Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Lord Baron Harry Potter

Chapter 17

by wimvincken 0 reviews

One hour before Harry Potter becomes 16 years old, he is invited to go by portkey to Gringotts to be initiated as Lord Baron Harry James Potter. Then headmaster Dumbledore and Voldemort start hunti...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Dumbledore, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Kingsley, Luna, Molly Weasley, Moody, Petunia Dursley, Poppy Pomfrey, Ron, Snape, Tonks, Vernon Dursley, Voldemort - Published: 2006-11-15 - Updated: 2006-11-15 - 3312 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the HP characters


Ha'alem walked through the large corridor of Voldemort's new hideout. Many times, in his long life, he saw those so-called dark lords; even as powerful as the current, one and all of them had helped him one-way or the other. He entered a large hall, where the current dark lord was pacing. "I have located where Harry Potter is."

Voldemort stopped and looked anxious at him. "Tell me!" he screeched greedily.

Ha'alem paused slightly before he continued. "Potter is staying at Potter castle; neither you nor I can breach it. That magic that resides in that castle is too strong." Voldemort smiled his maniacal grin. "I think you underestimate me, demon!"

Ha'alem only smiled. "I will take you there and then we'll see if you can touch the boy." He held out his hand and touched Voldemort with his claws and they both disappeared.

Harry James Potter-Gryffindor-Black was pacing before the door where Ginny was sleeping. He was still trying to find a way to handle the negotiations and his proposal to Ginny.

The castle started to whisper words he could not understand, an old and seemingly strong language that he did not understand. Suddenly Harry froze as realization dawned upon him, 'Voldemort'! Harry felt the defensive wards being activated; the castle was on battle alert. He heard in the background many doors slamming and the air felt charged with electricity and bursts of magic soared from the floors and walls.


We are under attack, Harry thought. However, before he could act, the door in front of him slammed open and Ginny appeared ... her eyes were wide open and Harry saw fear in her eyes. "What happened? Harry, tell me what is going on?"


"We are under attack ... Voldemort found us!" Harry looked for a moment to Ginny.

"But what is that noise?" Ginny asked anxious.

"Those are the wards of the castle, Gin. They will keep Voldemort away for a while."

"But Harry, I thought it needed to be in fortress mode to be able to have such wards!"

"Gin, the castle has defenses on its own. When it would be in fortress mode, the castle would be changed into a fortress ... that means that the white castle as it is now will change into a black-grey ugly fortress."


"And because you can't change it in fortress mode, the castle with its defenses is all we have. Now I don't have any other option as fighting that monster my self" and with a loving smile towards Ginny he teleported away.

Ha'alem was looking at Voldemort, who was concentrating on the large castle in front of them. The castle gave off a bluish glow and there were strong wards around it. In front of the castle, Ha'alem could see white and yellow flashes ... the sign of the battle between Voldemort and the castle. Voldemort was trying to penetrate the wards and Ha'alem was waiting for the results.

Harry teleported directly in front of the two figures. Voldemort was so surprised by his sudden appearance, that his attack faltered and a large amount of magical energy went astray and collided with several trees, they were all destroyed in one large explosion of bleu-green light.

Ha'alem chose not to act yet, he wanted to see what would happen next. Voldemort started to smile and his eyes were resting on Harry Potter, the boy-who-defied-him-too-many-times. "Your time has come, Potter ... I will bring you down this time!"

Voldemort looked different. He seemed to be larger then Harry could remember from their last encounter and he could not help to think about the Nagini, Voldemort's giant snake when he saw him. Voldemort's torso looked like a giant snake just like Nagini and it seemed as it could strike at any moment. Voldemort's face was dramatically altered for now truly resembled a snake. His snake-like eyes were staring at Harry as thought he was trying to hypnotize him.

Harry smirked, "I do not think so, you impotent, worthless piece of garbage. I am going to kick your arse out of here, together with your boyfriend over there" pointing to Ha'alem. "But I see that your taste in company has improved ... lover boy".

