Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > OASIS


by Niyu_chan_Mizuke 1 review

First Fanfiction. Yuffie returned to Wutai to restore it back after receiving vacation time, but when she finds a secret cavern under the throne room, she maybe a way over her head! It leads to a d...

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Horror, Romance - Characters: Cloud, Sora, Yuffie, Other - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2006-11-30 - Updated: 2006-11-30 - 2551 words

Hello! I hope you like this story as the people had in the last website I did. It's a little different than my works.... or not really. XP I make weird fanfictions as my life and this is my first published one. So... Wheee!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own any FFVII, FFVIII, or Kingdom Hearts. They belong to Square Enix and Tetsuya Nomura. The only thing I own here is Oasis and any character associated with it.
Silence can become someone's worst enemy if they desire it. It would not be easy for someone to keep quiet when one was sociable, especially when alone by oneself. One would think this would apply to the 'Great Ninja.'

Those who said that about she, probably didn't know Yuffie Kisaragi as well as they claimed to.

Yuffie stood in the middle of what once was a courtyard (now a graveyard full of debris and unmarked graves of soldiers), summoning up enough courage to step inside the ruins of the palace she once called home. Maybe she was scared to relive those memories of the night her country died.

She shook her head, grabbing her shoulder bag tightly and briefing a small sigh. The palace was only a remnant of what it once was. Some of the walls were open with gaping holes and majority of the roof was gone--- or on the floors. The remaining structures were covered by overgrown plants and vines. The grass was dying from lack of caring and many trees had fallen over.

Yuffie quietly stepped into the main hallway, carefully stepping over weapons and such, still remain dropped from the warriors. She remembered stealing weapons from her parents' case, acting as the ninja she had yet realized she would become in later years. She always wanted to be strong like her mother, so she would always try to mimic her moves, most of them done poorly.

Her mother would always get so mad at her afterwards! Her face would go into one of those rare stern looks, but after the scolding, she would always laugh afterwards, realizing how silly her face looked to her.

Yuffie wasn't as close to her father as her, unfortunately. He seemed more intent with the country, and often made her do more errands than actually talking to her. Her old man seemed to always think of her more of an heir to the country than an actual daughter. That was probably why she would always hate being around her father.

When her mother died, their relationship only grew worse. They would often argue violently; sometimes leading to whippings from her father. However, she realized later on, it was neither of their faults. Both were grieved and stressed; her father became a little older, she became more insistent to be a warrior. While his spirit withered, her spirit grew, so often they conflicted.

This was probably why he was---

She shook her head once more, hushing away the unshed tears from view. It was no time for grief; she was here to rebuild while she had vacation time, that's it. Yuffie continued onto the throne room, from what it appeared to be the most damaged area. The entire roof was at the floor, letting some sun shine through from the gray sky. Some of the wooden floors could be seen from the rubble, rotted and worn.

"I guess I should start here," she surmised solemnly. Yuffie stumbled over the rubble, trying her best to move things to make it easier to clean up later on. At about the middle of the room, Yuffie climbed over a large boulder, but tripped on the way down.

With a hard thud, Yuffie crashed onto the wooden floor. Wincing, she got on all fours, muttering, "Geez, I might as well put a 'Danger' sign!" She got on one knee, but, as she started to get up, the wood below her creaked and severed, revealing, much to her disbelief, a large hole.

With a horrified and enraged scream, she fell and crashed about ten feet down. Giving an annoyed groan, she got up on two feet and gazed around the large cave. There wasn't much light illuminating it, only the two torches lined at both ends of the circular cavern. There was a funny looking blue stone at the other end, large and looked like it was embedded in the earthen wall. It was strange looking, because it almost seemed like there was a silhouette in there.

Curious, she walked over to the stone, hoping to get a better look at the shadow. What she saw shocked her. There really was a woman in there! Giving a strange look, Yuffie placed a hand on the stone, studying the woman inside.

