Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2132 words

Willow watched as her blonde girlfriend went through yet another volume of witchcraft books that she had inherited from her mother. Tara had finally told her that her mother had been a witch too. And that is how she already knew so much. Her mother had taught her when she was very young. But she had died only last year. The volume had mention of The Gem of Amara. If they could just figure out how to find the gem, they'd be able to not have to worry about Spike or any of his minions.
It had surprised her the restraint that the two had found. After what had happened only hours ago, Willow was sure that they would have given into their need for one another. But they had both decided to do the grownup thing. Besides, Willow so wanted their first time to be under more special circumstances. Not that the two of them together in any way wouldn't be special. She could see every little detail in her mind. Romantic music, soft candle light, rose petals on the floor and bed, and of course the two of them together.
Tara looked up, as if she could sense that Willow had been staring at her. "Any luck?" Willow quickly asked. She had to get her mind off the scene that she had just had in her mind. It would take a lot of resolve for her to keep her hands of the beautiful blonde if she continued with those thoughts.
Tara shook her head. "You?" Her voice sounded so sexy. No, that was just her mind playing tricks on her. Had to focus. Had to keep on the task at hand. Tara's skin glowing in candle light. No, gotta think unsexy thoughts. "W-Willow?"
Willow shook her head to get the distracting thoughts out of her head. "Sorry. Having a lot of trouble concentrating with you so close." She smiled big. Tara was sitting on the other side of the room, while she was stretched out on the bed. "Not that we're close, but we're in the same room and you are so beautiful and intoxicating and I can't seem to keep my mind on this book I keep trying to read and ..." Her cheeks reddened at her babbling. "Sorry about that."
"I'm n-not." Tara smiled big. "A-and I understand." She half shrugged her shoulders. "Y-you're sexy t-too." Tara began looking at the floor. Willow could still see how bright red her face was behind the cascade of blonde hair.
"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Willow saw the hurt look on Tara's face as it snapped back up to look at her. "I mean the us trying to do research when all we really want is to be in each other's arms and this is so not fair."
"B-been said a few times." Tara found her smile again. "W-we can do this. W-we are g-grownups. W-world in d-danger. That's m-more important."
Willow sighed heavily. "You're right. I've just never met anyone I'm so dang attracted to. I do mean, completely, totally and in ever way imaginable. It's harder to control than anything I've ever known."
There was a knock on the door. "I-I wonder w-who that could b-be." Tara quickly got up and opened the door. "Kira?" There were tears running down the face of Tara's exgirlfriend. "W-what happened?" Kira only shrugged. "Come in."
Kira took two steps in. She noticed Willow stretched across the bed. "I've come at a bad time, I'll come back later." She quickly turned to go.
Willow was the first to react. "Wait!" She got up off the bed and came to the door. "You're not interrupting anything other than a study date. Come in."
Kira looked from Willow to Tara. "Are you sure?" Tara nodded her head. "'Cause it won't hurt my feelings if you two want to be alone. I would totally understand."
"We can tell by the look of you that you are the one in pain. I know I'm not your friend. We only know each other because of Tara, but I'd like to help, if I can." Willow smiled brightly. The other woman's presence took her mind off the doom that surrounded her relationship with Tara and the sexy thoughts that wouldn't leave her mind.
"T-tell us w-what's wrong." Tara smiled sweetly at the woman. She knew that she was in real pain. Kira never cried.
"Well, I had been seeing somebody, but she just dumped me for a guy we both know." She shrugged. "It's bad enough that she had to crush me, but with a guy? How horrible is that."
Willow couldn't help but smile. "Listen, again, I don't know you very well, but how about a night on the town. Do you feel like Bronzing it tonight?"
"Bronzing?" Kira looked at the red head curiously.
"Well, whenever me or my friends were a little down, we'd go to The Bronze and have fun." She shrugged. "Or at least try to have fun. It didn't always work."
Tara smiled at her girlfriend. She was willing to give up the research and the alone time to help someone she really didn't even know. The woman was truly and simply amazing. "T-that sounds l-like fun. Isn't that w-where you were g-going to take me on our f-first date?"
"Yeah, until..." Willow looked at Kira knowing she couldn't say what really happened. "Until I had that family emergency and had to cancel on you. This could be like a first date all over again. Only we won't really be on a date but a night on the town to forget all our troubles and not worry about things that we don't want to."
"Wow!" Kira eyed Willow. "I can't believe that you said that all in one breath." Willow shrugged. "You guys are really something else. I'll be back in a second. I could really scare somebody the way I look." She walked out the door."
"I'm going to call Buffy or Giles to let them know we're going out." Tara eyed Willow. "Just in case one of Spike's minions should show up, somebody will know where we were supposed to be and if we're not there, they can come looking for us."
"T-that's a good idea." Tara watched Willow as she dialed the phone and left a message at both Buffy's and Giles'. "Aren't t-they u-usually h-home?"
