Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Lord Baron Harry Potter

Chapter 11

by wimvincken 3 reviews

One hour before Harry Potter becomes 16 years old, he is invited to go by portkey to Gringotts to be initiated as Lord Baron Harry James Potter. Then headmaster Dumbledore and Voldemort start hunti...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Dumbledore, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Kingsley, Luna, Molly Weasley, Moody, Petunia Dursley, Poppy Pomfrey, Ron, Snape, Tonks, Vernon Dursley, Voldemort - Published: 2006-11-15 - Updated: 2006-11-15 - 6138 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the HP characters

The chapter is about Ginny, violence and battles.

"When I was small, every night my mother would read me a story from a book. The story was all about a hero and that hero was you. When she finished a chapter and kissed me good night, I would dream about that hero and how he would come into my room and how would kiss me and take me with him. Do you know how old I was"?

"Tell me" he whispered.

"I was nine years old. The twins used to tease me all the time about a green eyed knight who would come for me, riding his white horse and take me to his castle." She laughed.

"Who could think that? I mean the castle ... years went by, but then I finally got to see you at Platform Nine and Three Quarters. When you went away with Ron, for weeks I could hardly sleep. Ron promised me to write every week, and he did but only for the first three weeks and then he forgot me."

"The year after that I could go to Hogwarts myself and I truly thought that my fantasies would become true." She paused for a moment and searched her memories, "You became an obsession for me."

"I sat on the Gryffindor table trying to eat dinner and you were sitting opposite me. I was so happy and I could not take my eyes from you even though you did not see me. When at last you looked up at me I felt as if you looked right though me, not seeing me at all."

Ginny sighed. "I felt so lonely, so lost, it hurt so much ..."

"Then suddenly a diary would write back to me. It could understand my feelings and it agreed with me that I deserved something more, something better. My obsession Harry Potter died right there in the diary and was replaced with the other obsession. That diary, filled with another lonely figure like me named Tom Riddle, was my friend, my confident, my love."

Trying to steady her breath, Ginny continued. "In that diary I lost my innocence. I was mentally raped, misused and corrupted and then the visions started to appear." Ginny was quiet for a while, staring out of the window and seeing nothing. She was somewhere far away.

"He had a sick definition of what a relationship was. In his fantasy he would talk to a girl from Ravenclaw, walk around the lake with her and rape her behind a tree. In his visions he forced me to look and there was nothing I could do against it."

The most twisted and sadistic visions were his favorites. He always liked to show me a vision of him killing of his parents and he would stand in front of is father with a large sledge hammer in his hand and he would ..."

Ginny looked for a long time lost in thought.

"His visions went on and on and I was caught within it, without the willpower to break free. The longer my obsession, the stronger was his control over me, the weaker I became. At the end I was disgusted with myself and I did not know what to do! I could not go to the teachers, not to my family and not to you ... I thought I lost you!"

"At the end I would remember to wake up from a nightmare and I opened my eyes and I saw you! You were the only one who came to me and you were the only one who saved me! I did not lose you; you were there right in front of my eyes."

"In those months which followed the Chamber of Secrets debacle, I had so many nightmares about Tom but slowly they were pushed back by other dreams." For the first time since she began her tale Ginny smiled. "Dreams about you, because you saved me and you did not realize it. You saved me again."

"In my third year I went to Professor Dumbledore and spoke with him about you. He listened to me very patiently and tested me for a soul mate."

Harry's eyes widened. "You knew?"

"It is not possible to find a soul mate with magic or any other means. The only way is actually to meet your mate when both mates are ready. Thanks to professor Dumbledore I knew that I had a soul mate somewhere and we suspected that it was you. We also tested you and learned that you also had a soul mate waiting."

"That made my life more tolerable and for the first time in my life I could have fun just being Ginny while waiting for the big moment, what ever it was and with whomever it was."

"In my fourth year I studied you very closely. I could read your moods by only looking at you; the way how you held your head and kept your shoulders, the expressions on your face. My crush had deepened into something much more, a bond with you. Where ever you went I would followed you if I could."

"In my fifth year it was still the same. I could read you like an open book and I was terrified for your sake. I could see the terror, the shock and the desperation in you and I cried many nights about you. Last June you left to Privet Drive as a desperate and lonely Harry and on your birthday you came to me as an old fashioned knight ... without white horse though." She smiled.

