Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2214 words

Riley's beeper went off in the middle of him sharing a nice kiss with Buffy. He grabbed it out of his pocket and looked at the number. "I'm really sorry about this, but I've got to go." He stood and than quickly started to pickup the remains of the picnic that they had just shared.
"Go?" Buffy also quickly stood up. "Riley, what's going on? Why are you being beeped away on a Sunday?" She stood looking at him with her hands on her hips. Maybe this had to do with the vibe she had been getting from him. What exactly was he up to.
"Well, I..." He trailed off. He hated very much to be lying to this young woman that he was beginning to have some serious feelings for. Maybe even love. But he couldn't tell her the truth. Ever. If he did that, he would be in so much trouble. "Listen, I'm the one on call to be a designated driver. I know it's only like one, but it seems that someone already had one too many." He laughed a small laugh. "I want to make sure that he gets home safe."
"Care for a little company?" Buffy's stance softened a little. But this was sounding a little strange. Designated drivers are of the good, but it just sounded a little too convenient at the moment.
"Uh, no." Riley could see her begin to stiffen a little more. "It's not that I don't want the company." He stepped closer to the blonde. "It's just that." He smiled a big smile. "The one that has been drinking, well, is a freshman." Buffy's eyes widened a little. "Yeah. He could get in a lot of trouble if the school ever found out. So, I told him that if he ever got in a situation, I'd help him out. I don't like doing it. He shouldn't be drinking at that age, but at least he did call me."
Buffy nodded. She still had a feeling that this wasn't really why Riley was all of a sudden being so darned secretive. That there was something more to all of this. And it gave her a very sad idea. "Well, if you have to go. Go." She smiled and stretched up on her tiptoes to give him a little kiss. "Go be a good boy. I'll manage to keep myself entertained somehow."
"I'm sure you will." Riley kissed her again before grabbing all of the picnic stuff. He slowly made his way towards his fraternity house. He didn't notice that he was being shadowed by a certain blonde slayer.
"Thank you for the information." Giles hung up the phone. He had spent several hours talking to a very informative girl from a coven that had used to work for the council. They too had seen fit to quit offering their services. And now, they were more than willing to help him with his current predicament. Helping Willow to learn her control.
"Finally off the phone, luv?" A sweet voice came down from the upstairs loft. "I've been really lonely. Why don't you come and join me."
"In a moment, Olivia." Giles went through his notes again. There was a lot to sort through. And there was one book in particular that could help Willow and Tara both learn to use their powers responsible. He just wasn't sure if it was something that he could get his hands on or not. It would entail a visit to the local magic store.
"Giles, I'm getting cold. I need someone to warm me up." But that could always wait until tomorrow when Olivia would unfortunately be on her way back to England.
"I do care, Anya." Xander was sitting on his couch in the dingy basement he called home now that his parents were forcing him to pay rent.
"But, all we ever seem to do is have sex." Anya sat on the arm of the couch and looked down at her boyfriend. "Not that we don't smoosh well, but there should be more to a relationship than just good smooshing, shouldn't there?"
"Wow, you really did turn into a real girl, didn't you?" Xander frowned as his girlfriend shot him daggers with her eyes. "I just meant to say that I do care. I don't know how else to show it."
"Well, Buffy and Riley went on a picnic for Valentine's Day. A day late, but they still managed to do something." Anya sat up straighter. "And I know for a fact that those two lesbians had a sex filled evening planned. Probably surrounded by candles and romantic music. All we ever do is smoosh. There is no romantic candles or music."
"Anya, I'm sorry." Xander scooched closer to her end of the couch. "I.." He swallowed hard. "I have to admit, I forgot all about Valentine's Day. But in my defense, it doesn't hold the most pleasant of memories for me. Cordelia broke up with me on Valentine's Day. Granted, we got back together, but still."
"I didn't know." Anya looked at him. "I'm terribly sorry. But I'm not Cordelia. I'm Anya. And I would never do that. Well, not if I were thinking about it, I wouldn't. And this is our relationship, not your other one. We should do things differently than your other one that didn't last."
Xander smiled. "You're right, sweetie. And again, I'm sorry. I'm still not used to having a girlfriend. One that actually wants to be with me. I do love you."
Finally, Anya smiled. "I love you to. Can we do the smooshing thing with candles now." Xander laughed and nodded.
"You know, you don't have to talk about this if you don't want to." Willow looked very lovingly at Tara. "I understand about things being to painful to talk about. I mean, you almost told me that one time. But it really brought pain to you and I don't ever want to see you hurting in any way so if you don't want to tell me you don't have to..."
She was silenced by a tender kiss from Tara. "I-I really think t-that I am ready." But there was a lot of fear to be seen in her bright blue eyes.
Tara took her fellow witches hand in her own. "Not to bring up even more painful things, but you don't have to be nervous. I know that you stutter when you're nervous or upset. It doesn't matter to me what you have to say. I love you and nothing is ever going to change that. You don't have to worry."
