Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2182 words

Wild eyes popped open. It was as if they'd been closed for years and years. There was no way of telling how long she had been asleep. Or had she been asleep? Was it something else?
The blond looked around her. There was not a whole lot to see. She could not gauge the feeling she had about the place that she was in. Not yet she couldn't. There was something telling her that she did not belong here. Something that told her that it was not her time and yet she was here.
But where exactly was here? Her first thoughts, once she began to focus again, were of a man. One that she had looked up to as a father. Simply, he was the one that would always know the answers or the very least on how to get those answers. But who was this man?
Again, the blond looked around her. It was familiar. There were many concrete statues where she was. And now that her vision was clearing, she could also see that there were a lot of names and dates on these concrete monuments.
She looked down at herself and there was a lot of dirt all over herself. As if she'd been playing in the mud. Or perhaps like she had been buried. She flashed to a time on the beach when she had been buried up to her neck. It was when she was little. It was of some woman that she felt an instant connection with and a man that she knew had some connection to her as well. Though she did not feel it was there now.
The blond slowly stood up. She hadn't even realized that she had been sitting down. Things were that blurry and confused for her. Now that she was standing, she took in the names on the those concrete monuments. One caught her eye. 'Buffy Anne Summers'. Why did that feel so familiar?
Her head began reeling with a pain that she didn't know that she could feel. It was as if the most unpleasant of things were happening. Her mind raced as she felt that she was in danger. Like there was a presence. What was that term? She knew that she and a male had used it in the past. Her spider senses were tingling. She knew something was going to happen.
At that moment, two vampires leapt out of the darkness. They were in full vamp mode and the young blond screamed with all that she had. Yet, she knew in her heart that she knew how to defeat these creatures. Yet, she didn't. It was still not making much sense to her. Any of the goings on were not making sense.
"Here now." A bleach blond man appeared out of nowhere. "It's not right to pick on a damsel. You two blokes should know better then that."
"Spike." The taller of the two disfigured fiends hissed out the name. "You still all good? That's such a shame. You are so missing out on the fun that the dark side brings. But I know you remember that."
"Yes." The bleach blond that the monster had called Spike nodded in agreement. "I do quite remember. But you see fellas, I also know the rewards of being good. And I like to help out the ladies. So why don't we just make this all easy, shall we?"
The taller figured laughed. Before he could say a word, Spike had made his move. And it had left two figures dust. Two wooden stakes in the heart at the same time in a move that was so fast that an ordinary person could not have seen it.
But the young blond did. And she screamed yet again when she saw the two figures turn to dust. "Here now." Spike turned around to face her. "If you keep up this hollering, you'll have every fiend in town upon..." He trailed off as he took in whom he was talking to. "Buffy?"
The blond started to shake. "I have no idea who you are talking about. What were they?"
"Buffy, you've got to be kidding me." Spike took a step towards the blond. She quickly took several steps back. "I'm not gonna hurt you. You don't know who you are?"
The blond shook her head. "All I know is that I woke up in this place. A cemetery I believe. And those two, whatever they were, came at me. Then you showed up. And I don't know who you are or what you are."
"Name's the Spike." The souled vampire just smiled a little at her. "I'm a good guy, I assure you. As you could maybe gather from the brief banter, used to be a real bad ass. But I've seen the errors of my way. Fight on the side of good. Just like you."
"Me?" The blond looked at him, her eyes full of shock. "I'm just a girl. Someone that doesn't know who I am or what is going on. But how can a girl do anything? Really, I don't think so."
"A girl can make a difference, a big one." Spike eyed her carefully. He didn't want to scare her off. "And I'm getting the sense that you already know that deep down. But things are just confusing because you can't even remember your own name."
"Confusing?" The young blond crossed her arms over her chest. "You have no idea about confusing." Just then, there was another wave of vampires. This time three in all. "What the hell?" The young woman didn't hang around for an answer to that one. She ran off into the darkness.
Spike tried to watch her go. But he had his hands full with the three undead that were taking issue with his very existence. It took him a good ten minutes to extinguish their existence from this world. By that time, the blond that he was certain was Buffy had gone into the night. But he had her scent. Hopefully he could find her before anything happened to her.
Willow sat out in the area behind her and Tara's apartment. It was a common area that was closed in on all sides by the other buildings in the complex. It had a few grills and a few picnic tables and a little playground for the kids. She and Tara had set up some lounge chairs just outside their patio door. That is where she now sat looking up at the full moon.