"I could not believe my luck. There you were in my arms and you were kissing me, reacting to my touch and the look in your eyes when I smiled at you. It was then that I saw your love for me and somehow I could not understand where my luck came from, like someone bewitched you!"

"Then you told us about your dream and I discovered that there was other woman with the name Ginny who gave you her life, family and children." She looked at him. "I was wrong, but that I discovered later."

"Another thing that saddened me was when you made love to that Ginny. You know the touch of a woman who wasn't me. You lived with her and her children, heard their little voices and saw their faces. You took her children and held them tightly and you loved them. In those ten minutes you lived for ten years, that makes you a Harry Potter of twenty six years old and I am only fifteen."

Tears were falling and she grabbed his hand tightly.

"Before you declared you love to me, I was so lonely. I had nobody and I was longing so much for you. Then you became mine and I discovered that you have belonged to somebody else. I started to realize what my father had said about us being soul mates. He told us that we did not join as soul mates, but that we reconfirmed it. That meant that we joined before. When do you think we joined as one?"

Harry looked thoughtfully to Ginny. "Even I would have noticed a joining of our souls before my initiation, so it didn't happen before that. But in my dream we joined souls."

Ginny nodded happily. "Yes Harry, I also think our souls joined in your dream. For me, that means that you were not married to the other woman with the name Ginny and had a family with her, but that was me all along. Those were my children in that dream, my life and my love."

"Can you tell me about our children? Can you tell me about us ... the wedding ... how we made love?"

Ginny and Harry spent the rest of the afternoon and evening talking about Harry's dream. He showed her the children in his pensive, he told about vacations, the cottage, his cooking and the experiments with a guitar, Ginny's singing, their daughter Molly who actually could play the guitar, the first magic of their sons, their first broomsticks and the quidditch games with the twins. He also told her about the love they shared with each other, the times they had been alone at the Burrow, about Ron and Hermione and their romance, about how they got caught by Ginny's mother.

They were both laughing when Harry told how he proposed to her, and the reaction of all the petrified brothers. He continued to tell her stories when Mr. and Mrs. Weasley came into the room, all of them laughing about the antics of the twins and the time that the twins were being pranked by Ron after the transfigured his underwear pink.

This was an afternoon that Harry would never forget. While he knew that his first life with Ginny was just a dream he couldn't help but smile knowing how lucky he truly was for not everyone gets the chance to have their dreams come true and unfold before them.

The next morning Mr. Weasley wanted to speak with the headmaster about the bonding. All the Weasley's and Harry appeared in Hogsmeade in front of the Three Broomsticks with the Potter portkeys. Everyone was in a good mood. Though Mr. Weasley had not owled the headmaster he hoped that he would receive them all.

They walked to end of the High Street near, the junction of the road that leads to Hogwarts when Harry suddenly stopped.

Harry Potter's hair on his neck stood straight up, he was being watched by something or someone with no friendly intentions. He slowly turned around moving his hands slowly away from his body with his fingers spread wide.

He looked carefully to the man in front of him. "Headmaster Dumbledore, what can I do for you?"

Dumbledore stood with his wand drawn, directed to the ground, his face was like a mask. Harry felt the magic pushing out of the old headmaster who was already in a battle stance.

"Headmaster", Harry exclaimed. "Are you alright?"

"Harry, I think that you did enough damage. Come with me and we will discuss the things that you are going to do this summer, because when Hogwarts starts I want you to be there."

Harry's eyes narrowed and he made a whipping movement with his left hand to his family and all the Weasley's were transported back to the Potter castle.

Then Harry turned to Dumbledore, "I do not think so old man. If you want to try and force me into going with you, then be all means go ahead and try."

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed. "If you don't come with me willing, I will force you. NOW QUIT THIS NONSENSE AND COME WITH ME!"

Dumbledore's blue eyes were flashing.

A bright yellow beam came out of Dumbledore's wand, flying straight to Harry's chest. Harry waved his hand and the beam was reflected back to the headmaster, who sidestepped the curse. The headmaster's face turned white and he started to fire curse after curse with speed that defied the old man's age. While Harry was reflecting or rolling out of the way of the curses Dumbledore sprang high up into the air and fired a reducto curse behind Harry. Harry knew what was coming and teleported right behind Dumbledore and the house where Harry stood moments before exploded with a loud boom.