She was about her age(1), taller and with wan skin, but she can take that from being stuck in the stone. Her hair was short and a dark violet, framing about her round face and cascading down in her eyes. She wore a white tunic-like dress, a slit on both of calves and underneath black tight shorts. She wore black gloves underneath stainless steel hand guards with fish nets reaching up to her upper arm. A blue sash was wrapped tightly around her waist, tied to the side and ankle-high boots covered her feet.

Her heart twisted in horror as her stomach flipped multiple times over. Where had she come from and why did she seem so familiar to her? It was so strange to her; Yuffie wondered what she should do.

Yuffie's pulse quickened when the woman's eyes shot open, revealing a dark hazel, much like hers. The stone began to crack and Yuffie quickly jumped back as the stone shattered around her feet. "Oh, shit," she cursed as the woman stepped over, giving a menacing smile. "Who are you?!" The woman replied by summoning a sword, much like Riku's Keyblade and Yuffie instinctively went into a crouch-like stance, grabbing tightly on her Conformer(2).

"You won't need to be concerned with that."

The letter made no sense to him, as far as he could tell. It was just so vague for something the King would write, but at least they had an idea on where they were going. Riku sat as comfortable as he could on the spare bench of the Highwind, studying the letter as best as he could.

'My Friends of Destiny Islands---

I hope you've been enjoying your time back home as I have at the kingdom. Unfortunately, I must request your assistance on something that I could not hold off for you all. It has come to my understanding of a place where our keys were born. I'm traveling to that world, even as we speak, but I do not believe that we are not alone on this journey to our roots. I've seen darkness in my dreams; one that can not be simply destroyed. That's why I've asked your hand once more in battle as maybe our war has yet to end. We will need help this time, so stop by Radiant Garden on the way to the coordinates I attached to see if they would lend a hand here! Tell them I have an 'old friend' with me that they would like to see.

Your friend,
King Mickey

P.S.: Also, if you have any trouble, just tap the Keyblades. Don't worry! I'll explain when you get here. Farewell for now! K.M.M.'

Riku sighed as he folded the paper once more in his pocket. He didn't get anything new, unfortunately. He just knew they needed to stop by Radiant Garden to pick up Sora's friends. He recalled hearing a few of them before, during when Maleficent was trying to corrupt him: a horrible cook(3), a swordsman, a pilot, and a ninja.

Maybe there were a few other people; he didn't really care much for it. He wanted this war to end, so they could return home--- it sounded like he already missed it. Well, he hadn't really enjoyed his "experiences."

"Anything yet?"

He knew who it was, but, nevertheless, he jumped anyway. He averted his eyes to Kairi and gave a hefty sigh, "Nothing." Kairi nodded her head slightly and took a seat next to him, crossing her legs.

"Well, I'm sure things will turn out fine," she encouraged, supporting it with a small smile. Riku only returned it with a frown but nodded his head as well. He guessed things could be worse.

"Has Sora found anything from Goofy and Donald?" Sora was just as confused about the letter as he was. He was most curious about the place they were going to, since the King hadn't given much on that. In all honesty, Riku wasn't surprised. He was always curious about new things and would ask the most peculiar questions if you get him at the right moment.

Kairi shrugged, muttering, "He's still talking to them." Riku nodded, leaning his back once more on the wall and shut his eyes, deciding to rest before they landed.

He tapped his fingers in a rhythm on the arm of the stiff chair, waiting for the right moment. He wanted their reunion to come first before asking questions. Sora, after all, knew that their friendship was a little more important to them. He had been through a lot with his friends, so why waste a good moment?

After Donald had finished his story about his date with Daisy (he made a few mental notes on what not to do) he decided now would be a good idea. "So," he began nonchalantly, pausing to stretch his stiff arms in front of him, "you know anything about this planet we're going to?"

He noticed the confusion in his two companions' features as they thought about it. Maybe they didn't know any more than they did. Sora wouldn't be surprised. Though they were most likely more knowledgeable about the worlds than he was, the King would share about the same amount of information.

Donald looked over at him, giving a small frown. "Well," he mused, obviously still thinking it over, "We know it's where the Key Blade was made and that this new enemy may be over there..." He trailed off as he once more collected his thoughts about anything else.

