Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2823 words

Ethan looked around his empty shop. One that he had managed to keep for several years now. One that was the sight of his first seeing of his daughter. Of course, at the time, he had not known that the redhead who had bought a ghost costume was his daughter. How was he to know? Sheila had kept it from him for all these years.
In the back, there were still the remnants of his foray on Halloween. So much had happened since then, but there were still traces. The shattered statue head was still there. He had yet to clean up anything. And he was not about to now. What was the point? If things went as badly as he assumed they would, there wouldn't be a world left for him anyways.
Sighing, he made his way to the corner where a cot still sat. He'd placed it there in case that he ever needed to stay. Now, he did. For he was not about to let his daughter and his grandchildren face whatever evil was to come there way without him. Was he a changed man?
Perhaps. Perhaps life had changed him. More then he ever thought it would. For in the past, he never had anyone to watch out for. His father had long ago disowned him. His mother had died penniless when he was still only fifteen years old. And since then, he had been on his own. Watching out for number one.
But now, he had people that he cared about. People that he would do anything for. It amazed him the feelings that gave him. That he would actually want to look after them. It was a change indeed for him. Ripper had been right. There was something that could make you change. And that was having people that cared about you in your life.
The cot squeaked noisily as he sat down. But it felt so good. He had been sleeping in that blasted cave for so long that he barely remembered what it was like to sleep on anything soft. Or to sit on anything soft for that matter. It did do his body good to feel that.
But that softness would not make it so that he could sleep. For he knew that Drusilla was out there somewhere and mad as hell. For, she would want to know where he had taken her prize. After all, that was how she had referred to Faith. Her little slayer prize. And there was of course the thing about getting his daughter and grandchild.
The phone rang at that moment. Just as he was beginning to be able to relax. It figured that that's when it would ring. He reluctantly answered it. "Hello?"
"It's Ripper." Giles' voice had an edge to it. "I don't think you should show up, but I think you should know. Willow is in the hospital. She had a close call with the pregnancy. And..." The former librarian hesitated for a moment. "And we found out that she is having twins. I felt that you had a right to know."
"Thanks old man." Ethan was almost shaking at the news. "And no worries old pale. I won't be in to seem my daughter or grandchildren. I would appreciate any updates. Please do that for an old friend." The phone went dead.
It was hard, but Ethan forced himself to lay down. He stared up at the ceiling. Twins. Two. Of him. Soon to be running around. It was all so amazing. And yet, meant even more problems then they had thought before. For if there were two slayers and there were two off spring of the powerful witches, that meant twice the spellage. And that was not a good thing.
Even the evil sorcerer had to shudder at the thought. For he liked chaos. Hell, he loved chaos. But what Drusilla had planned. He shuddered at the image it brought. Something he would fight with his very life to keep from happening. And he would too. Fight with the very life that he had in him. Boy, how times change.

Buffy was pacing in the waiting room. Faith sat, looking all nonchalant and watching her fellow slayer. She knew that the blond was having trouble with her being good. Heck, half the time she had trouble believing that as well. But she was trying. And watching the other slayer pace was making her nervous. Something had to be done.
"Yo, B." Faith stood up and slowly made her way over to the pacing slayer who stopped rather abruptly. "I was just thinking. There really is nothing more we can do here for the night. Sounds like Reds gonna be all right. And she's got the rest of the gang to keep an eye on her. Why don't we go and see if we can find any bad guys?"
Buffy turned towards the formerly rogue slayer, a look of distrust on her face. "I'd rather stay here in case there is trouble. I want to be here for Will. I know that may sound weird seeing in my time that we were enemies and all but I never wanted that. I always wanted it to be like the old times. When we fought side by side. When we were there for each other no matter what. A few tiffs along the way, sure. But we never let anything get in the way. Not until..." She trailed off. She still wasn't sure what to tell and what not to. For how long was she going to be in this foreign time? And what changes could she make that she shouldn't?
