Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Big Brother


by SheWhoCannotBeTurned 0 reviews

During his sixth year, harry defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort. During his seventh year, Harry goes up against his biggest foe yet... Big Brother

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Humor, Romance - Characters: Blaise Zabini, Draco, Harry, Justin, Mandy Brocklehurst, Padma, Seamus Finnigan, Other - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-11-28 - Updated: 2006-11-28 - 4012 words

Big Brother

Summary - During his sixth year, Harry defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort.
During his seventh year, Harry goes up against his biggest foe yet... Big Brother.

Disclaimer - I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I own Big Brother. Those belong to JK Rowling and George Orwell (though I suppose you could say that it belongs to channel4 or whoever came up with the pitch) respectively.

A/N - Okay, so watching Big Brother I got this idea, and actually I have no idea if it has been done before. If it has I apologise and bear with me... please.
I have no idea where this is going to go, in which direction, who the winner will be, nothing, though I do intend for it to be Harry/Draco, so if you don't like that, then I apologise. Sorry.
Now, why I said that I have no idea where this is going or anything else like that is because it will be completely up to you! The readers, so if you want to get a say in this fic, then you had better review. I want you all to vote out who you want from those that are nominated by the characters (though please don't vote for Harry and Draco, I will just ignore them if you do. It would kinda defeat the object if you vote those two out on the first chapter.)
At the end, you will also choose the winner of Big Brother from the four remaining housemates (which means that it will be up to you whether or not Draco or Harry wins, or whether it will be someone completely different.
Right then, I think that is all I need to say. I realise that a good majority of people have probably skipped this part, but oh well, just means that they miss out on giving their ideas and thoughts on this fic. :) So without further ado! I give you Big Brother... Harry Potter style.


The students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry sat in the Great Hall on the last day of school. It was the end of Harry's sixth year, and over the last year, he had managed to finish what he felt he had been born for. Harry Potter had lived up to the name of Saviour of the Wizarding World and had defeated Lord Voldemort. Of course, now Harry believed that he was no longer needed and had completed his purpose in life. At sixteen.

If that wasn't bad enough, he was alone. Ron and Hermione both had each other now. Ginny was going out with a new guy every week, and no one seemed to have any time for Harry any more. Not that Harry would have wanted to talk to them anyway, not really. None of them understood what he went through over the last six years. No one understood the torment that he was put under, especially over the last year. In short, Harry Potter was alone.

Now Harry may have been acting and thinking like a slightly moody teenager, but well do we blame him? Spends all of his wizarding life fighting and running from the most evil Dark Wizard since Grindewald and now, when he defeats him, he has nothing to do. In Harry's opinion, that sucked. Next year was going to be very boring. Or so he thought anyway.

"Students! I wish for you to have a good summer. The wizarding world will be able to relax once more, because Lord Voldemort is dead. May you go back to your families and celebrate that fact. And of course forget everything that had been piled into your brains, but come back next year ready and raring to learn! Have a good summer everyone, and stay safe!" Dumbledore finished, turning his twinkling eyes on Harry half way through his speech and nodding to the petulant teenager.


Across the hall at the Slytherin table, was another teen who thought his life had no worth now that Old Evil One was gone. Draco Malfoy felt like he had nothing to do anymore. Well besides having to manage the Malfoy finances, but that was boring. He felt that he was alone now. Sure he had friends, but none that understood what he went through in the short, but terrible war.

Of course, he was glad deep down inside that none of them had to go through what he had. None of their parents were quite as sadistic as Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Thank the sweet baby Jesus and the Orphans that they were dead now. Speaking of Orphans, it seemed that Dumbledore was blowing Potters horn again. Not that Draco wasn't thankful that the Dark Lord had been defeated. Oh no, he was. He was about this far from being forced into joining his troops and completely ruining his flawless skin. Not a good look for a Malfoy. It wasn't a very nice tattoo anyway. But still, did they have to praise and worship Potter everywhere that he went? It was unnecessary. And irritating.

But over the summer he would be able to get away from everything and one. All the gossiping and hero-worship. Everything. Sadly, that also included civilisation, but Draco could deal with that. The Manor was too large to go stir crazy in anyway. He would be communicating with Goblins regularly as well. So it wasn't all that bad. Just seemed a bit lonely for a just turned seventeen year old boy. A horny one at that. Damn.