Dumbledore apparated to the right of Harry and sent a barrage of curses towards Harry. While he reflected the curses Harry conjured a huge snake, which immediately attacked Dumbledore. Dumbledore fired curse after curse to the snake, but nothing happened with it ... it kept advancing. The headmaster conjured a horrible beast with many heads, arms and legs. The beast was larger than most dragons and had blood red eyes. The beast began to attack the large snake while Harry and Dumbledore continued their duel.

After thirty minutes the fight still raged on. Many houses were totally destroyed and people were fleeing the village because of the carnage. The ground was full of body parts, blood, debris, horrible death beasts, stones, and many other unknown things, some which were still creeping, sliding, moving, crawling, slithering and skulking.

Dumbledore was busy attempting to battle five giants while Harry was defending himself against two dragons. There were five huge dragons in the air fighting three devious looking griffins.

Lava erupted out of ground next to Harry, who suddenly jumped high in the air and around Dumbledore deadly plants suddenly appeared out of the ground, which were immediately burned by flames out of his wand.

One of the dragons exploded with a loud boom; its shockwaves forced the second large dragon to the ground and it crashed on the ruins of an already destroyed house.

Suddenly the combatants paused ... utterly silence over the battleground.

Dumbledore was surrounded by a white glow. Harry was radiating with a power that gave the impression that Harry was semitransparent. A green fire was burning within him and it seemed to grow and grow. Harry stood there and just glared at the old headmaster.

With a loud screech, the last of Dumbledore's dragons crashed on the ground between them. One of Harry's Griffins flew slowly over the battle ground; it was bleeding heavily from a large gash on its back. Dumbledore looked up and fired a bright curse towards the Griffin which it could not avoid and the Griffin exploded!

Harry became very angry and his magic was flowing through his hands and around his body. Slowly he started to float and focused all his power and energy at Dumbledore. Dumbledore saw what was coming to him and slowly he retreated backwards, his face in a deep frown. Spells were cast from both combatants, beams in all colors traveling with speed between the two men, collapsing their personal shields and exploding in colorful display of energy.

In the mean time at Hogwarts, the professors who were still at the castle looked with worry at the battle that was raging between the headmaster and Harry Potter. They saw Griffins battling dragons, hideous creatures from hell battling each other; giants were screaming in rage, attacking the combatants, fire and lava erupted out of the ground. They could clearly see a column of fire erupting straight out of the ground and into the sky.

Professor McGonagall was extremely worried, because what she could see, one of the combatants could be easily killed. She was also wondering how Harry Potter became so powerful, that he could stand up against the greatest wizard in the world. She remembered Albus talking about the prophecy and coming into his power, but that was supposed to happen in another year.

Professor McGonagall could see several people apparating near the gates of Hogwarts. She saw that aurors were arriving with several order members. The noise of the battle became louder and louder and the professor looked in its direction. They were closer then before! The battle was coming to Hogwarts!

In the mean time all aurors and many order members were looking openmouthed at the titanic battle happening a short distance from Hogwarts, slowly approaching. The scene of the battle had changed and now they could see the two wizards shooting curses at each other; beams of energy of many colors were connected between the wizards and many spells seem to escape one or the other wizard and continue to travel behind them exploding in flashes and sporadically in sonic booms.

Suddenly they saw a white glow surrounding Dumbledore, which seem to pulse with bright colors. The glow imploded and the headmaster disappeared. The other combatant was approaching Hogwarts very rapidly and floating over the battle damaged grounds.

Dumbledore apparated between the aurors, order members and the professors and all of them were looking in awe at the approaching figure of Harry Potter.

The headmaster looked battered and tired, he had several wounds, which were bleeding; his robe was hanging in shreds around his frame and his shoulders were dropped. The wand in his hand was smoking.

Harry Potter landed gently in front of the gate and he looked good, powerful and fresh. His eyes were still flashing a serene color of green. "You see how we are battling, Headmaster? Can you imagine when we would battle Voldemort, then everything will be destroyed, including Hogwarts, because his strength is many times greater then the two of us combined."