Voldemort roared with rage and his energy flared up high into the skies. "You ..."

Harry felt the power flowing through his being and he realized he was getting help from the castle.

Suddenly Voldemort pointed both his arms towards Harry and with a slashing motion, a beam of deadly green energy traveled at high speed towards Harry who simply sidestepped the curse. The killing curse hit the wards surrounding the castle with a loud bang; the wards were covered shortly with a greenish glow. Harry's hands were glowing with energy as he cast a beam at Voldemort, followed with white flashing disks. The white disks hit Voldemort on his chest, sides and back. Voldemort was roaring from pain and frustration ... green, black, yellow and red beams of energy shot from Voldemort's hands and flew towards Harry, who was protected with white and blue shields.

The battle picked up speed and beams of energy traveled from the one to the other and back. Every so often flashes of blackness followed with white ... red and yellow lights were exploding around the two combatants. Voldemort decided to use the same spell he did on Dumbledore. A veil of blackness appeared around Voldemort and he was trying to expand it. Harry noticed the blackness and fired strong and powerful spells into the veil but it was still growing.

Ha'alem was busy weaving a complicated charm around the two. Chains of black energy traveled from its mouth slowly creeping its way over the ground encircling the two combatants.

Harry started to push with all his magic he had and the blackness stopped spreading but this was draining him of his powers. Harry shot multiple patronis charms towards Voldemort and straight into the veil of blackness. Lighting flashed within the veil and Voldemort could be heard shrieking. Black bolts of raving energy flew from the veil hitting Harry's arms and side. Searing hot spikes cut straight through his body, burning his flesh and Harry screamed from the pain, he could smell the burning of his flesh.

Harry reached out to the castle for more energy and power, raw power reached him immediately and he intensified the patronis charms on Voldemort. Harry fired a stream of white circling spheres straight into the veil, which was now shrinking very fast.

Chains of multiple black ropes surrounded Voldemort and Harry, growing thicker and thicker, slowly lifting itself from the ground. Neither of the combatants was aware of the chains appearing and circling them as the battle grew in its intensity.

Voldemort's body became visible again, the veil of blackness disappeared. A whip appeared in Voldemort's hands and he whipped it against Harry's legs. Harry fell with souring pain in his legs and slowly losing consciousness. Harry thought he saw a black snake surrounding him and Voldemort. He tried to focus on what was moving around them.

Voldemort prepared to hit Harry again with the whip. He held his right arm with the whip high up above his head while Harry looked around him, 'Where was that demon?". Before Voldemort could strike Harry with the whip, Harry tried to teleport behind Voldemort but he could not. He realized that the snakes, or whatever those things were, were blocking him from teleporting!

Voldemort's arm came down in a flash and Harry rolled to his right as the whip slammed on the ground just centimeters from his body. Harry made a mad dash to the right again and the whip slammed towards the ground again. A flash of light appeared from Harry's hands, traveling straight into Voldemort, who moved back a few steps, walking straight into the strange black snake.

Voldemort shrieked as his body revolted and stirred. His red eyes were burning more intense than before and a loud wailing came out of his mouth. Suddenly Voldemort was catapulted straight towards Harry.

With his perfect reflexes the only thing what Harry could think about was ... down! Down to the ground and stay there! Voldemort flew over Harry and he bounced on the other side of the black snake, or what ever it was. Black and red sparks appeared at the spot where Voldemort hit and each time Voldemort bounced back to the ground, groaning as in intense pain.

The snake started to whirl around the two trapped combatants in the middle and it grew more in size. Harry could feel a pressure in his head, growing more intense by the second. Harry could see something moving through the fuzzy walls of the sphere in the corner of his eye ... a light shimmer of light ... a reflection of ... Ginny ... red and flashing long hair ... red beams of lights traveling to ... to the demon!