On the train home, our two heroes (just accept it, Draco would get bolshy if you didn't) ignored each other. Neither left their compartment to bug the other, their empty compartments, where they were completely alone and without friends. Friends that seemed to have better company. Actually in Draco's case, said friends had decided that it would be safer and more healthy for their lives if they stayed out of Draco's compartment. Both of the boys had decided that they were fed up of petty rivalries. Though of course, by September that may have changed, being that it was probably the only way now to stave off the boredom. Not that either would admit that. No, that would be admitting that they needed each other in some twisted Psychoanalytical way. Bloody muggles.


When the train arrived into Kings Cross station, Harry sighed and looked around him at all the happy families. They were so carefree now, not tense like they were at the end of last year, when the news that Voldemort had returned was revealed. People weren't looking around at others in suspicion anymore. Well at least people that weren't in Slytherin or were called Mad Eye Moody. Harry though, he had to go to his loveless family where he would be treated worse than Dobby. At least he didn't have the sock fetish. Things could be worse.

Harry suddenly felt the feeling of loneliness wash over him in an overwhelming wave. He staggered slightly, silently thanking whoever was listening that no one noticed. He watched as the Weasley's left, waving briefly at him. He knew he wouldn't hear from them for the whole summer, because they were going to Romania to visit Charlie at the Dragon Reserve.

Hermione soon left after them with her parents, happily chatting away about the year just gone. Excitedly telling them that the threat of Voldemort had gone, thanks to Harry.. you remember Harry don't you? Scrawny kid with glasses? Yeah that's the one. Harry sighed again and left the relative safety and erm... saneness of Platform 9 and 3/4's and went to find the Dursley's. Oh the luxuries of being the saviour of the Wizarding world.


Draco stepped off of the train, shrunken trunk in his pocket and walked over to the floo system. He absolutely hated the floo, but the Malfoy name was pretty much mud in the wizarding world now and so he hadn't been able to get a portkey.

Landing in the fireplace of Malfoy Manor, he sighed at the empty feeling that the whole place exuded. Walking out of the fireplace, he walked out of the room and to his new bedroom, the Master Bedroom, calling a House Elf on the way.

"Bitsy, can you get rid of the dust sheets in the rooms I will use this summer please, and get the master bedroom ready for me. Also would you take my trunk up and enlarge it again for me? Oh and have dinner ready for me soon as well. I will be in the study." He said, handing the elf his miniature trunk and then walking in the direction of the study.

Looking around at the stack of legal documents that he would have to read and then sign, he sighed. Looked like his summer was going to be full of laughs. What a bore.


Harry woke up sweating form yet another nightmare depicting the events of the final 'battle'.

"Pfft, battle. More like duel between two wizards, being watched and heckled by several other wizards." Harry muttered, wiping the sweat away from his forehead using his duvet.

The final 'battle' had been unfair in many ways, not including the fact that Harry was out numbered, younger by several years and had also been tortured for the last couple of days. His faith in Dumbledore had completely vanished when his beloved and esteemed order hadn't come to save him and had left him alone to battle Voldemort. He would have been able to forgive them that, if it hadn't been that he knew they were waiting in the sidelines, so that they could have taken him away if it looked like Voldemort was going to win. They left him to be tortured, claiming it to add character. Oh yes, lots of character. The Longbottom's were evidence of that. Unless of course they meant the fact that had Harry been tortured any longer, his mind would probably of cracked and he would have created lots of extra characters and developed MPD. The BWL with MPD. It was bad enough he already had OCD and ADD. Good lord, he sounded like a medical guide. With all the letters after his name he would actually look important in the Muggle world. Could you imagine him having a PhD. He could head letters with Harry Potter, ADD, MPD, OCD, PhD. Bit of a mouth full.
Can you get a PhD in the Magical world?

The thought made Harry chuckle weakly and get up for a glass of water from the bathroom. Sadly, it turned out that his screaming had woken up the Dursley's. They were not happy bunnies. The bruises forming on Harry's chest and stomach were testament to that.

Sighing, Harry closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep again. Hoping that if he did fall asleep, he wouldn't have any nightmares. Didn't work, but the thought was there.


Draco woke up and got dressed in his best black cloak and robes. He was going to go to Gringotts today to check out his accounts. It had been a week since the beginning of the summer holidays and Draco had only just finished signing all of the legal documents, towards the end, he had no idea what he was signing, he just did it automatically.

Walking into Gringotts with his cloaks swirling behind him impressively (he mentally thanked Severus for telling him the trick) he walked up to the nearest Goblin and demanded to see the Malfoy Family Accounts Goblin. Being taken straight to his office, he sat down and waited for the Goblin to arrive.

"Mr Malfoy, what can I do for you?" The goblin asked, walking in and sitting in his seat behind the desk.

