Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2127 words

Buffy almost screamed as she came upon the scene. After five years of being the slayer, she had seen some horrific sights. But none like this. This was simply too much even for her. This must be yet another of the girls that had been ravaged.
There was just a faint part of the hair that was not blood soaked. She swallowed hard as she saw that the girl had at one time been a blond. More of a connection. But to who? Could it be Tara? No. More likely this was the work of one psycho slayer named Faith. But it couldn't be William. No. Her William would never do that in a million years.
In her rush to get to the vampire, she hadn't realized how close she really was to the vampire's crypt. And that was sad. Or whatever. Because she had feelings. Or did she.
The slayer shook her head and made her way to the crypt. Spike would be inside seeing that it was still daylight and still quite sunny in Sunnydale. She was about to open the door when something knocked her to the ground.
"I did it." She looked up at the figure who was beginning to smoke. "I'm the one. I should be punished. I'm a bad, bad man. I need to be punished."
"Spike!" Buffy shouted and grabbed his arm and threw him into his crypt where he slowly quit smoking. "What the hell are you doing? And what the hell are you talking about?" Her eyes widened as she realized that he was covered by blood. "What did you do?"
The vampire cowered on the floor. He would not even look at the blond. "I did that. To a blond. A precious blond. She's taken from her family. Never more to be seen." He stood up and came at her quickly. "I did this! Do you see what I've done! I can't believe you don't see."
Buffy shook her head. "I only see that you've got blood on you. What is it that you've done, William."
With that, the vampire broke into tears. "William." He whispered his own name. "Isn't alive anymore. Been replaced by Spike, a killer, a demon." His eyes met hers. "Rapist." A lewd smile came across his face. "That's what's left. There is no William here anymore. The blood has seen to that."
The slayer sighed. What the hell had happened that had made him so damn crazy. He never made sense anymore. And this time it was even harder to follow. "How did the blood get there, William." She made sure to say his name.
"He doesn't exist!!" Spike came to stand within inches of her. "If he did, you would be safe. The girls would be safe. But he no longer exists. And so, move along little girl." He ripped his shirt off and thrust a stake into her hand. "Or better yet, why don't you kill the demon. Kill him. And make sure that no one else will ever have to deal with the likes of him."
Buffy glanced at the stake before she threw it to the ground. "I'm not gonna do that. Did you kill the girl outside?"
Spike nodded. "Think I did. All I remember is the girl, than all that blood. But I didn't take a drop of it. That I remember. Cause I made a promise a long time ago. And now, I truly mean to keep it. So I did no samplin."
"You don't remember killing the girl?" Buffy was surprised to say the least.
"No." Spike put his head in his hands. "All I remember is the girl. Than nothing. Than the blood. Lots of blood."
"I see." Something was beginning to click. Spike had come across the girl. But someone had probably knocked him out. And they had done this terrible thing to the girl. "Spike, I don't think you hurt the girl. But I think I know who did. And I'll kill her so that it will stop."

Faith moved about the cold caverns. She was barely able to stay awake at this point. She hadn't eaten since she had escaped from the hospital. And that was already over a week. But she had managed to find a little spring in this monstrous cave that someone could very easily get lost in.
Lost. That was the best way to describe her. Or was it mental. One moment she felt like her old self. In the way that when she first came to Sunnydale and the gang had welcomed her with open arms. A little jealousy from the original slayer, but still. And than, she just felt like ripping things to shreds. Just like she had that demon. It felt so good. No reason to deny it. And than there was that time with the arrow and Angel and the pain and agony that it had caused B.
And let's face it, those moments were the ones that stood out for the dark slayer. And she didn't like that fact. Not one bit at all. And the conflict was getting overwhelming to say the least. Her head was pounding. Pounding so hard that everything started spinning. And soon became darkness.
When she opened her eyes, a very familiar figure stood before her. He wore that same smile that he always did. "Boss?"
"Well gwillikers it's good to see you." The mayor smiled even bigger at the dark slayer. "It's been a long time, now hasn't it Faith?"
"What the..." She looked around her. It was this white room. It even had little white chairs. "Where the hell am I? Did I die or something?"
"Language." The smile faded for a moment. But it grew big again. "Of course you're not dead. But I am. And you know why I'm dead, now don't you."
Faith shook her head. There was this ringing in her ears. Something just didn't feel right about this whole situation. For one, she was talking to a dead man. And two, she felt that she couldn't trust him. And than, the feelings began. The ones that just simply wanted her to find the whole scooby gang and fillet them one at a time.
"That's the feeling you should be following." The mayor stepped closer to the slayer. "You shouldn't be giving into the weak feelings. You are stronger when you take control. And when you make those that hurt you pay."
Faith looked at him. And it all started to make sense. Why she was torn. Why she had always been torn. But she didn't want her former boss knowing that. Hopefully he couldn't read minds. "And that's what I was just thinking." Her smiled turned back to the one that she had when she had held Willow at knife point. "They all need to have some pain in their lives. All of them have had it way to easy for way too long."
"That's my girl." The mayor smiled. "Now, what's my girl gonna do to make those goody two shoes pay?"
Now her smile turned into a smirk. "Just wait and see, boss. You won't be disappointed in the least."

