Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2373 words

The early rays of the sun were about to peak over the horizon. Spike had searched all night for the mysterious blond. Well, to him, she wasn't a mystery. She was Buffy. There was no one that could convince him otherwise. His heart knew and that was all that mattered.
But the damned ole sun was going to control his search for his love. The one that had made it all worth it suffering the pain and the insanity of having to deal with all the sins that he had done while have the demon inside of him in control. It was a wonder that he could not pick up her scent. He had always before in the past. That was the mystery to him.
Quickly he made his way through downtown Sunnydale. There was one place that he knew he had to make his way to. Even if it wasn't open for business for a few more hours, he knew either Giles or Anya would be there. And then he could gather the scoobies around and tell them about his rather eventful night.
His thoughts went to another slayer. He knew that slayers were built tough. He had killed two of them in his demon days. And they had been the hardest fought battles of any that he had had. But this still had to be taking its toll on Faith. And for that he was truly sorry.
His mind raced with thoughts of going on in his own. But he also knew of the damned ole prophecy. So many things were making it difficult to do what he really wanted to do. The fighter inside of him had trouble just sitting and doing nothing.
And now, there was Buffy to find. For he would argue with anyone that tried to tell him that she wasn't Buffy. And that would even include the woman herself, that's how sure he was that she was his lost slayer.
Spike had just made it to The Magic Box as Anya did. "Watcher's late day?"
Anya turned to eye the vampire. Though she knew that he was essentially good, there were still some misgivings on her part about the vampire. "Always on Thursday. But as of late, I've been opening the shop. He's comforting Mrs. Summers." Her tone when she said the word comforting implied a great deal of sarcasm on the ex demon's part.
It made the vampire chuckle softly to himself. "I know he's been spending a great deal of time with her. Enough small talk, we need to get the gang here and as soon as possible."
Anya had started to turn the key in the lock. "What's going on? Why do we need to round up the gang?"
Spike smiled sadly. "I came across a blond today. One that I will swear till next year is Buffy. But I really couldn't get it out of her. Whoever she is, she needs help. The way she came into this world, I could tell it wasn't natural like."
"That's just nifty." Anya quickly made her way over to the phone. "I mean, if it is Buffy, that's great. But playing an emotional roller coaster like Buffy dying and then coming back would be too much for me to take. And I know the rest of the gang is on emotional edge. Ever since what happened they have been."
"I know, luv." Spike came and stood at the counter as she began to dial. "This past three and a half weeks has been pure hell on all of us. And I don't want any false hope. I just want us to make sure that this girl gets the help that she needs and deserves if she's not Buffy."
Anya eyed the vampire carefully. His words sounded good. But she knew in his heart he was already convinced that this woman he had come across was Buffy. If it wasn't her, there was gonna be one mightily hurt and pissed of vampire. And even if that vampire had a soul, that was still something that scared her very much.
Xander stood outside of the little place. It was one that he would not normally go to. But he had decided that he had to make his move. With Buffy's death and life just seeming so fleeting, he had decided to bite the big one.
He was standing out side of Sunnydale Jewelers. True, it was too early in the morning for them to be open. But a little window shopping never hurt anyone. He could get a vague idea of the rings that they offered. Then he could bring his best friend down here to help him pick out the perfect one.
In a way, he felt guilty. For he was still alive and so happy. Buffy was neither of those things. And really hadn't been happy in the longest of times either. Maybe her death had been for a reason. So that she could find the peace that she had never had in life.
Man, hadn't he gone over all that like a million times in his head already? When was this never ending guilt trip gonna end? There seemed to be no sight in end, that was for sure.
There was another reason to feel guilty as well. Willow hadn't said anything, but he could tell. He could see the last time he had come over for an unexpected visit. She and Tara were going through something. But what could those two that were meant to be together be going through?
The carpenter sighed heavily. For he knew that every couple had their ups and downs. But seeing the strongest couple he had ever known have their downs scared him. Scared him beyond the telling of it.
For were he and Anya even half that strong? Could they survive all the things that Willow and Tara had seemed to overcome already? Only time would tell the answer to that one.
Xander stretched. It had been a long night. Anya had been having nightmares. Ones that she said that she couldn't remember. But from what she mumbled in her sleep, it had something to do with losing him and the fact that life was far too short.
And life really was too short. So again, that's why he stood outside of a closed jewelry store eyeing the engagement rings. He still wanted to make the most of the time that he had on earth. No matter how long or short that was.
Suddenly, he was tackled to the ground. He literally was seeing stars his head hit the concrete so hard. Finally, he got himself into a sitting position. And his eyes instantly went wide with disbelief.
"Buffy?" The carpenter was rubbing his head. "Is that you?" He knew it couldn't be her. But yet, it was her. "Hey, long time no see. Where've you been?"