"I wish to set my affairs in order, so that I will not have to return here once I go back to Hogwarts." Draco stated, leaning forwards slightly.

"Ah well that is fine then Mr Malfoy. I believe you have signed all of the legal documents, so all you have to do is sign a few more and then we can proceed down to your vaults and get the family ring." The goblin stated, Draco nodded, mentally sighing at the thought of more documents to sign.


Harry sighed for what seemed like the twentieth time that hour. The Dursley's had finally learnt that the Order were no longer watching Harry, though what took them this long to work out, Harry had no idea. The only thing that made him feel better was that he only had five more weeks of this, then he would be returning to Hogwarts. After this summer, Harry was leaving and never coming back. Dumbledore be damned.

Now that he had gotten that short period of rebellion out of his system, he groaned and winced slightly at the pain that moving brought. It was funny. He had always loved this cupboard. It had always been his safe haven. Now though, he was a tweak to big for it. Of course the Dursley's weren't making him stay in here permanently, no, they were only making him stay in there for the next couple of days so that he could think about what he had done (nothing) and when they let him out he would feel grateful towards their own generosity (at this point he wondered if delusion ran in the family or if it was contagious, either way he worried that eventually he might get it.).

So Harry grinned and bared it, in the hopes that they would suddenly forget that he was here and leave him alone (though when he thought this a second time, he hadn't realised quite how pathetic that had sounded) Also when he thought this thought, he had to groan again. Delusion had finally caught up with him. Damn

"Boy! Have you repented yet?" He heard his uncle yell, making the dust fall down from the beams and making Harry sneeze.

"Oh yes uncle, and thankfully I have not shagged some she-demon wench so I will not be going to hell." Harry said back sarcastically. Sadly the sarcasm was lost on his uncle.

"Well good. I won't have that sort of thing going on under my roof. I don't care what your get up to at school, but that sort of thing will not be going on under this roof." His uncle was now on a role and had started to ramble about unnaturalness of his nephew and how they should all be bloody shot.

Harry sighed again, wincing in pain as his ribs moved slightly. "Ah Mephistopheles." He muttered, before succumbing to the pain and passing out with a small crash.


Draco spent the next fortnight going back and forth to Gringotts. The Goblin had obviously stretched the truth slightly when he had said that he would only have to sign a few more. More like a few more each day for the rest of his life. Okay so that was an exaggeration, but what kind of Malfoy would he be if he didn't exaggerate a tweak each time?

Walking out of the fireplace, he wandered to his front room, starting a bit as he noticed that Severus was sitting in chair, reading a Potions text.

"Severus, what can I do for you?" Draco asked, playing the courteous host.

"I am here on the Headmasters orders. I am to take you to Hogwarts, a few other students are going to be there as well."

"Why? What is happening? Do they need me for something?"

"I do not know. That crackpot old fool of a headmaster did not feel the need to inform me. He only told me that several other students would be arriving as well. I will be taking you, you should have finished getting your affairs in order. So pack your trunk and we can leave." Snape said curtly. Draco nodded and snapped his fingers for a house elf.

"Mitsy, can you please pack my trunk for school please? Thank you. I will be leaving today to go to school early, so could you make sure that all the furniture is covered with dust sheets please. I will be returning at the end of the school year like normal, I won't be coming home for Christmas so do not expect me." Draco said. The house elf nodded and then disappeared, returning soon after with Draco's trunk.

"Grab hold of this then Draco and we shall leave." Snape said, offering a quill for Draco to hold.

"Okay then, if you don't know why then we should go then. I will need for you to keep going to Gringotts as my advisor whilst I'm at Hogwarts if you wouldn't mind Sev."

"That is fine. Now grab hold of the blasted portkey and don't call me Sev. I thought we had broken you of that when you were five." Sev growled, grabbing Draco's hand and muttering the password so that they could leave.


Harry lay on his bed, looking at Hedwig, who had hooted her Birthday congratulations to Harry just a few minutes before. Actually, she was probably just wondering when she would be fed, or if she could be let out. But Harry liked to think that she was telling him happy birthday. And enter Delusion.

"Happy Birthday cub. Tried any magic?" Harry shot up from his bed and looked over at his door.

"Remus? What are you doing here?" Harry asked frowning, waving his hand to close the door behind the werewolf.

"I see you don't really need your wand then. Is that detected by the ministry?" Remus asked, grabbing the chair from his desk and sitting next to Harry's bed.