"Look, Red will understand." Faith maintained her distance. "She knows that us out there seeing what we can find out is just as important. For if we can stop whatever it is that's coming, her little ones will be safe." The dark haired girl pulled a cell phone out of her leather coat. "Besides, I come prepared."
"Cell phone?" Buffy eyed her. "Since when did we get cell phones? Never had any in my time. That would have made things so much simpler."
"It does." Faith smiled a little. "Just when you are chained to a wall, nothing really helps." Her smile grew a little. She hoped that the humor was helping B.
"I guess it wouldn't." Buffy sighed. She walked over to where Giles and the rest sat. "Faith has an idea. One that actually isn't that bad. I'm like totally at a loss here. And well, patrolling might help. So, you guys will call us if there is a change, right? We'll get our asses back her as quickly as possible."
Giles noticed the language use. It seemed that this Buffy was a little bit rougher then his Buffy. Something had happened to her. Maybe someday she would share. "All right. But do be careful. Drusilla is probably beside herself at the moment. And she'll be looking to get back a slayer for whatever this ritual is. So, both of you do be careful."
"As always Giles." Buffy smiled sadly at him. She turned and nodded to Faith. The two slayers quickly left the hospital. It wasn't long before the two of them were in one of the many cemeteries of Sunnydale. Still more then the normal town would have. "This feels so weird."
"What?" Faith listened carefully. She thought she had heard a noise. "Being back in this town? Or, probably the fact that the two of us are nearly like friends."
Buffy turned on a dime. "Don't ever go that far. I don't know what happened in this time. But the things that you did to me, I will never be able to forgive." Without even knowing it, her hands went to her face. She was tracing over the scars. There were so many scars on her face. Ones that she would never forget how she had gotten.
Faith held up her hands. "B, I'm sorry for whatever happened in your time. Knowing me, it was some really nasty stuff. I have that streak in me. I know I do. Some days it takes all I have to keep on this path. But it's worth it. Having goodness is worth it. I've discovered that much. And I know I'll never be able to make up for what I did."
The blond slayer eyed her counterpart. "Those are some nice words. Pretty words. I've heard something like those before from you. And look how well that turned out. The things you did to me!" Buffy started towards the other slayer, anger across her face. "In my time, I vowed to kill you for the things you did."
Faith quickly began to back up. She stumbled over a headstone in the process. She was now laying on her back looking up at Buffy. There was anger and there was a fire in the other slayer's eyes. Hate. Pure hate. And why shouldn't she? Again, Faith could only imagine what torture she had put B through.
"Buffy!" The familiar voice startled the slayer. Spike stood only a few feet away. "Look, luv. I know that things were bad in your time. But Faith here has really changed. So, you need to back off. You two play on the same side."
"And do we?" Buffy glared at him. "Do we play on the same side? Cause in my time you tried to kill me and my friends. You were the start of all things going to hell. It was because I killed you that Drusilla did what she did and then Willow did what she did and the evil and all and everything and...." Tears were now streaming down the slayer's face.
Faith quickly got to her feet. She watched as Buffy just cried. She didn't know if she should or not, but she quickly made her way over and wrapped her arms around her. Spike watched the scene in front of him unfold. No wonder why she hated him and was so surprised to see him that day.
The two slayers held each other for what seemed like forever. The two just needed to know it was all right. Faith to be forgiven all over again. Even though the Buffy that had been in her time had already done that. And this Buffy, she needed to let go. Let go of the anger and of the pain. For she was now in this time. Forever. This was her place now. She would have to let all of the anger and pain go away. That was just how things were now. If only it were that easy. But life is never that easy.

Hospitals. It seemed that they'd seen their share over the years. Part of being in the slayer fold. Part of wanting to help. Part of needing to help. This time, it was different. It was partly because of good, but partly because of bad. Tara held her everything's hand tightly as she got the sleep that she so desperately needed.