Professor Snape came forward. "Get your ass away from here, Potter. You are expelled", he sneered. Harry looked to the professor with contempt. "So what" and with a pop Professor Severus Snape was no more. In its place was a bouncing pink ferret.

Harry straitened his back, the expression on his face became very serious and he radiated heat and energy. He pointed to the headmaster "YOU, OLD MAN! You insulted the Potters, the Blacks and the Gryffindors with your foolish behavior and started this battle causing a lot of damage. Stop manipulating me and others immediately, otherwise I will come for you and remove you from this castle, even if I have to tear it down!"

Energy flared from the young man, a wave of heat came from Harry and traveled over the group of people, who were stepping back in fear.

"You have exactly twenty four hours to come to your senses ... then I will return to Hogwarts and as the heir of Godric Gryffindor I will let the castle kick your ass out of it."

Harry looked intently to the castle and smiled. A large clock appeared out of thin air ... "The clock is ticking, old man.

Harry disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Albus, can you help us with restoring Severus? What ever transfiguration Potter was using, I can not restore him back."

Albus Dumbledore looked to his transfiguration professor sadly. "He used Potter magic, it is impossible to restore Severus." With that he returned to the castle with hanging shoulders.

The pink ferret bounced even more then before. "Well Severus, I guess that I need to bounce you back to the castle. Never piss a Potter off" Professor McGonagall said with a flashing smile.

"It also seems that Albus made a lot of problems for him self", Madam Hooch said. Professor McGonagall nodded. "Let's hope that he is not too stubborn, because I don't want to have Albus' job."


Harry looked to his shoes with his hands on his back, trying not to look guilty. Mr. Weasley was smirking behind his hand.


"Yes Gin"

Doing an exceptional rendition of Molly Weasley, Ginny continued on her rant. "DON'T YOU GIN ME! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT! YOU COULD HAVE DIED!"

"Yes, darling"

Ginny looked furious to Harry. "Is that all YOU CAN SAY TO ME?"

"No, Ginny" still looking to his shoes.


"Yes Ginny?"

"Please look at me."

Harry looked up to his lovely girlfriend. "You look so beautiful when you are angry."

He looked fast to his shoes again, expecting a tornado coming towards him.


Mrs. Weasley looked approvingly to the bickering couple.

"Yes, my love?"

"Humph" Ginny walked to her mother sulking. "Mum, say something to Harry. He's being stubborn like dad."

"I can't Ginny. All men are the same and they will never change. "

Mr. Weasley gave some strange grunts behind his hands. Ginny turned to him, "DA-AD".

"Is everyone alright?" Harry asked.

"Yes son, everyone is alright. Percy is back to the ministry, Bill is back at Gringotts and Charlie is with the order" Mr. Weasley answered.

Harry released a deep breath. "I am very sorry, but Dumbledore attacked me and I was forced to defend my self against him."

Everyone was shocked. "He fought you, Harry? Are you alright? Did you escape on time?"

Harry suddenly jerked his head up. "Something happened ... the castle reports an emergency portkey from Bill ... they are in the Hall of Transport" and he immediately popped away.

Bill and two Goblins were in the large hall, Bill bleeding from various wounds. Harry recognized the older looking Goblin as the director of Gringotts, Grintlog.

Harry walked towards the tree, bowed to Grintlog. "Welcome to Potter castle. Director Grintlog, may you earn money and honor."

Grintlog bowed back deeply. "Lord Baron, May you earn money and honor and kill all your enemies" and he showed all his teeth. "May I introduce my son, Barlog?" Barlog bowed low. "Lord Baron, May you earn money and honor" he said.

Harry bowed again. "Can I ask for the reason of your visit, please?"

Bill answered quickly. "Harry, at this moment Gringotts is under attack. The three of us were in an alcove near the main entrance when the attack started, and we would've been crushed between the walls if I did not have this portkey!"

Harry nodded. "Director, I want to help. I am going to teleport to Gringotts. Do you want to accompany me or do you prefer to stay as the honorable guest of Potter castle?"

The Goblin's grin became even wider. "No Lord Baron, thank you for this honor but we will wait for the next time. I prefer to be with my tribe and fight this evil."

Harry nodded. He touched both Goblins and looked to Bill. "Tell Ginny that I am sorry, but I need to help protect Gringotts. " With that Harry and the two Goblins disappeared into thin air.

