Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love

Photo's May Fade Away, But Memories Last Forever

by HauntedTears 5 reviews

Eli venture out into the night, only to receive a little shock from a person. But the night goes from being a nice little stroll to a pain in the neck, is her life ever going to improve or are thi...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-12-07 - Updated: 2006-12-07 - 769 words

Disclaimer: Same as before, don't know or own them!

Also thanks for the reviews I've had, I really do appreciate them! ^^
So, here's the next chapter!

Over the next few weeks Eli's school life improved, but her home life did not, everyday it slowly seemed to get worse and she could tell that her new friends were worried with the marks she had on her arms and the odd cut on her face.
But being the stubborn girl she was, Eli never told them, but she knew one day she would have to tell them.
Maybe it was a good thing there was a quiet park near by, for that is where our next little adventure begins.


Eli was sitting on a park bench, it was around 8:00 and it was pretty dark, this was normal for her now.
Coming out and writing down her thoughts in a little diary she'd decided to keep after coming to the decision that bottling up her feelings isn't so good after all.

25th Sept.

Today hasn't been too bad, I haven't been home since this morning, I went to Starbucks after to school to get something.
But all remains now, are whether to go home or not, in all honesty I don't fancy my chances out here for a night, I hear someone got attacked for sleeping rough.
I expect dad's been drinking again, he's always getting drunk now, he never used to be like that, but it's since my sister, Jemma, died in a car accident, he's never been the same, Mom's not really helping matters either, she's just as bad.
Dad threw a bottle at me the other night, so I have cuts over the side of my face; luckily I was facing away from him.
Of course the guys are wondering what happened, but I can't tell them.
Anyway, I can hear footsteps, no doubt someone telling me to move along, but on the bright side, Frank's birthday is coming up so were planning that.

"Hey Eli!" someone practically yelled at her from behind.
"Oh, hey Gee" she said turning around and seeing him there.
"What you doing out here and man what happened to your face?" he asked a look of concern appearing on his face.
Eli felt the color drain from her face, her hair wasn't hiding the worse ones she had.
"Nothing just tripped over" she said brightly.
"Oh okay, whats that you got there?" he asked pointing at the notebook.
"Just a little diary thing" she said and stuffed it in her pocket.
He nodded, "How come you're out and around then?" he asked, Eli was thinking of asking him the same question.
"Just wanted to escape the heavy atmosphere of my house" she said which in truth wasn't really a lie.
"Yourself?" she added and stood up.
He shrugged, "Mikey's being a pest so I decided to take a walk" he said.

For the next half an hour the two of them wandered around the neigbourhood, which in truth wasn't a very smart thing to do, with the amount of criminals and crime going on.

"I better get going" Gerard said glancing at his watch.
Eli sighed slightly, she really didn't want to go home, but she had to one day, "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then" she said, they hugged and Gerard went the opposite way back to his house, leaving Eli on her sorrowful way back to her own hell hole that was meant to be her house.



Was the first thing that happened when Eli opened her front door, her father had obviously been waiting to take his anger out of her.
She tried to hold back tears, but her head was throbbing with pain.
"And where have you been?" he said his words slurring and his eyes going in and out of focus.
"Walking" Eli mumbled trying not to make eye contact; she wanted to run up to her room and away from him.
"Shame you didn't fall in a well and die then wasn't it" he said and starting to laugh, even under the influence of alcohol, Eli felt that was pretty uncalled for, she pushed her way passed him and up to her room.

Upon locking the door, she flung herself onto her bed, where she cried into her pillow, her life only seemed to get better and then get worse again, but there was nothing she could do, nobody to tell or anything.
She then heard some knocking coming from downstairs and the words,
"Open up, police!"
Her stomach felt as if it did a back flip.
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