Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > La Timinia

The Dream Connection - Part Three: Loyalties

by panda_1418 3 reviews

Sorry guys, no song for this baby.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-11-22 - Updated: 2006-11-23 - 346 words

Usha watched Julius as he squirmed in his sleep. Sweat poured down his face and he made quiet moans. Whatever he was dreaming, it wasn't nice. If someone else had been surveying him, they wouldn't have hesitated to wake him. But this was Usha, demon, Devil's Servant. She enjoyed watching others suffer.

"He doesn't know how much I'm going to give up," she mumbled, playing with a twig on the ground. "He can't fathom what this will cost me."

Was it worth it? She had asked herself dozens of times in the past week, through their research and travels. Was all of this really worth the sacrifice that she would make? What did she get out of this, anyway? Revenge. That was all Usha wanted. Revenge. Payback, for the way her master had abandoned her.

"He's doing it for love," she mumbled, looking up at the moon. It would be full in three weeks. "He has a greater reason for doing this, so why am I the one giving up the most?"

She didn't know the answer. Maybe it was some sick trick brought down on her for her past of evils. Maybe there would be a reward in it for her. Maybe it was because she was a demon, and all demons had to give this much when they tried to do good.

"It's not fair," she whispered, scowling. A tear rolled down her cheek. She hadn't cried in centuries. She was feeling, for the first time since her transformation, emotion! What a strange feeling it was. It was awful, how had she lived with this before?

"Why do I do this? Is there a point? It's not like the cause is greater than the risk. No, the risk is far, far greater than the cause. Why am I helping him? Why should I concern myself over what becomes of his lover?"

Usha sat in the dark, pondering these thoughts until morning.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I thought I'd give you a taste of what's going on inside our little demon's mind. =p
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