Harry appeared in the middle of hell. Flames everywhere, the atmosphere was thick with smoke, he heard wizards cursing and Goblins fighting ... arrows and spears flew low over his head and impacted walls on the other side ... someone was conjuring walls against the weapons of the Goblins. Harry started to cough and with a wave of his hand all smoke disappeared from view and fires went out. He found him self in the entrance hall of Gringotts, where on his right side the ruins of the bank tellers could be found, at his back must be the exit of the bank and in front of him was the entrance to the mine-carts.

Grintlog and Barlog started to run to the left of Harry, where the meeting rooms were located.

Harry could hear many wizards arriving in the entrance of Gringotts and he took a look and saw only death eaters. He could also hear fighting in the meting rooms where Grintlog and Barlog disappeared in.

Harry began to fight. With his left hand he blasted the death eaters by the entrance and they landed the street like yesterdays garbage. He waved his left hand again and the death eater's wands burned with a fire, burning them and with the other wave of his hand the death eaters fell to the ground.

Harry turned towards the meeting rooms where he could hear the fighting. He saw the movement of a death eater bolting out of the room to a large corridor, Harry hot on his heels.

There they were, a group of twenty death eaters were firing spells at a small group of Goblins, trying their best to defend themselves by conjuring tables, stones, and walls. Harry saw the death curses flying; many Goblins and death eaters were lying very still on the ground. Harry became enraged and sent a very powerful charm at the death eaters, all twenty death eaters were tossed against the walls and did not move anymore.

Harry teleported back to the entrance hall, where he sealed off the entrance to Gringotts; nobody could get into Gringotts until the Goblins got organized.

Grintlog came back to the entrance hall, walking towards Harry, followed with a platoon of heavy armed Goblins. "Grintlog, honor to you. May you earn money and honor and kill all your enemies. " Harry bowed to the director. "When you need me, use this portkey and it will bring you or your son to Potter castle. You and your son are my honorable guests. Time is money and you need both." He gave the director the portkey and teleported back to Potter castle.

All the Goblins were smiling their big toothily grins, especially the director. "Not all wizards are bad."

Feeling a bit of déjà vu, Harry met two furious looking brown eyes, while the rest of the family were looking to the unrolling cataclysm; the firestorm called Ginny was about to rain down upon poor Harry. Ron was grinning, while Mr. Weasley looked wearily to Ginny.

To avoid the firestorm called Ginny, he kneeled and lowered his head; he murmured "Please forgive me? I was doing my duty." The expression in Ginny's eyes became softer. Harry stood up and pulled her in an embrace and kissed her deeply.

Mr. Weasley looked proud and relieved at the same time, while his wife was scolding him in silence.

That same evening Percy came from the ministry. "Amelia Bones is the new interim minister" he called out loud. Mr. Weasley was very relieved," that means that I can return to work tomorrow."

The next morning at ten o'clock, Harry and Ginny walked slowly to Hogwarts, holding each other hands. They reached the big entrance doors of Hogwarts, which seemed to open for them as they approached. They stepped in the great hall, where a lot of house elves were working on the tables and walls ... all of them froze when they saw the couple enter the hall.

Professor McGonagall was working on her schedules when she became aware of the opening doors of the great hall and froze on her chair. There was Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley!

Professor McGonagall was somewhat relieved that Ginny was with Harry, because that meant that Harry Potter would not oust the headmaster without any talk and reason. She only hoped that the headmaster could mend the broken bridges between the two of them.

The couple approached the professor. Harry bowed and Ginny curtsied. "Good morning, Professor McGonagall. How are you this fine day?" Harry's voice echoed throughout the great hall.

"Very well, Lord Baron Potter and Lady Weasley-Potter ... how can I help you?"

Harry was smiling warmly. "We would like to speak with the headmaster please."

"Lord Gryffindor, how lovely it is to meet you", a ghostly voice wailed through the hall behind Harry and Ginny. Harry and Ginny turned around. Ginny curtsied to the teacher ghost. "Professor Binns, what an honor, how are you and what are you doing out of your class room?"

The ghost looked at Ginny and his eyes went as wide as possible, almost popping out of his ghostly sockets. "Oh my! Lady Gryffindor in waiting, forgive me" and he bowed deeply. "I am here today to see how if our headmaster is going to escape his destiny or finally meet it."

