Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Things Are Really Starting To Look Up!!!

R.I.P Eduardo

by PanicATD 6 reviews

Poor little Eduardo...He lived such a short life, may his poor young sould rest in peace. *sniff*

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-11-08 - Updated: 2006-11-08 - 3033 words

"Is she alright?"
"Yeah I think so...she's just really tired."
"Gee, its 3:00 in the friggin afternoon...gasp Oh My
God man, is she dead?"
"No, Dumass!"
"Shaker her"
"No, she's not dead you jerk off!"
"Well you don't know that...Dude!!! The same thing
happened to my hamster in the 5th grade, I came home one day
and I thought he was sleep when he was really actually
Dead...So CHECK!!!"

Angela opened her eyes and saw 5 guys crowded around
her...alarmed she flew out of bed and wrapped the
sheets around her body...
"What the HELL! are you pervs
doing in here, who are you!?"
", my, my, what a
Dirty little you have...and Pervert is such a strong
Word...I like to refer to it as, ahhhh ummmm...lets
Say Sexually Moral Impaired...yeah I like that one!"
Angela's eyes darted across the room to a strange little
man with short black hair and extremely tight jeans on
sitting at the foot of her bed...Gerard came over and
grabbed him by the arm...
"Alright, down boy, leave the
girl alone"...."Huhhh, What did I do!? He pouted, I
haven't even known her for more than 30 seconds and
she's already name calling, I'm the victim here!!!"

Angela stood in the corner of the room confused as
ever, Gerard looked over and pointed to the little man
in his hand,
" Frank, Frank this is Angela."
Frank slipped out of Gerard's grip and walked over to
her holding his hand out,
"Hi, Angela"...She hesitantly
looked down at his hand for a minute...
"C'mon, I don't bite...Well not that much, but for the most part I
don't" ...She laughed and shook his hand...
"So what about them" she asked pointing to the 3 other dudes standing
in the room.

"Ooohhhh, Those guys!?"..."There not all that important
but the girly one with the glasses is Mikey, the
carrot is Ray, and the Dumb Blonde looser is Bob, They
each introduced themselves and mischievously looked
over at Frank who smiled nervously and ran out the
door with the 3 of them chasing after him, leaving
Gerard and Angela in the room

"So how ya feelin???" Did you get enough sleep?"...He asked
"Yeah I feel great, I'm still a little sore though but for the
most part I'm doin pretty good."
"Hummmm...Well you up for a bite to eat?"
"Yeah I would-...

Angela was cut off by a loud crash coming from
downstairs, Gerard ran out the room and she followed
after him to see what had happened...Frank was on the living room floor curled up in a little ball
behind the completely overturned couch...Mikey stood in
front of the poor helpless Frank holding something in
his cupped hands.
"Awwwwww is baby Frankie afraid of an
Itsy Bitsy Spider!? Its so small and innocent... Dont
cha wanna pet em???

Get th-that, that thing away from me, its not CUTE,
and its not INNOCENT, that thing is the Spawn of
Satan!!! Get it away, Get it away. Get it

Gasp "Frankie...How Dare you!!!... he's not a Thing,
He's a gift from God he yelled lifting the spider up to the Heavens taking in God's Almighty power and accidentally dropped the poor little bug to the floor...
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Mikey fell to the floor frantically looking for the spider.
" He searched the floor like a Mad Man for the little bug.
"Ahhhhhhaaaaaaaa Found em"
Bob Came over and looked in the palm of mikes hands,
"Dude I think you broke it!"
" gonna say this for the last time, he is NOT an IT or a THING!!!!in fact lets give him a name.
"Hummmm, How about...Eduardo???...You like that
name little buddy!? Mikey asked looking at the spider
through the crack of his hands...How about you Bob,
You like that name?"
"Oh yeah Dude! Eduardo all the way", he replied laughing
himself into a heart attack...
"Alright, then its settled" he declared taking the bug and dropping him
into a jar being sure to screw the top on tight...
"Well name you Eduardo", Mikey walked back over to the
Whimpering Frank and held the jar in front of his face.

