Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Serenade me with a coffee burn...

Chapter 009 - Wake up to bright and brilliant sun-... Ah, Who the fuck am I kidding?

by imogen993 8 reviews

Yeah right. Like her day is going to get any better? Fat chance.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-11-02 - Updated: 2006-11-02 - 888 words

[Chapter 9] -


I ignored the voice that was trying to wake me from the peace that I had unconciously.
"Izzie... Wake up..."
I blinked, and tried to open my eyes. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the bright light, and once I could see the room I was in, I turned my head to take in the surroundings. I saw a large grey box next to me, and the walls were painted with the most horrible yellow mustard color. The lights were overly-bright, and the various wires and objects around the room made it seem like one of the horrible hospital dramas. I then noticed all the various wires connected to my body, and I turned my head to see someone sitting next to my bed.
"Izzie! You're awake..."
Andy was sitting with a strange look on his face, looking at me through sympathetic eyes.
"Hey... How you feeling?" He tilted his head and smiled lightly.
"Fine..." I tried to sit up, but ended up plopping back down on the bed. "Ouch... Okay, less than fine..." He smirked again.
"Patrick's gone to get some coffee, He'll be back soon. I promise he won't spill it on you this time." I giggled, which just caused me to enter myself into a mini coughing fit.
"What happened?" I asked him once my windpipe was back to normal.
His smile faded. His eyes traveled to the door, and his eyes went into a sad expression. "You... You were in a car wreck, Iz." He looked at me again.
"Oh... What happened to everyone else? Oh my god... Elisha?" I looked back at him with a worried expression.
"Elisha's fine... She been talking to us. Non-stop actually, I think she was excited to meet us... She just had a few cuts and bruises."
"Thank god. Are Mum and Dad okay? I bet they're worried sick... You know, my Dad never could drive." I laughed again. His expression however turned dark.
"Izzie..." I looked at him.
"What, Andy?" My eyes pleaded with him.
"Izzie, the van hit the car head on, your parents got the full blast..."
"Andy, where are they?" I was really getting worried now.
"Iz, I'm sorry..."
"ANDY! TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!" I screamed at him. I heard the door creak open.
"They didn't make it Iz." Patrick mumbled from the doorway. I looked to him, and back to Andy. I could see both of their eyes glaze over. I blinked once, and shook my head.
"I don't believe you..." Patrick gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Izzie, I'm so, so sorry... The doctors couldn't save them..." I shook my head again.
"I don't... I don't believe you."
"Izzie, this isn't going to help, i'm so sorry, but they're gone... you have to understand."
"NO! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" I screamed. I wouldn't beleive him. They can't be gone, not now...
"Izzie please-" I cut him off.
"NO! THEY'RE NOT... They're not gone. I don't- Not gone..." I completely broke down. I brought my legs up to my chest and sat on the bed crying. Patrick walked over and put his arms around me.
"Shh... It's okay..." He whispered into my ear.
"It's not... They're gone, I'm an orphan..." I mumbled into my knees.
"Hey, Hey... Shh... You still have your brother." My eyes shot open at this. I couldn't go with him. The only thing stopping him from literally killing me was my parents... He would probably beat me to death if I went to him...
"I can't be with him." I looked into Patrick's sad eyes.
"Why not?" He asked gently. He creased his eyebrows together and I sighed.
"I- I... I can't tell you. It'll just be worse if I do..." He looked even more confused at this point.
"What do you mean?" He pressured me with his eyes for a moment.
"Well, He-"
"Miss Reed?" I heard a voice from the doorway. I snapped my head round to whoever it was.
"Yes?" I answered.
"I heard you were awake. I know it's early stages but I have to talk to you. I'm Mr Baling, your parents lawyer. I'm so sorry for your loss, but with a few papers signed, and that will be all the legal malarky out of the way."
"What do you mean?" I asked him. God, I hated lawyers.
"Well, because he is of legal age, and he offered not a moment ago, Your brother, a Mr Daniel Reed will take legal guardianship of you."
"Wh-What?" I felt like crying. I felt like crawling into a corner and shriveling up. I was starting to wish I had died in that car wreck.
"Yes. Don't worry, You parents split everything down the middle. Meaning your brother owns half of everything and so do you."
The lawyer laughed slightly. "He is your only relative Miss Reed. And is also the only one to offer legal guardianship. There is no-one else that would offer, am I correct?"
I sighed, admitting defeat. "Yes... That's correct..."
"Well then. There you have it. Just sign these papers and we'll be on our way."

So this is it. I'm fucking doomed.
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