Ginny giggled softly to Harry.

From the walls of the great hall came the Bloody Baron, the Fat Friar, The Grey Lady, Sir Nicholas, Moaning Myrtle and even Peeves. All the ghosts held their tongue and kept floating near the wall of the great hall; the professor Ghost joined the rest near the wall. There were more ghosts arriving, some Harry had never seen; most of them came from the floor.

Argus Filch entered the great hall with Mrs. Norris and sat him self on a Hufflepuff house table.

The quietness was like calmness before the storm and everyone was anticipating what was going to come.

Suddenly the quietness was disturbed by the sound of marching armor. The side doors of the great hall opened with a bang and the Hogwarts armor marched in, one after the other. The armors took position against the walls surrounding the great hall and stood at attention and ready for action.

The house elves were still waiting in the great hall, looking with wide eyes at all the ghosts, armors, the professor and the couple. Suddenly all the house elves from Hogwarts popped into the great hall and were gathering them selves near the large entrance doors.

Harry could recognize Dobby because of the many hats and socks he was wearing in all the colors of the rainbow. Dobby was unnaturally quiet and with the other elves he looked unblinking to the far wall.

Again the side doors opened, and Professors Flitwick, Sprout and Trelawney, Madam Hooch, Madam Pomfrey and Madam Pince entered the great hall. Professor Flitwick held a small creature in his hands ... a pink ferret.

Professor McGonagall did not know what to do, should she get the headmaster or wait in the great hall. She was sure that the headmaster was aware that Harry and Ginny were at Hogwarts or at least that visitors had arrived, and for sure he would detect that something strange was happening in the hall.

She became quite nervous looking at all the creatures that were gathered in the great hall. Before Professor McGonagall could decide what action to take, Harry stood up. "The headmaster is coming" he said with a loud and clear voice.

He grabbed Ginny's hand and both of them turned to the side door, where they expected the headmaster to enter the great hall.

The door opened and the headmaster entered and was quite shocked at the audience in the great hall. With a loud rush the armors changed their stance and raised their weapons toward the old man.

The professor looked around and saw Harry and Ginny standing in front of him. Behind them there was Professor McGonagall sitting, looking totally shocked. He was not pleased.

"What is the meaning of this", headmaster Dumbledore roared.

There was silence ... nothing and nobody moved or said something.

The headmaster walked to Harry and Ginny and looked at them coldly. "So you are the ones who were so foolish to broadcast that magical burst throughout the world."

Harry looked at the headmaster. "Headmaster Dumbledore, tell me you choice of action. The twenty four hours are over and I'd like to hear your choice."

The headmaster looked at Harry ... a slight red gleam appeared in his eyes, then almost immediately it was replaced with the hard, pale blue color that was missing it's usual twinkle. "You can not force me anything, boy. I am the headmaster here."

Harry laughed. "By the power of Gryffindor, I Lord Gryffindor, remove you as headmaster and from this castle ... never to return ... ever." A bright flash of green light encapsulated both Harry and Dumbledore.

Four armors came from the walls and marched towards Dumbledore. "I believe that you know the way out, Mr. Dumbledore?" Harry asked the man.

Dumbledore looked fiercely throughout the hall and tried to concentrate on the castle. But the castle blocked his efforts and his shoulders slumped again. He walked slowly through the big doors flanked by the armors.

At the moment Dumbledore stood outside, he turned around and looked with hate to Harry. Harry slowly pointed his arm to Dumbledore and concentrated.

Dumbledore was about to open his mouth, when a sickly grey colored beam of light traveled from Harry's arm to the chest of Dumbledore. The man was struck and dropped like a stone to the ground.

All the professors looked shocked to Harry ... Ginny grabbed his hand. "Harry, what did you do?"

Harry smiled grimly. "I am removing a demon" he said loudly. "Look at what is happening to Dumbledore."

Dumbledore laid flat on his back, a gray smoke seem to lift itself from the professor. Everyone in the great hall gasped in shock.

