Categories > Original > Drama > Rebuilding Trust

Scene 3

by Kylelara 0 reviews

Scene 3

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-10 - 915 words

Inside Lieutenant Grady's office.
[The office door opens. Cassidy and the LT step inside. The room appears to be empty.]

LT: What the hell! Where did she...

[Cassidy signals him to be quiet. She crouches down and peers into the darkness under the desk. The girl is curled up in a foetal position under the desk. She stares at Cassidy with wide, frightened eyes. Cassidy motions to the LT to leave the room. He does so. The door closes behind him and Cassidy sits down on the floor.]

CASSIDY: Well hello there. The girl curls up into an even tighter ball. My name's Claire Cassidy - what's yours?

[The girl shakes her head and makes a whimpering sound.]

CASSIDY: It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to. pauses Are you hungry? no response Well, I'm kind of hungry. I grabbed a chocolate bar from the break room's stash. We could share if you're interested?

[Cassidy takes out the chocolate, unwraps it and breaks it in half. She edges closer to the desk. The girl shifts. Cassidy pauses.]

CASSIDY: Easy...I'm just going to put this down where you can reach it.

[Cassidy lays the chocolate near the desk and backs away. She begins eating her half with her gaze directed away from the desk. A small hand reaches out and quickly snatches the offered treat.]

CASSIDY: smiling Good isn't it? a hesitant nod Are you thirsty? I can ask one of the nice policemen outside to fetch you a Coke or something?

[The girl vigorously shakes her head no and retreats further back under the desk. The office is silent.]

GIRL: whispering Are...are you a...a cop?

CASSIDY: No, I'm not. I work with the police, but I'm not an officer myself. I'm a social worker with the Child Protection Unit.

GIRL: relaxing a little I'm not allowed to talk to cops...or teachers...

CASSIDY: I see. Well, since I'm neither, do you think you could tell me your name?

GIRL: opens her mouth, hesitates, then answers Aislyn...Aislyn Peters.

CASSIDY: smiling That's a beautiful name. It's a pleasure to meet you Aislyn. pauses You're welcome to join me out doesn't look very comfortable under the desk.

[Aislyn looks at the door and shudders.]

CASSIDY: Don't worry, no one is going to come in while we're in here. And if they do they'll knock first, so you'll have time to duck out of sight again, okay?

[Aislyn slowly edges out from under the desk. Her hair and clothes are dirty. In the light the bruises and circular scars on her bare arms are clearly visible. Cassidy looks at them then calmly returns her gaze to Aislyn's face. Aislyn settles down two feet to Cassidy's left and rolls her shoulders to work out some kinks.]

CASSIDY: See, this is much more comfortable.

[They sit quietly. Aislyn's tense posture relaxes slightly.]

CASSIDY: Remember I told you I'm a social worker with the Child Protection Unit? Aislyn nods. Do you know what that is? headshake - no Well, we're a group of people - social workers, lawyers, doctors and so on - that work with the police to help when a case like...well...yours comes along.

AISLYN: I don't mine?

CASSIDY: Cases involving children that need help. nods towards Aislyn's arms Those bruises and scars - they tell me that someone has been hurting you, and we - me and the police officers that brought you here - want to help you.

AISLYN: swipes her hand across her eyes - whispers Why?

CASSIDY: looks her strait in the eye Because no child should ever know the pain and fear that I can see in your eyes. And any person that can put that look in the eyes of a child should never be allowed anywhere near a child again.

[Aislyn looks down.]

CASSIDY: softly: Aislyn...can you tell me who hurt you?

[Aislyn's shoulders start shaking.]

CASSIDY: Aislyn...?

AISLYN: sobbing Daddy...he...he...ever since momma died he drinks and then he...I try to be quiet! Really! I don't mean to be in the way...

[Cassidy lifts Aislyn's chin so they can make eye contact.]

CASSIDY: quietly Oh honey, this is not your fault... firmly none of this was EVER your fault!

AISLYN: shakes her head But I...

CASSIDY: No Aislyn releases Aislyn's chin and grasps her lightly by her shoulders Listen to one - NO ONE, not even your father, has the right to hurt you like that. Not ever!

AISLYN: whispers Then why...?

CASSIDY: sighs I don't know honey. I think maybe the hurt from your mother's death and all the made your father sick. firmlyIt was never about anything you did, okay?

[Aislyn is crying. Cassidy reaches out and carefully hugs the distraught child, rocking her slowly back and forth.]

AISLYN: Wha...what is going to happen me now?

CASSIDY: Well, first we're going to find you some clean clothes to change into, and then... I was hoping you'd like to come with me. To the Hope's Haven.

AISLYN: What's that?

CASSIDY: Hope's Haven is a safe house for kids who have been hurt - like you. It's a safe place where you can heal, and the people there can help you deal with everything that's happened. That sound okay? slow nod Well then, Cassidy stands up. Let's get you cleaned up.
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