It reminded her of not that long ago and what had happened with Oz. In one way, he had come back hoping. And it had temporarily caused a little rift between her and Tara. But nothing that they couldn't come over.
And now, this big thing had happened. Tara had, without discussing it with her, taken upon herself to see about bringing back Buffy. And that was both a good and a bad thing. Good because she also felt that if there was a chance, they should bring her back. But bad because her girlfriend had taken it upon herself to do it on her own.
And it had nearly cost her her life. That's what had Willow upset so. The fact that she had nearly lost her everything in one swift move. It frustrated her to no end thinking that if her kiss had not brought her back, she would now be alone. Alone in raising a child.
And alone in fighting evil. It was not that she could not do it on her own, but the redhead had by gotten used to the two of them doing everything as one when it came to the magicks. And they both powered and fueled one another. And more importantly, her everything kept her focused and kept her from going out of control which was still very likely.
With the summer fast approaching, she had thoughts of going back to England so that both witches could finish the training that they had started last summer. That was if they could get Faith back and if they could defeat Drusilla somehow.
That was still quite sketchy as well. For they were told not to do anything or it could cost lives. Well, it already had cost them two of the greatest fighters they had ever known. Would there be more deaths to follow?
Willow herself was not willing to take the risk. Especially with her little one growing so rapidly inside of her. It still amazed her the power that magicks could have. For it was able to create a life when man could not. Well, when two women could not anyways. That was something else.
She took a sip of the herbal tea she was sipping. It was a special blend that was supposed to calm and soothe. And it also was supposed to be good for a pregnant woman. And so, it was supposed to be helping all around.
Her feelings were less then the best at the moment. And she could feel her stress levels rising with all these thoughts. So the tea was not helping in that way. Hopefully it was still helping with the little one.
Her thoughts went back to the real reason she was out here. The fresh air was what she had told Tara that she had needed. The cool crisp night air was exactly what she needed. The stars were beautiful this night. The only thing better would have been if she had been able to share them with the one that she loved.
But at the same time, she was not so sure that time with Tara was for the best. The last time they had tried to talk, and that was just something simple, they had gotten into an argument. Something was between them at the moment.
And Willow knew exactly what it was. It was the fact that Tara had taken it upon herself to do something so dangerous that she had nearly gotten herself killed without talking to her about it first.
In one way, the redhead had to admit a pride. The Tara that she had met nearly two years ago had been so timid and so unsure of herself. She would never have done what this present day Tara had done.
She was now stronger then Willow was. The redhead had to admit that. That Tara was the one that had the strength to carry on no matter what happened. And the strength to do what others may not be able or be willing to do.
But that was also a dangerous thing. At least to the redhead it was. For going off on your own could have very dire consequences. Ones that she did not want to think about her everything going through.
So, she sat alone, wrapped up in a blanket. It was not how she would have preferred to spend her evening. In fact, she would have rather been wrapped up in the arms of her everything. If only holding one another. That would have been how she would have wanted to spend her evening.
And she knew that Tara was inside. She was all alone sitting at the desk in their bedroom. She would be pretending to either be going over her homework or she would be going over a spell book that both had read a million times.
She would be doing anything to keep herself busy and not think about the fact that there was now a little bit of a wall between the two young lovers. One that would eventually be brought down. But for the time being, was a huge obstacle.
And the redhead also knew that there would probably be silent tears. A stray one here and there. Ones that she would just love to tenderly kiss away and make sure that her everything knew that everything was gonna be all right. That they could never be a part for that long of a time.
Willow sighed heavily. The thought of Tara inside like that literally made her skin crawl just to think about it. Was she being selfish? Why was she so mad and taking it out on her everything?
The answer was an easy one. Fear. Fear of losing her once again. That night was so embedded in her mind. There was nothing that would ever make her forget the blank look in those beautiful sea of blue eyes.
And the fear. The fear after the spell that she knew no one had ever done before would make things worse instead of better. That was probably the scariest moment for the young witch. Thinking that she was the one behind her girl's demise.
Willow shook her head. Every part of her was screaming at her to make her way back in the apartment. Yet, she sat still. Breathing slowly in and out, trying to calm her heart and her fears. While inside she knew. Knew that her everything was crying. And was in real pain.
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