Harry felt a sudden contraction in his stomach and he was shocked to his core. 'Oh Merlin no ... Ginny'. He saw the silhouette of the demon in front of his love opening its huge mouth. With a burst of energy, Harry pushed raw magic towards the demon, as it stood unaware of him. The demon was thrown thirty meters away from Ginny with a loud noise of screeching and low wailing, while the black snake surrounding Harry and Voldemort was flickering. Harry took his chances and dove through the veil towards his Ginny.

"GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNYYY!", Harry screamed while he smashed into Ginny, both rolling in a heap over the ground and after a few seconds Harry and Ginny's roll came to a standstill and not one sound was heard.

Slowly Harry looked into Ginny's eyes and he could see brown pools of love and determination looking straight back. Harry suddenly realized where they were and jumped to his feet taking Ginny's hand as he looked around them. Harry's wounds were itching and pulling and hurting a lot. Dark traces of blood were traveling from his chest, hip and down over his legs.

Ginny was holding onto him, they were both terrified and were wearily waiting for the next terrors to appear. There was no sign of the demon but he saw the veil of black mist whirling around where Voldemort and he were battling each other some moments ago ... all without sound ... the mist was waving in the soft soundless breeze.

Harry and Ginny could see a vague silhouette through the mist and could see Voldemort frantically moving. Voldemort seemed to be trying very hard to get out of the veil. They saw him attempting to break the walls of the veil with spells, noticing the flashes of color from each of the spells Voldemort was using. The mist quickly began to shrink and suddenly sounds coming from the mist were now audible. The mist was becoming smaller and smaller, until the blackness appeared to be the size of a tennis ball and then suddenly the black mist disappeared with a loud pop.

Harry and Ginny were moving slowly towards the safety of the wards of the castle. Harry did not know when the demon would attack them and he was not sure if he would be able to hold off an attack from the demon at his current state. Harry felt drained and extremely tired, his wounds were still itching and hurting and he could not put all of his weight on his left leg.

"Mr. Potter, you are so lucky to have escaped my dome", a deadly voice sounded behind them. Harry and Ginny turned and saw the hideous form of the demon standing between them and the castle.

"What did you do with Voldemort, demon?" Harry felt the dark energy of the demon swirling around them. "I wanted to get rid this world from you and that so called dark lord. My dome supposed to move you and Voldemort to my universe ... to my colleagues ... joining that headmaster of yours ... Dumbledore.

There was a heavy silence.

"What do you want from me, demon?" Harry asked.

"My name is Ha'alem, and I have a proposition for you, Mr. Potter."

"Proposition? What ... what proposition?"

"I want that you join me, Mr. Potter."

Harry and Ginny looked stunned to the demon. "Join you?" Harry never expected to hear this from a demon.

"I will devour you, Mr. Potter but I will not eat your soul ... much. We will stay together for all eternity and you will keep the ability of observation and conversation. We, that mean you, me and many other souls within me, will be alive forever, and we can discuss things, have the perfect symbiosis together. You will see things beyond your imagination, other universes, other times; we will live many millions of years from now on."

"We demons were part of all universes when they were created billions of years ago, and we will still be there when everything ends. Nothing can kill us; we can not die because we are part of the creation and existence."

"You, Mr. Potter have the chance to join us and you will be part of our existence forever. If you choose not to, then you will die in a terrible way, like all other creatures in this universe. At this moment of time, I am not here to fight you, Mr. Potter. I am going to enlarge the demon gate of this world and allow my colleges entrance. Together we will devour this universe of all life and there will be nothing that you can do about it."

"For your information, we demons cannot move between universes, only when we are invited to do so ... as what happened with the late Mr. Voldemort. He created the gate to our universe but invited only me and that was enough. Now nothing can remove the gate, it will always stay here and I will have direct access to this universe. "

Harry looked directly at the demon, with a half smile on his face. Ginny held his hands tightly. She was so afraid for Harry that her fear was radiating from her. Harry reassured her by giving her a sly wink shortly before he started to speak.

"Dearest Ha'alem, you forget one thing here. I learned from people who lived long ago that there are things more terrible than death. This is valid for living creatures like humans, but it can also apply for demons as well."

