Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Seeing Double

Chapter 5

by jekka10 2 reviews

Read. It's good. ;) :P

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-11-19 - Updated: 2006-11-20 - 1701 words

Chapter 5

Sorry for not updating in a while, Sports, School, and Whatever else, Including the massive amounts of homework have delayed me. And in all honestly, I don't like writing that often. Well anyways, On with the story, I don't own COTT. Never have, never will.


"Sprint Theresa! Your almost there!" Jay was watching her run while waiting for some guys to finish their jog, along with the other guys in his class.

"How do you know her man?" "Yeah, she's a babe." "Do you have her number?" "Where does she live?"

Questions were being thrown at him, asking everything about Theresa, from how he managed to live with her to how she got those legs. One question troubled him though.

"Are you dating her?"

He pondered it, was he dating her? He liked her, he knew that, and from the kiss earlier that day, he suspected she liked him, but they weren't a couple yet, were they? Anyways, she was pretending to date Phil, so they would have to keep it a secret until things were fine with him. He turned to the guy who had asked the question, he was one of the fastest in his class, with dark brown, almost black hair, pretty much buzzed off. It'd be curly if it wasn't so short, he also had gray eyes, but had a bubbly personality to make up for his depressing looks. Jay simply stated,

"I don't know." Then he turned his head back to Theresa.
She was turning the corner of the trail the classes ran every time they had P.E, nearing the finish line she pushed herself harder to improve her time by a few seconds. They were called loops, they were most students worst enemies. There was loop one, which was four laps of the track, but on a trail surrounding the schools and the parks behind it. Loop two was only three laps, but had a deadly hill at the very beginning which tired you out. Theresa happened to be running loop one, and came first out of her all girls class. Her gym teacher, who happened to be Ms. Artemis called out her time.

"6:25 Theresa! Good job."

The other girls wouldn't start arriving until for another minute or two, then the really slow girls would come in about five. So instead she wandered over to the boys class who were waiting for their own class to finish loop two. Majority, actually, all of the guys were staring at her, or her legs. She was wearing fairly short shorts, and feeling fairly uncomfortable with all the looking, and being checked out. Smart one Theresa, wear fucking spandex, way to forget your regular shorts at the dorm. /She saw Jay and jumped on his back, covering his eyes and asking to guess who it was. She answered no to her own name but Jay still knew it was her. Whispers surrounded him when she was on his back, 'Lucky bastard.' /He ignored the comments and turned to face her.

"What'd you get on your loop one?"

"6:25, I hate those things."

"Me too, we already have advance training, we don't need extra running. Atlanta and Archie are the only ones who like it."

"Too true, oh well, what'd you get on your loop two?"



"What! Why?"

"Because I usually get 4:40."

"That's good, some guys can't even break five minutes."

"I just did this year, I used to get 5:10-5:20. Yuck."

"At least you improved."

"I guess," She noticed how dry her voice sounded, "Want to go to the fountain for a drink?"

"I was about to ask the same thing."

They headed into the school, near the doors that led into the P.E./Tech hallway, the smell of sawdust filled their noses as they passed the wood shop class. Some guys followed them in to also get a drink. Theresa bent over the fountain.

"They can at least put these damn things to our height."

All the guys agreed in mumbles because some of the boys were too distracted to talk while looking at her behind, eyes locked. Jay gave them a dirty glare and they looked away, as if they were doing nothing wrong. He had his sip and the two started back outside to the rest of the classes.


I hate this class, I hate this class. When am I EVER going to use the x and y intercepts of a line. I hate math. Atlanta stared at the board with a blank face plastered on her own. This sucks. No one was in her class from the seven of her best friends. She wanted to skip, but since she knew the teachers on a personal level, it wouldn't have gone over well. She saw Phil walking by her class room door and her thoughts were removed from math to him. I wonder how Theresa is working out with him. Jay is totally jealous, it was so obvious, even Neil noticed and he's usually concentrated on himself. /She giggled at Jay's reaction towards them at lunch, but then she thought of what Jay had said to Odie. "Well lets just say in a certain purple haired friend of ours does not stop teasing. Someone oblivious to his secret will soon find out." What does that even mean? Who's the oblivious one? Me and Archie were the only ones not laughing, ughh what secret don't I know?! It something about Archie and something I have to find out./

"Atlanta? Atlanta?!"