"Get that ugly thing away from me before I throw it out
the God damn window"...
"Stop it!!! Frank your hurting his feelings!"
"That thing has no feelings" he yelled stumbling to his
feet and regaining his composure.
"Fine!!!, Little Eduardo doesn't like you anyways", Mikey
walked away holding the jar as if he were Dr.Evil
stroking his cat, and placed him on the kitchen

Frank stormed off upstairs to his room and slammed the
door shut...
"Well Gerard said glancing over at Angela..."Welcome
to your new home"...
"Hehehe, is he gonna be alright?"
"Who Frank, Oh hell be alright...He's Frank Hell get
over it...Now come on and make yourself at home", he
led her into the kitchen area and helped her up into
the bar stool next to Mikey who was eating a popsicle
with Eduardo sitting in front of him.

"This"...Gerard declared giving a wide arm gesture..."is
where the Magic happens and your welcome in here
anytime", "So what can I get you?"...
"Oh Oh Oh I know" Mikey yelled jumping up and down in his seat..."Make
her The Gerard Special!"

"The Gerard Special!?" Angela asked raising an
"Yes...The Gerard Special, is the single most Exquisite
Delicacy on this Earth!!!"
"Uhhhh...Okay then...ill have that" she replied in
agreement looking at Eduardo through his glass jar...
"You scared of spiders?" Mikey asked taking the last
few bites of his popsicle...
" be honest with you Im actually not, they
dont bother me all that much..."
"Oh Hell! yeah he yelled giving her a high 5, "I think
your the first girl I've ever met that's not afraid of
bugs...Haaaa Zoe would Freak!"

"Hehehe...Who's Zoe?"
"Oh...she's my girlfriend, she'll be up here in a few and so will Sarah...she's Bobs girlfriend."

Angela's facial expression was now overcome with a look
of worry...She didn't do to well around other girls
after the whole supposed "Best Friend" incident and hadn't
been all that social after her mom fact she
couldn't even remember the last time she had even made
contact with the outside world

"Don't worry...there really nice girls, you'll get
along great" he reassured her
Angela looked up and flashed him a quick smile...Haaaa
she thought to was almost as of he had
read her mind...

"Alrighty...Sorry to break things up but I gotta
Special here that must be served cold to enjoy Maximum
Eating Pleasure, So go a head and dig in"...Gerard
placed what looked like any other normal tuna fish
sandwich on the counter front of Angela...
"Hummmm....Okay thanks" she said picking up a half of
the sandwich and taking a big bite out of it...

Gerard stood next to her with a wide grin on his face
as if waiting for her approval...
"Soooooooooo, How is it!?"
"Wow...She answered between chews...this
is...pretty...good...whats in it?"
"Oh nothing...Just some tuna fish..."
"And what else?" she asked swallowing and taking another
"And Whipped Cream"

Angela swallowed the last bit of sandwich in her mouth
almost choking...
"And what?"
"Whipped Cream" Gerard replied holding out the can of Redi
Whip and squeezing some in his mouth...
"You better hurry and eat up so you can come see us

Angela looked down at her sandwich in disgust...
"Ummmm I don't really have much of an appetite anymore but
ahhhh...what are you practicing for?"
"You forgot already?' he asked smiling at her...
"Yeah I guess so" she replied a little embarrassed
"Haaaa...its okay, well just have to refresh your
memory is all, well you remember last night back at
the diner I told you that I was in a-..."
" a Band Angela interrupted with the whole
night now coming back to her...That's right you did
tell me that...and it was called ummmm...ahhhh...dont
tell me......ahhhh...My Chemical Romance, right!!!

"Exactly! Gerard said, and we have to practice because
we have a show to do tomorrow at this club and we
still have a few kinks to work out before then so lets
Gerard grabbed her hand and took her downstairs into
the basement which looked like a small little
recording studio with all the bands equipment spread
through out the room and a worn black leather couch
off to the side, Mikey, Bob, and Ray were tuning and
preparing there instruments...

