Categories > Original > Drama > Rebuilding Trust

Scene 4

by Kylelara 0 reviews

Scene 4

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-10 - 119 words

Foyer of police station
The desk sergeant looks up as Cassidy walks through the back door, closely followed by a much cleaner Aislyn, wearing a new outfit. He smiles at her and she shyly smiles back

DESK SERGEANT: Well where are you two lovely ladies off to?

CASSIDY: stopping next to the desk Aislyn and I are heading over to the Hope's Haven. looks down at the girl next to her But first, I was thinking...want to go get an ice cream?

Cassidy holds out her hand towards Aislyn. Aislyn tentatively takes it, then smiles up at her. Hand in hand the two walk out the station's front door, leaving a smiling desk sergeant looking after them.

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