Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2167 words

In a matter of minutes, the world had enclosed on the vampire and turned a dark color. Night had fallen on the little town of Sunnydale as well as the world. Here in this town that could seem so normal from a distance and yet had its hidden secrets the darkness was even more prevalent. Any light that could help illuminate it was blocked by sad gray clouds slowly meandering across the darkened sky.
But the darkness didn't matter to the vampire. In fact, he lived in darkness. And he lived in shadows. Never to feel the sunlight upon his face again. That was the price for eternal life. Never to grace the living world.
His vampire eyes could see all of his surroundings and his heightened sense of smell could track down almost anything. And he was tracking on this very night. He was tracking another undead creature such as himself. The one that had turned him into a creature of the night.
Though in life he had never been happy and had been the subject of ridicule most of his life, had he had the choice, he never would have wished to become the monster that he had. Especially now that he had his soul back.
And living with all the things that he had done while in the monster's guise was nearly impossible to take. It overloaded him with all the guilt in the world. And he could literally feel all of the pain of each of his past victims.
The sane part of him used this as more of a motivation to track down his former lover and sire. For he knew that many lives would be taken with her in the fair town. And she wouldn't even bat an eye. She would revel in it just as he had for so many years. At least, the demon inside of him had.
The scent came upon the night like a t-bone on the grill would to any dog around. This predator had found that which he so vehemently sought out. If only so he could save the girl. She so needed saving. The girl needed to not only be saved from all the evil in the world, she needed to be saved from herself.
But how could something that was once upon a time evil as he could save the fair maiden that he so desired to save. But how could he save her if he had yet to truly been saved himself.
But all of that would have to wait. For into what little light there was, appeared the thing that he had been so intently tracking. The paleness of her skin seemed to make her glow in the night. It caught the vampire off guard for a moment.
"Spike." The seductive voice echoed throughout the still night. "You've coming looking for me. And why is that?"
The vampire shook his head to make all thoughts go away for a moment. He had to clear his head. The demon part of him wanted nothing more then to join with his former lover and destroy as much good in the world as he could. But the man with his soul was telling him to take out the evil. To make the world safe for all those innocent people in it.
"Are you still with me pet?" Drusilla took a couple steps toward the blond vampire. "You were lost in your own little world. Not that is a bad thing."
Spike instantly pulled out a stake. This brought out insane laughter from the female vampire. "It's time that this ends Drusilla love."
"Not so quickly my pet." Drusilla clapped her hands and five more vampires came to be seen. "I think it's time for a party, don't you?"

The chirping of the phone that was beside the bed startled the occupants of the Summers' house. That was Buffy, Faith, Giles, Joyce, and five watcher council goons. Joyce was the closest so she answered it.
Joyce's soft voice was in the background as the confrontation was underway. "How the hell did you get into my house?" Buffy took a protective stance in front of the rogue slayer. She had lost her once because of the damn watcher's council. She would be damned if that happened again.
"We're with the council. We don't need permission to do anything." A rather stocky looking man said. The other four were rather chiseled in appearance. "Rupert should know that."
Giles glared at the man. "And you, Edward should know that I no longer work for the council. But I still am well aware of the procedures that the council uses. And their lack of tact."
"Tact is for the weak." Edwards smiled big. "And we do have the authority to take in her." He pointed his meaty finger at Faith who smiled weakly.
"The hell you do!" Buffy took a couple steps towards him and the other council operatives. Only to stop when one of them pulled out a gun and aimed it straight at her forehead. "You know people get hurt playing with those."
"That's the point." Edward nearly growled his words. "You need to step back, little girl and let us do the job that we are supposed to do. If it were up to me, I'd shoot you where you stand. You perverted the council. You make me sick."
"I perverted?" Buffy laughed big. "You are the ones that tried to kill me just to 'test' me. You are the ones that use one girl without care. As long as she does your bidding even if it isn't what should be done. And when one dies, there is another. You men sit there and think that you know what it is like to be a slayer. Only me and Faith and whatever unfortunate girl is so lucky to be called after our deaths will know."
Giles smiled with pride at his slayer. She had come so far from that valley talking, wardrobe obsessed, trying to be a normal teenaged girl that he had met only a few short years ago. "She's right you know."
Edward shrugged. "It's not up for debate. We have orders to take the slayer known as Faith into custody. And we have the authority to use any means necessary. And we will."
Buffy sighed heavily. The thought of losing Faith was not something she liked. But she had a loaded gun pointed right at her head. Even if she could move fast enough, her mother and Faith stood almost directly behind her. A stray bullet could easily catch one of them.
For a brief moment, Giles and her eyes met. It was with that unspoken bond that had seemed almost instant between the slayer and the watcher that they knew what the other was going to do. It just seemed natural.
So, when the gunman moved a little, Giles launched himself on Joyce, knocking her to the ground. Faith seemed to know as well and hit the ground. Buffy launched herself at the gunman. That's when a shot indeed did ring out. And then, there was silence for the longest time.