Willow shrugged. "Giles, yeah. Buffy still on pat..." She cut herself off as Kira came back into the room. "Wow! You look great." Kira had redone her makeup and straightened her clothes.
"Thanks." She eyed Willow for a moment. "Were you saying something when I came in?"
"No. Just doing my babble thing that I do so well that seems to both confuse and interest people and when I get real nervous it seems to get worse..." Willow smiled sheepishly. "Kinda like now, I guess." She shrugged. "So, we ready to Bronze it?" Both Tara and Kira nodded. "Let's get out of here."
Kira lead the way as Willow and Tara walked hand in hand. Willow had her duffle bag with her. Along with the clothing, she had brought the essential vampire fighting essentials. The Bronze was a little ways from campus and a lot could happen. She didn't want to take any chances, especially with Spike still after them.
Kira turned down an unfamiliar road that turned out to be an ally of some kind. Willow looked back and forth. It appeared to be a dead end alley. "Kira, I think you might have taken a wrong turn somewhere."
"Oh, really?" Kira turned around. Both Willow and Tara huddled closer together. Her face was that of a vampire. "I couldn't have come in without the invitation. That was one hell of a counter spell you two came up with. I can see why Spike so desperately wants the two of you. You are more powerful than I ever thought you were."
"Oh, Goddess!" Willow heard footsteps behind them. She turned to find at least fifteen vampires slowly closing in. There was the sounded of a cigarette lighter clicking behind her. She turned again. "Spike. And his many minions. How very not good." She held Tara even tighter in her arms. Her hand made its way inside the duffle bag.
"Well, well." Spike shook his head. "You've always been a trusting lot, even though you know all of the things that go bump in the night are real. When are you ever going to learn, Red?"
She watched him inhale and exhale the smoke. "Evil is evil. But good is good. We will always win against the likes of you." Willow found her hand wrapped around a bottle of holy water. She slipped it into Tara's hand that was tucked between them. As discreetly as she could, she rummaged around some more and found a stake. "Or have you forgotten how many times Buffy has kicked your butt?"
Spike shook his head. "But Buffy's nowhere to be seen, now is she, Luv?" He smiled his evil smile. "And that means you and your blonde lady are in a heap of trouble."
Willow shrugged. There was a spell going through her head. She was hoping that Tara would think of the same one. If the vamps attacked, it would buy them some time. Time for what, she had know idea. But it would still buy some valuable time. "But you forgot something, Spike."
Spike took several steps towards the red head. "And exactly what is that, pet?" He again puffed away on his cigarette.
"We are two powerful witches." She smiled with a confidence she didn't necessarily feel. "And we have ways of defending ourselves, whether you choose to believe that or not." Her smile faded a little as Spike took several steps towards her. "I'm warning you Spike. Stay back or we'll unleash our power on you. And you won't like it. Not one bit."
"Try me." At that moment, all the vampires converged on the two huddled witches.

Buffy opened the door to the room that she shared with her best friend. It felt so lonely when Willow was gone. Granted, it was the first time that Willow hadn't been there since the two had started classes, but it still felt very lonely. But Buffy was very happy for the witch.
Her relationship with Riley hadn't exactly been going anywhere. They were still in the awkward stages of trying to get to a first real date. He seemed really nice. But he also seemed to be hiding something. The same way she was hiding the fact that she was the slayer and had to fight evil things at night. She shrugged her shoulders. At least she possibly had someone. Unlike Xander who was still alone. And Giles hadn't had anybody since Miss Calendar had died. Both were more alone than she was.
Buffy sighed heavily as she threw her slayer bag onto the bed. She went over to the refrigerator and grabbed a soda and a yogurt. She popped open the tab of the can and made her way to the bed. The light was flashing on the answering machine. "Ooo, a message. Maybe Riley got finished with grading papers early."
She pushed the play button. "Hey, Buff. Will here. If you get this message, come join me and Tara at The Bronze. I know we're supposed to be laying low, but Tara's friend is hurting right now. We thought that a night at The Bronze might just be the thing to cheer her up. I wish you'd come too. We haven't had a lot of quality time together since we started college. Get Xander if you do come. We'd both really like to see you guys. Maybe we can all cheer up Kira together. Hope to see you later."
Buffy rolled her shoulders. Willow had been happy. No note of fear or any danger or anything like that. Than why were her slayer senses telling her that her best friend was in trouble. It was beyond weird. But she knew better than to ignore them. Especially with all that was happening.
She picked up the phone. "Xander, Buffy. I think something might be up with Willow and Tara. No, not her dorm room. The Bronze. Meet me there as soon as you can. And Xander, come loaded up." She hung up the phone.
Again, there was this tingling that ran up the middle of her spine. "That's it," she said as she grabbed her slayer bag. She quickly restocked it with the necessities of her job. "Will's definitely in trouble. I just hope that I make it there in time." Buffy bolted out the door as fast as she could.
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