a bite to eat when I heard Reign screaming for Joel across the street, so I ran to help her and that's when I found out about Lisa. Do you wanna see my movie ticket?' He says reaching in his back pocket.
'That's not necessary man' Paul interjects
'I didn't plan to be there, it was just a coincidence.' Adam says
'It was a good thing though' Mikey says
'Yeah thanks a lot man, you know for helping Lisa, and I'm sorry for kicking you I thought you were trying to...'
'Don't even say it. It's cool man, your welcome.' Adam says cutting Paul off

Frankie's p.o.v

I looked over at Adam I didn't trust him at all. Not one bit, I glanced at Benji and he was no doubt thinking the same thing.
'Come to think of it Lisa said that Reign was with a guy, maybe he drugged her drink.' Paul remembers.
'Yeah what happened to him?' Joel says
'I punched him out' Benji says grinning and looking straight at Adam 'he was groping her on the dance floor, so I took him out.'
'Nice one' I reply.

Ray's p.o.v

This evening was fucked there's no other way to put it. Reign was nearly drugged, Lisa was drugged and they were both passed out. Bob was clearly pissed at Benji but I guess I was too a little. But at the end of the day Reign's a big girl, she 23 we can't stop her from doing what she wants.

'Just think, if you and Lisa hadn't found Reign this whole situation could be really messed up.' Billy says 'Not that's it's not already.'
'I can't believe that guy nearly drugged Doll Face, we could have lost her.' Gerard states.
'Don't talk like that; Thank God they're safe now.' Adam says
'No thanks to Benji though' Bob says
'What the fuck did you just say' Benji asks heatedly
'You heard me man, this is your fault.' Bob replies.
'What kind of bullshit is that?' Benji says
'If you hadn't messed with her in the first place, she wouldn't have been in the position to get her drink tampered with and Lisa wouldn't be passed out in Gerard's bunk.' Bob said raising his voice
'That's not fair, you don't even know what happened between us.' Benji cries
'I don't care what happened...'
'That's enough, I can't deal with the arguing okay, Everyone's angry and upset about what happened but blaming each other is not going to make it any better. We should be all thanking our lucky stars that Lisa and Reign are safe, so lets just stop the arguing and chill out before someone says or does something that could fuck up the evening even more' I exclaim looking at each of them.

Benji's p.o.v

I knew everyone was thinking it, but Bob was the only one man enough to say it. They all believed this was my fault. I mean it was but it wasn't I'd never let anything happen to her.
'Are you okay?' Mikey asks quietly
'Yeah I'm fine man' I lie
'Just for the record I don't think it's your fault.' He says
'Thanks man I appreciate that' I reply with a small smile
'It's cool' he says. Just then we both hear a thud, I look into the bunk area to see Reign crawling on the floor.
'Where's he going?' Ray asks when I get up
'Reign's on the move' I hear Mikey say.
I reach Reign and pull her into a standing position.
'What are you doing?' I ask holding her
'I'm going to be sick.' She whispers
'Oh shit' I quickly carry her into the bathroom and just make it as she retches into the toilet
'That's it baby bring it all up.' I say holding back her hair.
She falls back and against my legs and I look into the toilet expecting the worst but there's nothing there.
'Reign you didn't vomit.' I say
'I tried' she whispers not opening her eyes
'Its okay' I say laughing a little 'let's get you back to bed.'
I lift her up and walk her back to her bunk.
'I'm really sorry' she apologises getting into the bed.
'For what?' I ask
'For not believing you.'
'About what?'
'About Alyssa I know you would never do that to me and now I messed everything up.'
'Oh baby you haven't messed anything up' I say covering her over.
'I love you Benji Madden' she says. This was what I wanted to hear but it didn't count. Her eyes where closed this whole time, this is all a dream to her.
'I love you too' I reply kissing her lips. 'I'm going to get you some water.'
'Is she alright?' Gerard asks when I walk into the living area
'She's fine just dehydrated.' I say grabbing a bottle of water off the side.

Gerard's p.o.v

'I'm going to go' Adam says standing up and placing his empty glass on the table.
'Thanks for everything' Paul says standing with him and walking him to the door.
'Your welcome, it was nice meeting you all' he says walking out.
'Hey Adam why don't you stop by for breakfast' I offer
'I might do that' he replies smiling.
'You invited him to breakfast' Frankie's says with a distasteful look on his face when Paul closes the door.
'Yeah' I reply 'what's wrong with that?'
'Nothing I guess' he says pouting slightly
'Well I'm tired' I say lying across the couch 'you guys are welcome to crash here if you want'
'I'll think we'll head back' Joel says standing up.
'I'm going to stay if that's ok' Paul says 'I wanna be here when Lisa wakes up.'
'That's fine.' I say closing my eyes.

Benji's p.o.v

I walk back to her and kneel down beside the bunk.
'Here Reign' I say opening the water and handing it to her.
She opens her eyes, sits up slightly and gulps the water down in one.
'Do you want more?' I say taking the empty bottle.
'No' she says shaking her head.
'Ok I'm going to leave now get some sleep.'
'Stay with me.' she says grabbing my hand.
'Reign I don't think...'
'Please' she begs staring at me.
'Ok just until you fall asleep' I say kicking my shoes off and climbing in beside her.
I turn to face her, her eyes are closed, she looks so beautiful even though her make up's smudged and her hair is all over the place.
'Reign don't' I say, she had her hand under my shirt and was stroking my chest; she leaned in kissing me gently on the lips. I reluctantly kiss her back as she pries my mouth open with her tongue. I open my mouth no longer able to hold back allowing her tongue to caress mine.
'Make love to me' she says breaking the kiss.
'You heard me' she replies
'Reign I can't'
'Why not'
'Because your drunk and it'd be taking advantage'
'I'm not drunk I know what I'm doing' she whispers kissing me again
'Reign I can't do that the most I can do is hold you' I say regretfully.
'Hold me then' she says shuffling closer to me
I wrap my arm around her and pull her close to me, feeling her body mold itself against mine.
'I love you' she says for the second time that night
'I know I love you too' I reply closing my eyes.
Before I knew it she had fallen asleep in my arms.
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