Xander seemed to break every speed barrier on his way to the hospital. In fact, they were pulling in to the emergency room drive just as Oz was being wheeled into the ER.
The car screeched to a halt long enough for the two witches to get out. Xander and Anya kept going to park the car. The redhead and blond burst through the ER doors. Oz was nowhere to be seen. So the two young lovers made their way to the nurses station.
"Is there any word on the young man that was just brought in?" Willow asked, the fear evident in her voice. Tara took hold of her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
The nurse looked up from whatever chart she had been reading. "Who are you asking about? And who are you into relation to this person?"
Willow didn't like the ladies tone in the least. But she kept herself under control. "My name is Willow Rosenberg. My friend Daniel Osborne was just brought in by ambulance. I was wondering if you could tell me his condition? Please."
"I'm sorry. There is no record for a Daniel Osborne." She typed away at the computer for a few minutes before she smiled slightly. "But there is a John Doe that was brought in five minutes ago. I believe that is him." Her eyes widened a little before she looked up. "I'm afraid that he is in very serious condition at the moment. He is alive, but barely. I wish I had details for you, but they are still working on him. Do you think you could either call his parents or fill out these forms?"
The redhead nodded absently. Oz's parents had moved to somewhere in Indiana. She hadn't kept in contact with them since the two had stopped dating. Not that she had really ever been that close, either. But the least she could do for her ex was to fill out the paperwork. As much as she knew of it anyways.
Tara took the clipboard from the nurse and gently directed Willow to the waiting room. There were already a lot of people in the small little room. It seemed to be a very busy place. Like that was unusual with all the evil that roamed the safe looking streets of Sunnydale.
Tara kept a protective arm wrapped around the waist of her girl. Even though she knew that Willow had long ago gotten over Oz as her boyfriend, she knew that her girl would always care deeply for him. That was part of what made her love her so much. That and the fact that they just seemed meant to be.
Little tears formed again, slowly leaving a wet slick trail down the redhead's cheeks. She swallowed hard to keep the tears pushed back inside. She had to stay strong, she had to stay focused. She could do this for her friend.
The feeling of Tara's arm around her gave her such comfort. And it also saddened her a little. After all, who did Oz have in his life. No one close like she and he had been. He seemed to be all alone. Especially in his travels around the world.
While she had been in Sunnydale finding the love of her life and still having the two bestest friends in the world. She had come so close to losing it to the dark side a couple times. Why was she the one that was being rewarded with a great life.
Now a huge sigh escaped her. Life was never easy. And there always seemed to be something going on. Even if they lived in a world that she had thought existed only a few years ago, life would still be complicated. It just wouldn't have slayers, magic, demons, or vampires in it.
But her life had that extra complication of knowing what really existed in the world. To be like those that could just ignore all the strange things that went on would make life happier but also that much more dangerous.
She remembered how Buffy had told her when she had first come to Sunnydale how lucky she thought people were to not know of the dangers. But then, so many innocent people were hurt or killed. And most could have been saved, at least by themselves if they had known how to protect themselves.
And then, there were times like these. When Oz had tried to do something for the right reasons but in a bad way. Real life was like that as well. And usually things didn't work out when those things were done in a bad way.
But she didn't want to see Oz punished. She knew that he had done it to try and keep Tara and her apart. But that was only because he still cared so much. That was something nice in a way.
"Any news?" Xander's voice made her jump in her seat.
Tara looked up at them with sad blue eyes. "Not yet. He is still alive. But is in very serious condition."
"Man." Xander began pacing. "Have I said how much I hate hospitals lately? They are of the no good."
Willow smiled sadly at him. She knew what he was trying to do. But she was too worried about Oz. "They're here for the good, Xander. Just don't like having to come to them either."
Xander was about to say something else. That's when a man in a white coat came out of the ER. He went over to the nurses station and the nurse pointed at the group of young people. He made his way over. "You are her for Mr. Osborne?"
"Yes." Willow quickly stood up, Tara by her side.
"Well, I'm afraid the outlook is grim for your friend."
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