Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2230 words

A/N I've been told by some that have read this that parts of this chapter should be classified as PG-13. So please read with caution. It's just because I let the Willow/Tara romance blossom a little. If I've offended anyone before I gave it this rating, I'm sorry. I hope everyone enjoys.

"Damn that slayer and her watcher." Spike yelled to no one in particular. All his vampire lackeys turned to stare at him. They had each been trying to locate the Gem of Amara in various volumes and texts. "If they had just stayed out of the way, I could have that witch and her lover." He began pacing. His time frame for finding the Gem was narrow. It would only be three more days that the Gem could be activated. "Bloody hell!"
Harmony walked up to Spike. "What's the matter, Blondie Bear? Has somebody gotten up on the wrong side of the crypt this morning." She smiled at his glare. "What is the deal with this Gem anyways. It doesn't sound very pretty or valuable. Why are you so hot to get it?"
Spike ran up to Harmony and grabbed her by the throat. "I don't need your sodding praddling on. We need to find the Gem and we need those two witches together to do it. Or can't you get that through your sodding head?" He gripped her tighter before throwing her to the ground.
Harmony was about to say something, when a short, dark haired vampire burst into the cave. "I have news." Spike glared at him. "I've been following the red headed witch today. She went to see the blonde. But she ran out."
"And this is supposed to be cheering me up?" Spike shook his head and took a couple threatening steps towards the vampire. "If this is what you call bloody news, you'd better think again. Or I'll see that you and the slayer have a nice little meeting. Or, better yet, you and I can have a nice little meeting."
The vampire began shaking. He took several steps backwards. "S-Spike, there's more." Spike simply nodded. "The blonde witch is now there with the red head. Right now, the slayer is there too, but I got the feeling that she wasn't going to stick around. This could be our chance to grab the two and then..."
"And then, I can have the Gem like I should have by now." Spike grinned his evil grin. "If you weren't all sodding morons, I would have it." He shrugged. "Still, if we can get those two magick types here, than I can have what I've been searching for." His grin widened. "I think it's time we have a little party. But let's all watch out for the slayer, now shall we."