Her gaze came up from her paper with a chewed pencil hanging carelessly in her mouth. Her teacher was staring her down, not happy with her not paying attention.

"Yeth?" She laughed in her mind, thinking of the lisp the pencil gave her.

"Can you please do number seven on the board?"


She got it wrong, but she didn't care. Her mind was wandering somewhere else, about someone else. And that, she cared about, and that she was going to find out about. She was going to figure out this problem, but actually solve it. Opposite of her math, she was having trouble with that.


They all headed in to Herrys truck minus one. They saw walking with Phil and she gave a small wave and a smile, a few minutes later they all got texts on their PMRs saying the same thing. When she'd be home, where they were going if they needed to reach her, and any other useful information. The text read:

Hey guys, I'm going to the park with Phil, nothing special.
I'll be home a bit after dinner time, so don't get too worried, especially you Archie. ;)
Anyways, I'll have my PMR on like always if I need to be reached.
See you guys later! Xoxo Theresa.

They carried on after a good chuckle at the mention of Archie, and the teasing of how the hugs and kisses were all for Jay. Atlanta seemed to think that Archie liked Theresa and that was the secret. She asked and it took them the car ride home to convince her that Theresa was not the secret and Archie and her had no relationship out of the ordinary. Everyone went off to finish their homework, well most of it.

A couple hours later Athena was making dinner in the kitchen. Everyone was quiet and content with themselves. It was darker than usual from the clouds in the sky, but the descendents took no notice of it. Theresa was expected to be home, safe, and unharmed in a hour or so. Atlanta's thirst called her from the dry throat. She decided juice once she opened the fridge. She proceeded to pour the juice. Jay was in his room, doing who knows what, something to do with Cronus or Theresa. Archie was watching the television with Herry, and Odie was actually hanging out with Neil playing a video game. Their competition was simple, Strategy versus Luck. It was currently tied. The panic button went off on all the PMR's on the kitchen island. Jay had jumped the flight of stairs to see the commotion was, Atlanta spilt her juice. The rest ran into the kitchen. All six gadgets were beeping and flashing, Odie locked Theresas coordinates and they were off. All the while Jay crossing his fingers, hoping her vision wouldn't come true. The ride seemed to take forever for him, thoughts whirling around in his head. All about the same three people; Cronus, Phil, and Theresa. His Theresa, not Phils. Anger pulsed through his veins with every heartbeat. Cronus will be dead if anyone hurts Theresa in anyway. It didn't take Theresa to sense the anger radiating off of Jays body. They made sure to stay quiet and not talk directly to him. His eyes were blank until he finally focused them on what he didn't want to see. He looked through the glass of the windshield and saw the silhouettes of some people and giants deep in the trails. There was one silhouette being carried by another, and it looked like it was struggling. Then he saw a large bunch of hair whip around in the struggle. That was when Jay knew that her life was on the line. Fuck. He took on his leadership role and yelled at everyone to get out of the truck.

"The panic button went off for a reason!"

They charged into the forest, none of them knowing what to expect except for Jay and Theresa. He wasn't going to let the conclusion he remembered in his head be the one that ended today. The rest of the teenagers went for the giants while Herry drove back to the school to get some sort of potion that would hopefully help Phil break out of his trance. He ran to Chiron telling him everything he knew. Jay saw his teammates all go for their own prey, but this was the one battle he wasn't attacking Cronus first, no, he was going after Phil.


Sorry it's so short, didn't want to leave you waiting too long for an update. Anyways, Read and Reply, I always like seeing my inbox more full. It also encourages me to update faster.
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