Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > La Timinia

The Dream Connection - Part One: Do You Dream Of Me?

by panda_1418 2 reviews

I'm back, dudes, after being swamped with homework from band camp. Crammed it all into Saturday and went to the Prestige on Sunday, so I was busy all weekend. So here's my update.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-11-20 - Updated: 2006-11-21 - 905 words

Dreams within the still of night
On wings of hope take flight inside of me
There upon some distant shore
We want for nothing more than what will be

Julius rubbed his eyes repeatedly, making sure that he really was seeing what he thought. He was ... well, he didn't rightly know where he was, but wherever it was, it couldn't be anything greater than Heaven. He was drifting in a seemingly endless space, filled with a bright light. And in front of him ... was a sight that made his eyes water.


She was coming towards him slowly, and he could see her more clearly. She wasn't pale, looking like she was at death's door. She looked like he remembered, her skin bright and full of life; her soft, brown eyes gazing into his; her brown hair blowing in an unfelt wind.

And you and I, here we are
I wonder as we've come this far...

"Julius ..." she whispered.

Her voice. It was the most wonderful thing he had ever heard. Last time he had hear her speak, she hadn't really been speaking. She had been screaming. Screaming in pain, for sacrificing herself.

"Julius," she said again, a little scared, unsure, even, "where am I? Where are you?"

If I could only read your mind
Tell me the answer I would find
Do you dream of me?
And when you're smiling in your sleep
Beyond the promises we keep
Do you dream of me?

"I don't know, Delilah," he answered. "But I know I never want to leave. I don't want to go back to seeing you in pain. This, this here is perfection."

"Julius," she said quietly. "I ... I think I'm dreaming. This isn't real. It's to perfect, to sweet to be real."

He pulled her close to him in a hug. "I think I'm dreaming, too. But this is real. I'm really holding you, and you're really talking."

Love has found a magic space
A deep and hidden place where time stands still
Now I hold you in my arms
You know you hold my heart and always will (a/n aren't those perfect lyrics?)

"Where are you, Julius?" Delilah asked into his shirt. "Where are you? I can tell you've left me. Have you abandoned me? Has everyone abandoned me?"

Running his fingers through her hair, savouring the moment, Julius felt tears come to his eyes. It killed him, to hear her say those words. She had no idea what was going on.

"Of course I haven't abandoned you," he cooed, stroking her cheek. "I'm trying to find a cure. I'm looking for The Light, so I can save you. I haven't left you. I'd never leave you."

And you and I, here we are
And it's a wonder that we've come this far.

Delilah pulled away, and looked up at him. "You're looking for a cure? No, you can't! It's got to be dangerous! Don't go risking your life for me, I'm not worth it."

"Don't say that!" Julius said fiercely. "Don't you ever say that. Of course you're worth it! Besides, you'd do the same for me."

After he said that, her eyes went funny. Not weird, but it was a look he had never seen before. She looked ... in love. "Julius," she whispered, "I need to tell you something."

And after all that we've been through
You've leaned on me, Ive leaned on you
Do you dream of me?
And when you're smiling in your sleep
Beyond the promises we keep
Do you dream of me?

And then she said those three words. Those three words he had been waiting for so long to hear: "I love you."

It was a miracle. She did love him, she really did! All his fears meant nothing, for they were gone. He opened his mouth, ready to say, "I love you, too," but something happened. Something was wrong.

If I could only read your mind
Tell me the answer I would find
Do you dream of me?
And when you're smiling in your sleep
Beyond the promises we keep
Do you dream of me?

He couldn't say the words. His mouth froze on the first syllable. He tensed up, unable to move. What was wrong? Why couldn't he say those words? Delilah looked at him, her eyes betraying her hurt.

"Julius ... Don't you love me?"

Yes! he longed to scream. Of course I do, I've loved you all along! But he couldn't. He had frozen. She looked at him, shaking her head, tears streaming down her face. Then she turned. Turned and began to walk away.

And after all that we've been through
You've leaned on me, Ive leaned on you.
Do you dream of me?

Delilah Delilah Delilah! his mind cried. He could feel tears pouring down his cheeks, but he couldn't move. Why had he frozen? Why had he wasted this moment?

Delilah shot one last glance over her shoulder. When Julius did nothing, she began to fade away. She was leaving, leaving thinking that he didn't love her!! The evanescence of Delilah snapped something inside him. He could move again, and he ran to where she still barely was.

"Delilah, I love you! I really do love you!" he called.

But it was too late. She was gone. And she thought he didn't love her.

Do you dream of me?

"Do You Dream Of Me" by Michael W. Smith
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