Willow's voice squeaked as she spoke. "Tara. What are you doing here? Not that I'm not glad that you're here but after what happened you don't need to give me an explanation, plus we're supposed to be doing the grownup thing." Willow's face reddened at the possible meaning of the sentence. "Oh! I didn't mean the grownup thing, just doing what we were supposed to so that we didn't endanger the world 'cause if I had done the grown up thing, I never would have seen what I seen and now you wouldn't be here and it wouldn't be so awkward."
Buffy stared at her best friend. She broke her gaze away from Willow to see the blushing blonde wicca. "Willow, relax and breathe. You're going to suffocate if you don't."
That got Willow's attention and a small smile out of Tara. "What? Oh, right." She smiled sheepishly. "You still going to patrol, Buffy?" Willow's eyes pleaded with her to say no and to please stay.
"Uh, yeah." Buffy smiled at the uncomfortable look Willow got on her face. "And I'm going to stop by Giles' and see if there's anything new. If you need me, call me there." Before Willow or Tara could say anything, she was out the door.
Willow half smiled at Tara. "Uh, come in." She let Tara slide by her. She shut the door and locked it. She had a funny feeling that there might be trouble with the two of them so close. Trouble of the bad guy activity and not the other. After all, they'd only kissed. They hadn't done the thing that two people did when they were so much in love with each other like they were. Goddess! Even her thoughts were rambling now. "So..."
"W-why did you t-take off so f-fast?" Tara's blue eyes were sparkling. But there was also some hidden pain. It was something that Willow didn't like seeing.
And she had caused that pain, by running out on her before getting a full explanation. She should have stuck around and found out what really had happened. "I.." She sighed heavily. It was no use in lying, she had to tell the truth. "I thought that I walked in on something that was, er, private."
Tara's cheeks reddened even more. "N-no!" A little nervous laugh escaped the blonde. "N-not even." She took a step closer to the red head. "W-we're j-just friends, Kira and m-me."
"Kira?" Willow knew that name from somewhere. Granted, the two didn't really know that much about each other and that was still something she wanted to rectify, but that particular name did sound familiar. Her friend from back east! The one that... Willow swallowed hard at the thought. "You mean, your..." She trailed off. She couldn't even think about possibly finishing that thought. It would break her heart into a thousand pieces.
"Y-yes." Tara's gaze held the floor now. "S-she was m-my girlfriend." Finally, she looked into the green eyes staring at her. "B-but t-that was a l-long time ago." She tried to smile. But her fear of losing Willow was too great. The thought that the red head might not believe her explanation. "S-she was there b-because of y-you." Her voice was very quiet.
"Me?" Willow took a couple steps towards the blonde. Her own green eyes searching the blue ones for answers. "I was the reason that your ex-girlfriend was sitting with you on your bed holding hands with you. That's sounds a little..." She trailed off as the sparkle in Tara's eyes told her everything she needed to know. Tara wasn't interested in Kira. Not like that, not anymore. They were just friends now. And she had needed somebody to talk to because her world had been taken from her for who knows how long. Willow knew the pain that Tara was in. She was in the same pain. Buffy had been there for her. But now, the woman of her dreams was standing in front of her. Waiting. Seeing if she understood and could relate. Willow smiled big. "You needed somebody to talk to because you felt that your world was falling apart."
Tara nodded. "I-I knew y-you'd understand." She moved closer to the red head. "I-I'm sure that y-you and Buffy have s-spent some time, t-talking as well." Willow nodded. "W-we b-both just needed somebody t-to talk to."
"It should be each other." Willow smiled. "We shouldn't have to be separated. I know I've said it before, but it's just not fair. We've only now found each other. It is so unfair that we have to be the ones that sacrifice our relationship just so that the world doesn't end. Although.." Tara looked questioningly at her. "Buffy kinda had to do that when we were juniors. She had a relationship that turned out to have some bad consequences. The earth almost got sucked into hell."
"W-wow!" Tara smiled shyly. "D-do you t-think that's what our r-relationship could be?"
Willow shook her head. She slowly made her way over to the blonde. "I don't think so. Even if it does, I just can't do the right thing. I tried, but after two days, I was having some major withdrawals. And only your lips on mine could possibly make those withdrawals go away." She was now standing in front of the blonde. Her heart was racing faster than she could ever remember it beating. She remembered how things had felt with Oz. As much as she loved him, it just didn't compare. It could never compare. Not to what the two of them shared and would always share. She took the other woman's hands in her own. Tara kept her gaze fixed on their joined hands. "I want you, Tara. In every way possible."
Finally, Tara slowly looked up. There was a smile that Willow had never seen before. It wasn't the shy smile or even the proud to know you smile. Instead, it was a smile that sent shivers up and down her spine. It was a smile that said that she wanted her too. In every possible way. That they could no longer let themselves be bullied by some damn prophecy. They had to live their lives. To the fullest.
Being more daring than she had ever been, Tara put her hand on Willow's right breast. Willow couldn't help but smile at the thousand sensations flowing from the witch's touch. Her head was beginning to spin. She felt Tara pull her closer into a tight embrace. Their lips touched, tenderly at first. But the longer they stayed in contact, the more want and need came through. The two, not only wanted each other, they needed each other to live. They were each other's oxygen. The reason that they got out of bed in the morning.
Willow found her hand wandering up and down Tara's back. She could feel the shivers of pleasure her touch was bringing. All the while, their lips were never a part. They were always as one. Willow moaned, as again, Tara did something more bold and daring. Her tongue invaded her own. The sweet taste of the blonde was almost intoxicating. Again, Willow found her head spinning. Her senses were all on an overload of pleasure she thought she'd never feel. But she did. This extraordinary woman that she was drinking in was the reason. Only her touch and feel and thought and scent could bring the goodness that Willow was so willing to accept. It was the first time that Willow had ever felt anything like this.
Suddenly, Tara pulled away. Both of their breathing was ragged. Willow blushed at the sight in front of her. She hadn't remembered unbuttoning Tara's blouse. Those perfect breast were before her. Just so tempting to touch. Willow also realized that she too, was nearly topless. As her breathing returned to normal, she looked deeply into the blonde's eyes. There was only one question to ask. "Why?" Why had Tara stopped giving her the sustenance she so desperately needed and wanted. Why had she broken the most pleasurable embrace she had ever known. Why were they just standing, half clothed, when they could be standing before each other in their natural glory.
Tara's smile was again that of a shy girl that Willow loved so deeply. "W-we h-have to." She put one hand on Willow's flushed face. "W-we have to b-be grownup."
Willow couldn't help but smile. She knew in her heart that Tara was right. They would have plenty of time to continue getting to know each other. It was time to make the tough decision and stay a part. Hopefully, not for too long. "You're right. I hate that you're right." She smiled. "We will just have to be strong for a little while longer. Than we can continue this learning about each other that we were about to do."
"I-I want that v-very much." Tara slowly began to button up Willow's shirt. "I-I've never f-felt like this b-before."
A huge smile made it to Willow's face as she clumsily buttoned up Tara's blouse. Her hands wanted to continue unbuttoning it. "I know what you mean. This is all so new and different and intense. You are the first person I've truly been in love with and the first person I lust after. What a difference that lust thingy makes."
Tara chuckled softly at Willow's words. She knew exactly what the other woman meant. Kira had been her first love. But she just didn't have the pull that Willow did. It was as if they had been slowly searching for each other for the past several years. And now, it was the time and place for them to be together. Except, their being together could also spell big time doom.
Willow pulled Tara into a hug. "I think I'd better call Buffy. Just to let her know that we're all right and that we know that we'll be there for each other when it's safe for the two of us to be together. No use in destroying the world. If we do, than us being together won't really be an issue." Willow's smile warmed Tara's heart. "It's just going to be very hard to stay away from you. I've got a taste for you now. You are like a drug that I'm addicted to. Only a beautiful drug that wouldn't harm anybody. Only make me stronger."
The door to the dorm room burst in at that moment. Willow took Tara into her arms. "Spike!"
"Hello, luvs. Miss me?"
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