Harry was smirking now, and Ha'alem looked amused. "Pray tell me what is so amusing, Mr. Potter."

"Well dear Ha'alem, I can create a spell, which gives you pain, terrible pain as the one you felt ten minutes ago when I hit you with one. Do you remember the agonizing pain you felt then? You were blown away at least 30 meters."

"I will alter that spell in a way that you will feel that pain constantly ... so that you may enjoy your stinking existence for ever ... in pain ... never-ending pain, paralyzing you forever! I will teach every witch and wizard this spell, and when you and your dear colleagues show up, they will be welcomed with a barrage of those spells."

Ha'alem shrieked in rage, tendrils of black energy swept over the surface of his hideous body. "You will not do so ... it will change the balance of all universes for ever ... there is a reason for our existence and when you disturb this, you will destroy existence!"

Harry prepared him self for the fight he was sure to come. Ha'alem pointed all of its eyes towards Harry and Ginny now. The black energy moving over its body came slowly to a halt and the tension was thickly building in the air. Harry was collecting what was left of his magical reserves in order to blast it straight towards the demon who was still staring at them ... nothing moved.

With a loud pop, the demon disappeared.

Harry and Ginny were looking around them searching for the demon, but he was truly gone. Both started to run towards the castle and to the safety of its wards. When they felt the wards surrounding them, Harry suddenly stopped and turned his attention to Ginny.

"Gin my love, I guess that this changes everything, and I am not sure if your father would allow me to renegotiate the courting now, but I want you to know that I love you, and I truly want to make you my wife."

He came slowly closer to her, softly touching his lips to hers and running his tongue along her bottom lip, slipping inside the delicious warmth of her mouth, breathing in her breath as if it were a life-giving potion. Ginny wound her arms around his neck and pulled him tightly against her. She eagerly responded to his kisses and met his tongue with her own.

Their tongues were dancing around each other's as they breathed each other's breath and sighed with pure pleasure. The kiss went on until they were both dizzy with it, and then Harry pulled Ginny to the ground, his blood pounding in his veins, he was so filled with desire for her, all pain forgotten, still kissing. He wrapped his hands in her silky hair, letting the long tendrils pull through his fingertips. It was so beautiful and soft; there was something amazingly sensual about the feel of it.

Harry continued letting his hands explore and felt butterflies in his stomach as he reached the curve of her hip. He knew he should stop and slow things down, but he really did not want to slow down. Talking about whatever it was he had wanted to talk to her about no longer seemed very important. He began to kiss her more urgently, wanting her as close to him as she could be. "Harry." Ginny pulled back first and planted the palms of her hand firmly on his chest. She was panting heavily, and her lips were swollen with passion. "We need to slow this down. I have the feeling that everyone is watching us."

Harry sat up reluctantly and watched the surrounding area warily, earning a frown and a groan from Ginny. "Let's go back to playing the games of looking like an adult."

Ginny looked very displeased. "You know Harry; I think we need to find a way to have some nice time together. With the castle, my parents and my brothers watching us closely, I think we need to find a way to ..."

Harry tenderly touched her lips with his fingers and looking at her adoringly. "Tonight, we teleport to a place where we can be alone ... nobody will know ... and I can snog you into delirium."

Both smiled as they stood up and walked slowly to the castle, holding each other hands.


Authors notes:

This is almost the end of this trip, and only the epilogue is left. THIS WAS MY FIRST STORY, FLAMES NOT APPRECIATED HERE. FLAME THE OTHER STORIES.

I want to thank one special person who is my beta reader, my partner in crime, the only person who is able to translate my mad writing into something readable, and that is carolquin. Carolquin, thanks for all your help and we will do a story together very soon.

What I liked in writing this story was that I could surprise many readers with unexpected twists of the story line. I admit that I tried to experiment with several themes throughout this story: romance, drama, humor, action, something I attempted to be horror or suspense.

What I did not like in this story was the lack of human relationship between the two lovers and their environments. I will rectify this in the last chapter and the future stories to come.
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