"Nope, I've been able to do it since the summer after fourth year. I hid it until now. So why are you here Moony?" Harry asked, tilting his head to the side and looking at his honorary uncle and financial advisor.

"Well, the headmaster sent me here to collect you to take you back to Hogwarts early. So here I am." Remus said cheerfully, making Harry grin momentarily before he remembered himself and scowled.

"Why do I have to go to Hogwarts early? I killed Voldemort remember? What does he want me to do now? Change the wizarding world as we know it? Can it not wait until I actually have NEWT's?" Harry said, scowl growing deeper and threatening for his face to fold in on itself, which Remus thought would be quite the achievement.

"Actually, I have no idea why you have to go. Apparently there are quite a few other people going. Mentioned something about 1984? No, um... Room 101? No it wasn't that either, oh it was something. Then he twinkled at us and sent us on our way, with a little envelope with a name in." Remus said. By the end of his rambling, Harry felt like his head was about to explode.

"1984? The year or the book?" Harry asked, clearly not the first thing he would have asked, but well, at the moment, it was the only thing that his mind computed.

"Er... the year? What do you mean the book? Why would there be a book called 1984?" Remus asked, looking at Harry as though he had grown a new head.

"I think we may have strayed away from the point. It was a Muggle book, by um... some bloke. Aldous Huxley? No, he wrote Brave New World. What was his name?" Harry murmured, before standing up and walking over to the shelf filled with Muggle books that Dudley had been given over the year.

"Maybe you should take some of those with you? Put a few in your trunk. give you something to read." Remus mentioned casually. Harry turned and scowled at him, holding a book in his hand.

"Okay, I'll just put a few in then shall I?" Harry said, looking at him suspiciously and grabbing a few more books off the shelf. "Aha! George Orwell, he's the guy that wrote 1984. Maybe I should lend it too you."


"Welcome back to a new year of school, this year we have something a little different. As you will have noticed there are several seventh year students missing from each house. Tomorrow night, you will all find out why they are missing and what they will be participating in. For now, tuck in!" Dumbledore said cheerfully and sat down. As the food appeared on the tables, the Great Hall erupted into whispers about the whereabouts of the missing students.


The next evening, the students sat down to listen to what the headmaster had to say. There had been several rumours and theories spread around in the short time that they had to make them. Which meant that Snape was brought to his wits end with students asking hi what was happening and then deciding that his room would be the perfect place to come up with most theories. Safe to say, no one managed to make a decent potion. Oh yeah, and no one was even remotely close to the truth.

"Students, today Hogwarts will be changing history. This year we will be making a breakthrough in Muggle/Wizard relations. The board decided over the summer, that we would recreate a Muggle reality show. This year, twelve chosen seventh years, chosen by the sorting hat, will be spending the next few months in the Big Brother house." Dumbledore said, eyes twinkling. The muggleborn's in the school all gasped whereas the purebloods and halfbloods all looked completely bewildered.

"Big Brother is a reality show, where several people will live in a house together. It will all be broadcast on a magical screen in the spare classroom down the hall 24/7. Every night at nine o'clock there will be highlights of the day before. It will be open to watch to all those fifteen and older.

"Now, let us introduce the presenter of this fine experiment. Which if it is successful, will be held every year. Now, please shout and cheer for miss Davina McCall."

"Hello, and welcome to this very special Big Brother! This year there will be twelve students entering the house! It will be up to you who leaves each week and who will be the winner! So without further ado lets introduce the new housemates of Big Brother Hogwarts!

"The first housemate of this year will be Blaise! He is a Slytherin who believes that he is Merlin's gift to mankind. He is not overly fond of Muggles but he believes that if they all died then there would be no one for him to mock. When asked what he thinks he will bring to the House he replied 'what in gods name are you making me do?". So please! Give it up for Blaise!" Davina shouted, making the very excitable students cheer and boo as they watched Blaise Zabini walked into the house on the large screen that had appeared behind the teachers table.

The housemates were each introduced one by one, with three students from each house, until all twelve had been introduced. The housemates that would be living in the house together were Mandy Brockhurst, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Terry Boot, Seamus Finnegan, Lavender Brown, Padma Patil, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, and the two that caused the most up roar... Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

Once they were in the house, all looking slightly confused, the students were then told to go back to their common rooms, unless they wished to stay to watch BB live.

A/N - well, do you think it is worth continuing with? Even if you don't, well I am going to post the next chapter as well, because well, I've already written it. Anyway, from now on, it will constantly be from the point of view of those in the house. You will not here about what is going on outside of the house, effectively cutting you off from the outside world as well! :D ... sort of.
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