Goofy spoke up this time. "I think the name was Oasis," he remarked, "but that's about it." Sora nodded and leaned back against the arm chair as Radiant Garden came into view. It was an odd name, but at least he knew what to call it.

Sora knew they must've touched down in the wrong place as he stared out at the ruins of the place. Much to his amazement, heartless was crawling all over the place. Why would they even bother with a place like this? It didn't look like anyone was living here for years.

"This isn't right...." Kairi mused, casting glances of the place, worry etching in her features. "There has to be something here they want, or this place wouldn't be covered by them."

"This dump?!" Donald exclaimed with an agitated glare as he crossed his arms across his chest. Sora couldn't help but agree; the place was baron and deserted. Nonetheless, he summoned his key blade.

He charged forward and began to hack away the heartless, letting out a low growl at the annoyance of the dark creatures sometimes. He only began clearing a pathway, knowing that Donald, Goofy, and Riku would take care of the rest. As he looked around, he noticed that the heartless seemed to be looking for something as if it was missing.

He also noticed that the place set up was much like a palace; maybe it was at one time a grand place. Maybe there was something valuable here. If there was, he had to admit, he would like to see it.

The number of heartless only tripled in the throne room, shocking him to no end. They must've converged here for the something. He shifted his gaze behind him, stuttering, "Anybody out for a brawl?" They had only just started and already it was overflowing.

Sora once again went into a fighting stance, repelling the heartless pouncing on them. He began to step forward before Kairi rushed over and grabbed him by the shoulder, yelling, "Look!" She pointed to a specific area and Sora gazed over to see his good friend, Yuffie, sitting at the throne, apparently knocked out.

Sora cursed under his breath and rushed forward, slashing through the heartless like twigs. He felt the rush of the others with him and he felt safer for it. He trusted his companions more so than before he became the key bearer, and he never would take them for granted again.

They reached the throne in no time, but something disturbed him in the position she was in. She was slumped over, but he saw dirt on her; as far as he could tell, there was no dirt anywhere in the ruins. It almost seemed like she was placed.

Before awakening her, they took out the rest of the heartless in the room. With a brief sigh of relief, Sora shook the motionless girl lightly, and the ninja stirred, her eyes fluttering open.

"Nyuh..." she exhaled lightly as she sat up, giving a blank expression in her eyes. She seemed confused at where she was, only supporting his assumption. Her eyes averted over to the key bearer, and she casually smiled at him. "Yo," Yuffie greeted slowly before sitting up.

She gazed over the room, a blank expression still apparent in her features. After a moment of tense silence as the others waited for an answer patiently, Yuffie stood abruptly, yelling out in rage, making him jump.

"W-what?" Sora stuttered, staring at Yuffie, bewildered. She didn't usually get angry, so hearing her like this was very startling.

He became more relieved at her small scowl, a more noticeable look around Leon. She placed her hands on her hips and looked over to the throne. Yuffie's expression softened then and she mused, "The woman put me there---." Her voice trailed off then as a glare began to show.

"Who are you talking about?" Donald demanded, frowning. He was just confused as all of them, but he was a more outspoken character despite his complicated profession.

Yuffie only shook her head as she shrugged, sighing dejectedly. She slumped back on the throne. "Guys," she began, almost solemnly for someone like her, "let me start off by saying, welcome to Wutai, my home...."

Well, if you people are confused, be. I wanted that... For all those KHIII theory fans, here's another one. Just a little... different than others. I'm not one to give away thing, so don't ask, I won't tell. I'm not one to give secrets.

Ahem, anyway, I plan to keep a section here for Vocabulary:

(1): For anyone who's played Dirge of Cerberus, I'm referring to her age there, approx. 19 at the time. She's also wearing her outfit. For those who've never played it, just email and I'll send you a picture.

(2): Her shuriken during FFVII, edited slightly. Just the pink ribbon on the handle.

(3): Reference to Kingdom Hearts manga. It's a joke that Aerith is a horrible cook, because of her odd concoctions.
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