"Willow, we have to talk about this." Tara sat on the couch in their apartment. After Buffy had left, there was no reason to stay. They had researched all they could. And Giles was handling making calls to whoever would still give him the time of day.
"You know I don't really want to." Willow was on her way back from the kitchen with sodas for both of them. "I don't want to think it's him."
Tara shook her head. "Listen, Sweetie. I don't want to think it's him either. That's why I didn't say anything at the scooby meeting. But after what he almost did to me, how can we not at least think that it might be him."
Willow sighed as she sat down next to her wife. Those blue eyes were full of pain. She hated to think of anyone doing bad things and it hurt, the redhead knew this about her girl. And loved her that much more for it. "But the attacks happened during the day." It was a weak attempt.
"And it wasn't day when he attacked me?" Tara smiled sadly. "Sweetie, I know he was your first love. But it is possible that people change. Look at you. Look at me."
The redhead smiled. When she had first met Tara, both were rather shy. And Tara had had that cute little stuttering problem. They had grown so much in the now year and a half that they had known each other. And had faced death together on several occasions. That had brought them closer as well.
"We both went through a lot." Tara took her wife's hand in her own. "Is it a happy thought that Oz could be doing this? Hardly. But maybe something happened to him. Maybe he's not in as much control as we think. Maybe the wolf part has taken over more than we thought."
Willow sighed. Just having the touch of Tara brought her so much comfort. Especially right now when things were not going well. Four girls dead. How many more would there be before they could stop whoever it is. "You really sure it's not Faith?"
Tara nodded. She knew that Willow was about to agree. She just had to make one more stab at releasing the guilt. "I'm not sure that it isn't her. But I get the feeling that she's going through something right now. And well, I don't think she has the capacity at the moment to really do this."
Willow shrugged. "I guess. She was pretty out of it." The redhead leaned her head on the blond's shoulder. "Have I told you how much I love you today?"
Tara smiled. "Only once or twice. But that doesn't mean I don't love to hear it."
"We've got to tell the others." Willow looked into those blue eyes. "We have to tell them that we suspect Oz. Although, they might not just like it."

Xander and Anya had made up shortly after the scooby meeting had gotten over. They were now strolling through the park hand in hand. There was mostly just silence between the two young lovers. All that had needed to be said was said earlier.
The sun shown down brightly on them, although it was starting to set. The light brightened everything in the park. It showed the many lovers enjoying picnics. It showed the kids running and playing and in general having fun.
It was a very peaceful and tranquil day in Sunnydale. Besides the murders that had been happening, things had been quiet before that. Just a vampire here and there and a couple of demons here and there. But no major baddies. The only thing on the twosomes mind was getting back to Xander's apartment and making up all over again.
That's when a blond woman walked passed them. Xander's eyes followed as the woman was rather attractive and wearing nothing more than tight shorts and tank top. Anya smacked his arm which brought his attention back to her. He smiled his goofy smile.
Until he heard the growl. It didn't take long for both to turn around to see what was going on. It was an all too gruesome sight. Flesh was being shredded and thrown around. Blood was everywhere all ready. All those in the park were screaming and heading for their cars or simply running for their lives.
The two stood frozen. They knew it was too late to save that poor girl. The blond girl. "I think we know who the attacker is."
Xander's voice drew the attention of whatever it was that had just completely mutilated the blond. It stared at them for a moment like it recognized them. Than it began to charge them.
"Run!" Xander and Anya both took off. They could hear the growls as the thing kept coming faster and faster. "A car. Why didn't we take my car."
They were both out of breath. Xander knew that they couldn't keep up the pace much longer. Plus the growls were coming closer and closer to them. There was something that they had to do. He looked around and saw The Magic Box. He and Willow had gone a few times since it had changed ownership. If there was one place that was a safe haven in town, that might just be it. He dragged Anya in that direction. They both came to a stop in front of the door. He tried the handle. It was locked. And the growls were almost right on top of them.
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