The blond looked at him with wild eyes. There was a glimmer of recognition in them. But yet, there was nothing as well. And fear was on her face. More fear then the carpenter had ever seen before in all the time that he had knew her.
"It's all right." Xander started to slowly stand. The wild blond took several steps back. He kept his hand on his aching head. "Not gonna hurt you, whoever you are. Just want to help if I can. So, what's your name?"
The blond looked around her. Then she looked at Xander. Peered directly into his eyes. Again, the faintest bit of recognition. But still mostly just blank eyes staring into his that were full of love and concern.
Xander had to give it one last try. So, he took one step towards her. "I only want to..." Before he could finish his thought, she was off like a shot. And the carpenter stood dumbfounded rubbing his head for the longest of times.

Tara sat in the living room alone. Willow was still in their bed. Either she was pretending to sleep or somehow had managed to get to sleep. Unlike the blond. She could not sleep. No matter how hard that she tried, she could not let sleep overtake her.
Part of it was the memories. She was having flashes of what happened while she was with that demon. Yoda, as Spike liked to refer to it. There was something that happened while she and Spike were in that cave. And more then just whatever it was passing on the secrets of resurrection to her.
The blond took a sip of her tea. She needed the tea to try and calm her nerves. It seemed that both she and Willow had been going through tea. Whether here at home or at The Magic Box, both seemed to have their tea lately.
Not that it really worked for her. But it was habit. And one that her mother had introduced her to. Along with all those secrets about magicks over the years. Her mother had been one of the wisest and most powerful women that she ever had known. Until she had met Willow.
Willow had this knowledge about her. The first time that their hands had touched by accident as they picked up the books and handouts on the campus of The University of Michigan so long ago. And the power. The power was also just there. Something that Tara knew. And part of her had been afraid of it.
But she also knew that the two were meant to be together. Though she often doubted herself, she still believed in fate. And though she thought herself, at the time, not worthy of someone like Willow, she let herself believe that things would work out the way that they were supposed to.
Sighing heavily, she took another sip of tea. So much had happened since that day long ago. Willow had grown even more powerful. Had even almost destroyed the world. But she had managed to keep herself in check. And now the two were together in every way and even expecting a chile of their own.
But the thing that had changed them the most was Buffy's death. It had affected them all in one way or another. But Willow seemed to be taking it the hardest because she knew that she had all of this power. But she could not use it to bring back her best friend in the world.
And the thing that had the two of them a part now, the blond witch knew for a fact, was the fact that she had gone out on her own to try and bring Buffy back. And that she had nearly gotten herself killed in the process. If Spike had not been there and if Willow had not been able to bring her back...
But the fates had said it was not her time. And she knew why that was. She and Willow were meant to be. And the baby that they were going to have would need both of them in this crazy mixed up world that the scoobies lived in. So she had been spared.
But what now? She and Willow were so far a part at this time that she did not know how they were going to get back on the same page. She knew that communication was going to be a big part of it. And not just the 'mornings' and 'how was class' and 'we have to work on finding spells' and such. It had to be real communication. The two of them sitting down and getting their feelings out.
The blond stood and began pacing. She and her everything were the most important things in the world. But she also knew that she had to think about the things going on. And what happened with that demon. Something happened. And something was still happening.
Her pacing continued as she tried to get the images from last night's dreams clear in her head. There were flashes of a blond. When the images were clear enough, she could have sworn that it was Buffy. But she was gone still. How could it be the slayer that everyone loved and relied on so much?
But the blond was smart. She knew in the world that they lived in that anything was possible. So the slayer could be back. The question would be how? For she and Willow had done nothing to bring her back. Was there another that brought her back? Or was this just a lookalike of the slayer's?
Tara sighed heavily. She stopped her pacing when she saw Willow standing in the doorway. "Good morning." It took all she had not to cringe when those familiar words were spoken. And nothing more was added. "Good morning," the blond witch returned wanting to say so much more. Knowing that so much more had to be said. But she couldn't. Not yet. Neither of them were ready.
There was an awkward silence between the two of them. They looked at each other with nervous looks on their faces. There was still the love in each other's eyes. But just no words for them to express what they were going through. It was hard. The hardest thing that either had gone through. Not being able be with one another in every way like they used to.
Both jumped at the ringing of the phone. It was Tara that finally managed to move to answer it. Anya's voice came through loud and clear. "You and Willow need to get to The Magic Box ASAP. Spike may or may not have seen Buffy. We need you two magick type people."
"What?" Tara couldn't believe her ears. Buffy? But those were just dreams. Weren't they? Not someone flesh and blood and in the real world. "Buffy?" Willow quickly perked up at the mention of her best friend. "We'll be there as soon as we can." Tara hung up the phone and turned to Willow. "We've got to get to The Magic Box. And now. Spike might or might not have seen Buffy last night." And with that, the two lovers were on their way. Their own problems temporarily forgotten.
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