"Took you long enough Ray snorted looking up from his
guitar...Where the Hell is Frank?"
Gerard walked past Ray blowing him off and turning his
attention back to Angela.
"Go ahead...sit back,relax...and
tell us what you think...he smiled and walked over to
the mic that was placed in front of the band...
"Alright Frank!...enough of your little bitch fit, time
to practice so get your ass down here ASAP...or else-"

Frank came gleefully trotting downstairs with a smile
on his face...
"Oh My!!! Time to practice already, well lets get
to it"...he gracefully skipped over to his guitar
humming to himself adjusting the strap around his
"Well, your feeling a lot better I see!"
"Yes...Mikey I am...I have seen the error of my ways and have come to the conclusion that I was wrong...and have decided to take care of my
problem in a mature manor and Im sorry, Please
accept my apology..."
" Uhhhh...Sure whatever Mikey mutterd looking at Frank suspiciously wondering what exactly he was sorry for.
"Okay so lets get down to business" Just as the boys were about to play the door bell rang.
" uggghhhh...No more interruptions" Ray retorted impatiently.
"It must be the girls Mikey announced placing his bass down on its stand and walking over to Angela who still looked a bit worried.
" it'll be fine, there really nice...and you'll have a lot of fun with them, Trust me!" She smiled weakly and Mikey ran upstairs to the door, a few seconds later he was accompanied by two beautiful young ladies, one with long wavy blond hair, and dark green eyes which were accented in heavy black eyeliner, and the other with dark shoulder length hair stained in blood red streaks, and mysterious dark brown eyes which gleamed a hint of yellow in the light.

"Angela, this is Zoe" Mikey pointed to the blond haired girl on his right.
"And this is Sarah" He pointed to the girl on his left. The two pf them waved and greeted her with warm comforting smiles which made everything seem not so scary anymore. Both the girls sat on the couch next to Angela.
"So...I hear you're a new house guest here" Zoe implied sweetly.
"Yeah I guess you can say that..." She laughed nervously.
"Yayyyyy New friend" Sarah announced bouncing up and down on the couch " I was getting kinda board with old "Dill" Here.
"Heyyyy im not a Dill or whatever you just called me...What does that mean anyway???
"Hehehe...It means "You're an idiot"...Angela snickered.
"Wait!!!...You know what she said!?...You actually understood her???
"Haaa yeah I do...Actually my mom was part Australian so I got a little bit of it in me too.
"Haaaaaa....ROCK THE FUCK ON!!! Sarah yelled giving Angela a pat on the back.
"I think were gonna get a long great!!!"

Angela smiled to her self with a feeling of accomplishment, and gazed over at Mikey who gave here an "I told you so" look and began to lightly strum his bass...Soon after the entire band began to play.
"HEY ZOE!!!....WHATS THIS SONG CALLED!?" Angela Yelled over the music.
"SKYLINES & TURNSTILES" She yelled back.
"YEAH ITS GREAT!!! She smiled intently watching Gerard sing the words to the song not once taking her eyes off him...

"Your not in this alone"
"Let me break this awkward silence"
"Let me go, go on record"
"Be the first to say I'm sorry"
"Hear me out"
"And if you take me down"
"Or would you lay me out"
"And if the world needs something better"
"Lets give them one more reason now, now ,now"

The 3 girls danced along to the music having a great time laughing and joking together but as Angela sat there thinking to her self she realized that the past 48 hours had been better than the last 7 years of her entire life. By the end of the song the boys had all worked up a sweat. Zoe stood up clapping her heart out.

"That was Great guys!!!...The best one yet...your gonna blow em away tomorrow!!!"
"I agree!!!" Sarah yelled and tackled Bob into a hug. Gerard brushed his wet hair out of his face and walked over to Angela who stood in front of the couch with her arms wide open pulling him into a hug.
"How was it?" He asked.
"It was Amazing!!!...You all were Wonderful!!!
"Well I just hope we do this good tomorrow"
"Hehehe...Don't worry you'll be fine!...Now why don't you go chill out for a few.
"Yeah, that's a good idea cause if I don't get something to drink right now I'm gonna pass out.

