Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Voices

Chapter 2:So we meet again.

by SallyandJack 1 review

Based on the song "Voices" by Saosin. Brendon and his long time Girlfriend, Bridgette Reilly, swore to stay together. They're having a hard time though. Will memories keep them together?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-11-04 - Updated: 2006-11-04 - 321 words

It was the next day...

Bridgette was at a coffee shop. Of course with her dog.

Being an 19 year old model was hard. Wanting chocolate! Those annoying cameras. Most of all pleasing people. Those rumors. It sometimes sucked but she liked getting the attention. She has been threatned several times. Threats like her dog being killed or stolen, being kidnapped, loss of her family. Also the men, anybody who she dated would start a big fuss. Just for example...Her and Orlando Bloom. "Oh my god! Did you hear that Bridgette Reilly was cheating on Orlando Bloom with Johnny Depp?" And BOOM! Front page of "People" She thought because, Brendon is a kinda shy person maybe she could get a little privacy. She really liked him. Hopefully things would work out.

Her cell rang. 'Oh no, the agency!' she thought.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Bridgette! You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago! You are gonna be in so much trouble!" It was her manager, Perry.

"Come down Perrs. I'll be there. I was just waiting for something I ordered."


"Yes Perr. Coffee."

"You know you're not supposed to be drinking that!"
(perfect example of what I was just talking about)

"It's just coffee! It's not gonna kill me!"

"Not you but your teeth. I'm pretty sure you don't want them bleached."

"It's just one cup!"

"No excuses. Get your butt over here right now...without the coffee. Anyways. Theres some guy named Brendon asking for you."


"Yes Brendon! Now! No talk! Now...OVER HERE!"

She hung up. "Come on Mels. We just HAVE to be at the agency."

She drove over to here destination. "Maybe because Brendons there...can't be that bad." Melanie-Bell barked. "Yeah...he's a good guy...and definatly cute."

They arrived. Perry immediatly walked out of the building taking Bridgette by the wrist.

"No time to waste!" He said.

Cliff hanger. Mwhahahahahahahahaha
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