Harry removed Ginny's hand from his own and walked firmly through the big gates of the great hall and stopped short of Dumbledore. He raised his hands up into the sky and said "Karsh borasti metula astra petrika", pointing his left arm to the body. White smoke appeared from his hand and engulfed Dumbledore, combining the gray smoke with the white one. The smoke began to spin around Dumbledore's head and a shrieking sound came from the body of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore's eyes suddenly opened and he stared into the sky ... there was a red glow in his eyes.

Harry stood in front of the fallen headmaster in combat stance. "Voldemort" Slowly Dumbledore stood up and faced Harry, his eyes were now two red, glowing orbs.

Everyone in the great hall fell back, shocked beyond believe. Ginny walked next to Harry and grabbed his hand. "I am here Harry, and together we will exorcise this daemon."

Dumbledore/Voldemort stared at Ginny. "You are that low-life hooker ..."

Harry's eyes flashed dangerously towards Dumbledore/Voldemort. "You shut up" and he waved his hand towards Dumbledore/Voldemort and his mouth of disappeared from his face.

"Now that I have your full attention, I want to tell you something, Voldie. Good riddance to you!"

With that Harry held his palm over the head of Dumbledore/Voldemort, who started to turn his body to all directions, eyes still red but large with fear. Harry and Dumbledore/Voldemort continued to fight for several minutes before the body of Dumbledore/Voldemort fell down. Harry pointed one arm to the sky and the other arm while holding Ginny towards Dumbledore/Voldemort. "Karsh borasti metula astra petrika"; white smoke appeared from his hand which engulfed the body.

The smoke began to spin around the head of Dumbledore. A black presence came out Dumbledore's body wailing in anguish and then the black presence slowly dissolved into nothingness.

Dumbledore's eyes suddenly opened and he looked at the sky. Slowly he turned his head towards Harry and he could see that the red orbs were replaced by bright blue eyes and they twinkled as only Dumbledore's could do. Harry waved his hand over the face of the headmaster and his mouth appeared on his face again.

"Welcome back, headmaster. You are reinstated as headmaster of Hogwarts."

A big smile appeared on the face of the headmaster. "Harry, my boy, you don't how happy I am to be back in my own mind."

Later that evening, Harry and Ginny were sitting next to the headmaster eating an excellent dinner. Professor Snape was sitting at the far side of the table, restored by Harry in his real greasy and oily self.

"Harry, when did you discover that I was possessed?" the headmaster asked.

"Here in the great hall I was sure that you were possessed but before that I suspected something like that for a while."

Harry looked thoughtful to his plate with smashed potatoes. "Maybe it was a gradual possession?"

Now the headmaster looked thoughtful. "I think it may have started with some new sweets I bought from Honeydukes last year. This would explain a lot of things." He looked to professor Snape. "Severus, if you would be so kind to look into those sweets tonight?"

"Yes headmaster, I will be in your office tonight and see what I can find."

"Why did you wait until I was out of the great hall to attack Voldemort", asked the headmaster.

"I could not remove Voldemort because he/you were the headmaster of Hogwarts. And Hogwarts would actually hinder me in my fight against Voldemort's spirit, that's the reason why I wanted you to be outside."

Dumbledore looked at Harry with mixed feelings, "What exactly happen to you, Harry? "

Harry stood up from his chair and looked over the dinner table. "I will ask Ginny to place her memories of yesterday morning about my initiation in a pensive so you can all watch. Thank you" and he sat down, looking pleadingly to Ginny.

One of the house elves brought the pensive from the headmaster's office and Ginny began to fill it with the unforgettable memories from yesterday morning.

The headmaster waved his wand and everyone could see what was in the memory. Tears were in the eyes of the headmaster, while professor McGonagall was crying on her chair. "Oh my poor Harry, what suffering".

Harry's eyes flashed. "No professor, I embrace the memories of my family and keep them close to my heart, they are unforgettable. And do you know what I find when I wake up each morning? A red headed angel more beautiful then I can remember in my dream."

"Not only that, I realized how much you had changed with Voldemort in your head. You were like a grandfather to me, while in reality you were manipulating everyone." Harry's face turned hard as he looked at Dumbledore, "One other thing headmaster, Voldemort knows all your plans now. Please act accordingly."

Harry stood up and took Ginny's hand. "We should be going home now, professor. Our mum will be worried." Ginny smiled warmly, and both disappeared on the spot. They had a lot of snogging to do this evening.
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