"But..." Tara swallowed hard as she felt Willow's grip on her hand tighten. "Y-you don't even know."
"And I won't, until you tell me." Willow kept her green eyes fixed on Tara's blue ones. "And I'm not pushing, either. But look at me. I have so much power and need, in a big way, to learn to control it or I could destroy the world. And you still love me, right?"
Tara smiled big. "Of course I do. I love you more than anything in this world. A-and that's why what I have to tell you scares me so much. Y-you might not be able to accept it. Having power and learning to control it is one thing. But..."
Willow shook her head and sighed. "You're not listening to me. Or I'm not saying it so you'll get it. There is nothing that you can tell me that I won't be able to deal with. Remember, I had a boyfriend that was a werewolf. And we were happy. But I realized that I was gay. And it wouldn't have been fair to keep seeing him. Hopefully he can find somebody like I've found you."
Little tears were forming in the corners of Tara's eyes. "You don't even know..." She sighed. She knew that until Willow knew what her secret was, she would just keep arguing. And she loved her even more because she said she would always love her and never her leave her. But what if she did. Suddenly, there was this huge amount of fear. "I'm not sure I can. I-I'm scared."
Willow again shook her head. "What am I going to do with you besides love you. I know that I'm only nineteen years old. And that's not many years to have lived. But with all the things I've seen being friends with the slayer, I think I have a different perspective than most people do. I know that there is good and evil. But I also know that there are gray areas as well. Things aren't always what they seem to be. Some things look nice and pretty but are actually evil. And I've met one or two demons that were pretty hideous to look at, but they wouldn't even harm a fly. And I look at you. Is there more than meets the eye. Well, yeah. But there are things about me. And Buffy. And Xander. And Giles that just aren't there on the surface. Are all of those things of the good?" She swallowed. "Not always. I've done things I'm not proud of. I know that each of them has too. And there are things that are part of us that we have to deal with. Things that no matter how much we want to, we simply cannot change. We just have to learn to deal with them. And whatever it is that you are trying to share, or not, we'll deal. Because, of all the things in this world." She again swallowed hard. "The only thing that I am truly sure of is our love. And that we should be together forever. There is nothing that can break us apart."
Tara was now crying. The love that Willow was giving to her now was so overwhelming. Her family had shunned her. The only reason that they had wanted her around was to do the housework. Especially after her mom died. That's all she was good for. Taking care of her brother and her father. Her feelings didn't matter. And it didn't matter how tired or how bad she was feeling, they would yell at her to make sure things got done. Part of that was because she was different. But they had never even tried to show any understanding.
The blonde put her head in Willow's lap. She kept sobbing uncontrollably. Willow just kept stroking her cheek and placing gentle kisses on her forehead. They stayed like for over an hour. Until Tara had finally cried herself to sleep. It didn't matter. Tara would tell the red head what she was going to in time. And she would stand by her side, no matter what.
Another hour passed. Tara woke up screaming. "Baby, sssh. It's all right. I've got you." The blonde looked up into loving green eyes. "Bad dream?"
Tara smiled shyly. "Yeah." She sat up slowly. The dream all came rushing back to her. "I dreamed that you left me. Y-you couldn't handle..."
Willow smiled and hugged the other woman. "I'm still here. Not going anywhere. I give you my word."
Tara pulled out of the hug. For the first time, she really looked deep into Willow's eyes. She smiled. The red head was telling the truth. She could tell. "Well, my family doesn't treat me all that well." Willow stiffened at the thought of someone hurting her. "But they have r-reason not to."
"Uh-uh. There is no reason to mistreat somebody." Willow squeezed her hand. "Especially my blonde goddess. No. I'm telling you right now. You shouldn't have to be treated that way."
"But there is a reason." Tara swallowed. "The thing that I've been so scared to tell you." Her eyes quickly left Willow's and found the floor. "I have demon in me. I'm part demon." There was only silence. Finally, Tara was brave enough to look back at her girlfriend's face. There was surprise, but there was still the love there.
"Is that all?" Willow smiled.
"N-not exactly." Tara saw the smile fade just a little. "On my twentieth birthday, the demon part of me w-will come out."
Willow shrugged. "Do you know what kind of demon? Like I said, there are lots of demons that are actually friendly little demons. They wouldn't hurt anyone. And even if it's something else, we'll deal. Pretty powerful witch, here."
Tara quickly shook her head. "No!" Willow was surprised at the outburst. "Sorry. I don't know what kind of demon. M-my family never told me. A-and I don't want you to do anything that might make you lose control."
"Oh, right." Willow's smile brightened. "That's all right. You're birthday is like almost a year away. We have plenty of time to figure out what kind of demon. And if we need to deal with it in any way. That gives us plenty of time to also see if we can learn to help me control my control issues."
"You mean, you're not g-going to leave me?" Tara's eyes widened in surprise.
Willow shook her head. "How many times did I say that. We'll deal. We'll get through this together. Just like everything else in life. We'll do it together."
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