Everybody ran upstairs and went their separate ways. The girls all sat in the kitchen and bonded while the boys sat in the living room huddled around the PS2.
"Hey Gee...Whats goin on with you and Angi?" Bob asked playfully nudging him in the arm.
"What!!! Nothing man, Were just friends, were cool you know, and I barely even know the girl."
"Yeah well that didn't stop you from brining her home now did it?" Frank interrupted in a smart ass way.
"But What was I supposed to do???...She had no where else to go, I had to help."
"Well that's not the only reason why...Is it? Frank asked anticipating his answer.
"YEAH IT IS" he argued.
"Both Bob and Frank stared at him for a minute as if to say "Yeah Right"
"OKAY FINE!!! He confessed, She's cute...BUT Nothings going on!!!
"Mwahahahahahahahahaha!!! See I KNEW IT!!! Bob teased sticking hid tongue out at Gerard.
"No I DON'T"
"Awwwwww Gee's Gotta little Crush on Angi Wangi...Frank whispered immaturely.
"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww You Got COOTIES!!!
"Dude, SHUT UP!!! Gerard hused throwing a pillow at Frank.
"Well Its TRUE!!!"

Back in the kitchen the girls were having the time of there lives.
"Oh, Oh, Oh," Zoe yelled barely able to speak because she was laughing so hard.
"God Angela I wish you could have been there...It was so funny, Gerard came to school dressed like a girl for some kinda project thingy-"
"OH YEAH!!!...I remember that one Haaaaa...He was soooo cute, he had on this little sundress or whatever...I mean I gotta tell you he was one of the Hottest girls I've ever seen in my life.
Angela burst into laughter grasping her stomach for air.
"Are...Haaaa...You serious!?"
"Yeah and then Frank was like, Gerard if you were a girl I would Sooooooo totally Bang you
The 3 girls laughter was interrupted by Mikey's 3 year old tantrum.
"JERK!!!...You Cheated he yelled crossing his arms.
Ray stood up and looked Mikey dead in his eyes.
"I didn't cheat...I just got SKILLS" he declared smugly with his nose in the air.
"Nooooooo...You CHEATED!!! I Told you to pause the game cause I had yawned and my glasses had fogged up and I couldn't see anything."
"yeah sure they did...Looser!!!"
"Uuggghhh...I hate gonna go sit with some that appreciates my company..."
"Awwwwwwwwwwwww...Come here Mikey Poo" Zoe said comfortingly with her arms held open.
"It's okay...I saw the whole thing with my own eyes...Ray Cheated come over here with me Bookie, I appreciate your company."

Mikey pathetically shuffled over to the kitchen wit his lip poked out.
"Uuggghhh...NOT YOU!!! He mumbled walking right past Zoe.
"Where's Eduardo?" Zoe sat there with her mouth gaping open in shock.
"Hey Zo, Looks like you've been replace by a bug" Sarah giggled.
"I always knew Mikey could do better"
"OHHHHHH MYYYYYY GOD!!!" Everyone looked over at Mikey who syood in front of the kitchen counter.
"Whats wrong?" Angela asked looking over his shoulder to see what he was staring at.
In the spot on the counter where Mikey had last left Eduardo sitting in his jar was not empty but instead had been replace by a small piece of balled up tissue paper, With one single tiny crippled grey leg peaking out through the top. Mikey grabbed the wad of tissue and dropped to his knees. Zoe walked over and put her arm around Mikey's shoulders.
"Awwww...Mikey you'll fine another...Uhhhhh bug, spider thingy."
Zoe glanced over at Sarah at a loss for words.
"Hey don't look at me he's your boyfriend Sarah muttered rolling her eyes.
"sniff He was my Eduardo...sniff...Mikey started to get choked up and plopped his head down on Zoe's shoulder. All she could do at that moment was laugh and comfort him. Ray, Bob, and Gerard looked over at Frank who stood there with a sinister smirk on his face.
"See...I told you I took care of my problem" he declared smugly brushing the dirt of his hands and gracefully skipping away.

Hey everybody I know its been a LONG time since I posted my last chapter...its been about a month to be exact, but I hope you didn't forget about me :-D. I've been having computer problems and I'm completely drained from school so I know that some of you can relate. Thanks for all the great reviews and support. REVIEWS!!! PLEASE!!! The next chapter will be out Soon... (hopefully ;-D)
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