Categories > Anime/Manga > One Piece > A Cat's Instinct


by Kabuto_Yakushi 0 reviews

When a young teen vows to avenge the "death" of his father, ,he finds another adventure of his very own. Will he accomplish his task, or will he find out the truth about his father

Category: One Piece - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-11-25 - Updated: 2006-11-26 - 250 words

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, unless further noted in this disclaimer.

A Cat's Instinct

He didn't know where they came from. He felt so lost, and so abandoned. When he realized that everything was silent, he cried out.
"Mother!" he called, his voice broken.
He received an answer, only from the silence of the room.
The young boy emerged from the cabinet, his black hair, ruffled, and his clothing wrinkled from head to toe. He squinted as the sunlight hit his eyes, and reflected off his glasses.
As his eyes adjusted, he sat down.
Everything was totally ransacked, and blood was spilt everywhere. Tears once again formed in his eyes, as he stared at the wreckage, of what used to be his house.
"I'm all alone.." he said, sitting back down again, " All...alone..."
He then heard a faint meow from the shadows, and it made him gasp.
"Kato, is that you?" the boy asked, feebly, looking at the yellow eyes peering at him.
A black cat came out into the light, and rubbed against the boy's leg.
He smiled, and petted his only companion.
"Oh Kato, I'm so glad that you're here." He said, smiling sadly, " Mother is gone,. I think the Navy took her..."
The boy then leaned against the wall, pulled his knees up against his chest, and fell asleep, the cat curled up in his lap and fell asleep also, it's purring, serving as a kind of lullaby to the frightened boy.
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