Her thoughts were of both the good and the bad. Good beyond the telling of it. She was soon going to be the proud mother of not one, but two little ones. A nice twist that life had thrown at her. Were she and her girl ready? The answer was quickly yes on that one. There was no doubt in her mind. So much love and so much of a connection that had been recaptured. It was a warm feeling.
But fear was part of that and part of the bad thoughts. For, if one child had been needed to do this ritual, weren't two in the world that much more dangerous? And right from the get go her two little ones were in danger. But then, living the life of a scooby did that automatically. Well, one just living was dangerous. Just being a part of the scoobies gave you that knowledge of the supernatural world around you.
Tara's eyes began to get heavy. It was nearing morning and she had yet to get any sleep. She had been too worried to sleep. And she was still quite worried. The doctors may say that things were all right, but there was still that streak in her that made her worry.
Nothing would feel better then to sleep. Well, if that meant that she and her girl were back in their apartment in their bed together. Just to feel the steady breathing of her girl next to her was the most comforting feeling in the world. It was the way that every day was supposed to end and how every day was to start. The two of them together.
Tara blinked. She was no longer in the hospital with her girl. But she was still with her. The two were in bed together. She had obviously just woke up from a pretty sound sleep while Willow still slept soundly. There was a haze to her thinking. But it could just be because she just woke up. Or was it something else?
Suddenly, two little ones were peeking through the crack in the door. Tara quickly got herself out of bed, yet carefully as not to wake up Willow. She held her hand to her mouth and the two little ones obeyed. She made her way through the door and took both their little hands in her own. The three made their way to the kitchen.
"All right you two, what do you want for breakfast this morning?" Tara smiled as she asked. They always wanted the same thing. And she was more then happy to oblige them. She loved them with every fiber of her being.
The little blond girl smiled. "I want my usual! I want pancakes. And funny shapes for me! No one does funny shapes like you, momma."
The little redheaded girl laughed. "That's so true. And I want funny shapes too! They always make me laugh and feel good going down. Always warm me up! Just like magick!"
Tara's smile faded a little at the last comment. She and Willow were trying to keep their little ones away from magick. Well, till they were five. And that was only a short time away. Quickly, her smile recovered. She knew that Amber and Alyson were very sensitive to her moods. And she didn't want to spoil their good day.
She couldn't help but remember what the two had gone through. And before they were even a month old. Both had little scars on their stomach because of it. But that was in the past. A scar was a painful reminder. But they would be all right. Everything would be all right. Everything always seem to turn out all right.
The blond witch snapped out of her thoughts. She made her way over to the cupboard and pulled out all that she needed. She was busy making the pancakes and didn't notice someone standing right behind her. Arms were around her and she knew and felt that amazing feeling that she felt every time that Willow had her arms around her.
"Mom and momma are gonna make out!" Amer giggled.
Alyson shoved her sister. "Like eewww! They are not. That's so disgusting. I mean, grownups. Eeewww!"
The two witches turned to their daughters. It was a happy feeling one that just felt right. This was the future they had to look forward to. This was a future that both wanted so much. And suddenly, Tara felt a tug in her mind. Things around her started to fade. And she realized sadly that it was all a dream. But it was a dream that could easily come true.
It wasn't long before Tara found herself in another place. Red rocky walls. It had to be the cavern that Faith had described being held at. It had to be. Drusilla! The blond hadn't seen her but she just knew that's who the vampire was. Scary. And evil just flowed off from her. Not one that she looked forward to tangling with.
Suddenly, crying! Tara ran towards the sound on pure instinct. There she was, an image of herself. And Willow! Both were gagged and chained to a wall. Not effective witches that way. And there, in the center of the room were her little ones. Crying because there was already blood on their tiny bellies. And there were both Faith and Buffy. And the knives where coming closer. She had to do something or else!
"No!" Tara woke up. Willow still slept soundly. How could she? But then, she knew that she had had a long night. The blond noticed the sweat dripping down her face. That last part had scared her. And she instantly knew. Both dreams could come true. And probably would. But how would they save their little ones?
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