Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 1572 words

Willow and Tara had left Giles' apartment after his pretty shocking summary of why he thought the two of them should stay separated. Willow had argued, but to no avail. They were now back at Tara's.
Willow watching the blonde very carefully. 'There's now way in hell I'm going to let her get away. I don't care what Giles says. This can't be something that I have to do. I won't give her up after just finding her.'
Tara had little tears in the corner of her eyes. "I-I guess this i-is it." One little tear rolled down her beautiful cheek.
"No!" Willow quickly came over and kissed the tear away. "I'm not losing you now. I don't care what Giles thinks he knows. He has been known to be wrong before and there is no way that I'm giving you up and it's so not fair that we have to be the ones to sacrifice our relationship so that Spike doesn't get the Gem of Amara." She stood breathing heavily. Partly because of her little rant, but also because of the nearness of the blonde.
As Tara looked at Willow, there was a little half smile on her face. "W-Willow." She put a perfect hand on her face. "I-I'm not h-happy about it either, b-but we have to do w-what is right. You k-know that in your h-heart." There was a heartbreakingly sweet smile on the blonde witch's face.
A sigh escaped Willow. But the smile on Tara's face about broke her heart. "I.." It was no use. She knew that Tara was right. According to Giles, the Gem of Amara had to be 'activated' and by some fairly powerful witches. How the two of them actually fit into that category was beyond her. Most of her potions still came out soup. Even with Tara's help. "I know you're right. But my heart doesn't want to listen. If the spell didn't take witches we would probably be all right."
"B-but it does." Tara's smile broke and in its place was that of total sadness. It was something that Willow had never seen before and it made her want to scream. "W-we don't have t-to stay apart f-forever. Just until S-Spike isn't a-a threat anymore."
"You don't know Spike." Willow sighed heavily. "He'll keep up until he has the Gem. And if he can't find others to activate it, he'll find some way to kidnap us and do it. He's done it before. I mean the kidnaping thing."
"Oh." This brought on an even sadder face from the blonde.
"Maybe we can find some way of locating the gem. If we find it before Spike does, we can than destroy it before he comes looking for it or us." Willow shrugged. "I think I'm reaching, aren't I." Again she sighed heavily.
"B-but for a g-good reason." Tara, who was usually so shy, brought Willow into a passionate kiss. Finally, breaking the kiss, "y-you're doing it for l-love."
Willow smiled again. "Darn right!" She took her fellow witch into her arms. "Now that I found you, I don't ever want to let you go. And this just stinks. Why are we the ones that are having to make the sacrifices and I think I kinda already said that only in not exactly the same words and wow even I'm amazed at my babbling." She pulled back and laughed a little. "I will find a way so that we can be together. Even if I have to take Spike out myself."
"W-Willow, no!" Tara quickly pulled her into another hug. "D-don't e-even think like that. Y-you c-could get hurt. I d-don't want to loose you. I-I j-just found you too."
"It's all right, baby." Willow held her tight. "I'm going to get with Buffy. Maybe between her slayer might and my witchy knowhow, we can come up with something to get rid of Spike. And this time, for good."

Willow was pacing outside of Tara's dorm room. It was two days after Giles had basically forbidden the two of them to see each other. Only while they didn't know where the Gem was or how to destroy it. But it was still not seeing each other and for a potentially long time. Buffy and Willow had patrolled to the wee hours trying to track down Spike. Willow had tried several locator spells. The two had come up empty.
And now, being away from the blonde for that long was getting to her. She knew that she shouldn't be here, but she just couldn't stay away. Tara was becoming her everything. She was oxygen. She was essential to her even living. Even with the possibility of putting the world in danger, she had to see Tara. If only for a few minutes. And the time they spent in class together definitely didn't count.
Finally, Willow knocked on the blonde's door. "C-come in."
Willow opened the door. A sight that she never thought she would see. Tara was sitting on her bed. There was a petite, dark haired girl sitting next to her. And they were holding hands. Tears formed quickly in Willow's eyes. "I'm sorry, I should have called first."
"Willow!" Tara shouted after the red head.
But Willow didn't stop. She ran and ran and didn't stop until she was safe back in her dorm room. She locked the door behind her. The thought that Tara just might come after her was a big possibility. And she so wasn't ready to see her. Maybe they were just friends. Maybe they were working on a project together. But sitting on the bed? Holding each other's hands?
Willow shook her head, trying to get the tears to stop falling. But it was no use. She knew her heart was breaking. If she'd only followed the right choice and left Tara alone, she wouldn't have seen the horrific sight. But she might not know that Tara was...
What exactly was it that Tara was doing. Again, it could have been something innocent. She often sat on her bed holding Buffy's hand, not! Only when Angel had gone all evilly and when Angel had told her he was leaving her. Maybe that was it. Maybe it was all innocent.
A knock on the door startled her out of her thoughts. The knock became banging. "Hey, Will, you in there?" Willow quickly got up and opened the door for Buffy. "Thanks. My hands are kinda full. Me and Riley went on a trip to the mall. You know he's an unusual guy when he actually suggests a shopping trip and.." She turned to see the hurt look on Willow's face. "God! What's wrong? Are you all right?"
Willow shrugged. "I'm not sure what happened. I did something stupid. I know I shouldn't have but.."
Buffy gave Willow a big hug. "What exactly did you do and why are you crying and why was it stupid?"
Willow managed a little smile. "I did what Giles told me not to and I saw something that I never thought I'd see and now my heart hurts just thinking about it and if I'd been good I'd never had to see and maybe it wouldn't hurt so much."
Buffy shook her head. "That was English you were speaking, right?"
Again, Willow smiled. "I went to see Tara." Buffy's face became one of surprise. "And she wasn't alone."
"Will, you're not serious?" Buffy shook her head. "Tara's not the kind of girl to move on so quickly. And once you've fallen for Willow, you stay fallen."
A huge sigh escaped Willow. "It's just that she was sitting on her bed with another girl and they were holding hands. I mean, we've done that when I was helping you deal with Angel and when I screwed up with Oz. So it could be just a friendship thing, right?"
"Will, of course it was just a friendship thing." Buffy again hugged her best friend. "Tara's not the kind to cheat on you. She's too sweet. And again, I say, once you've fallen for Willow you stay fallen. Her friend was probably going through a rough time. Listen, let's patrol again tonight. Maybe if we can get rid of Spike, you two can work this out. Or, you could go to see Giles and see if he's come up with anything that will help with finding the gem thingy."
Willow shrugged. "I guess. I could see if Giles found out anything new. If he has, than maybe we can get rid of the gem and than Tara and I can get back together and work this out 'cause that's what I really want. I can't even imagine my life without her. It's like I need her to breath. You know what I mean?"
Buffy smiled sadly. "I know what you mean."
"Oh God!" Willow got a little panicky. "I didn't mean to bring up Angel. Not like that. I'm so sorry. I know you know what I mean. You two were definitely the two."
Buffy laughed. "I love your riddles. What do you say, I go kick a bleached blonde's ass and you go find out what a former librarian knows. That way we can get you two back together."
"Sounds like a good plan." Willow was the first to open the door. Standing, looking as if she were going to knock, was Tara. "Or maybe not."
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