Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Why Put a New Address On the Same Old Loneliness?

I'm Such A Sucker (And Always the Last To Know)

by pixi_dust 0 reviews

Adia reveals her feelings to Joe, and a mystery of Pete's past begins to unravel itself.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-11 - 1449 words

"Awww, lovebirds!"

My eyes opened slowly and I saw Pete standing over us. 'Good morning to you too, now go the fuck away and let us sleep," I said, fidgeting and putting my head on Joe's chest. He was breathing softly, and his arms were secured around my waist.

"is it a boy or a girl?"

I threw a stuffed animal at him. "Now, Petey," I said, my voice slightly muffled. After he walked out, I tried to doze back off, but couldn't. Joe, being his wonderfully ingenious self, left my CD player on repeat all night-- a CD turning round and round and round for 10 or 12 hours straight. It was playing 'Seven Nation Army' by The White Stripes. I thought of turning it off, but I realized with the way Joe was holding me I might as well have forgot about it.

"Joe," I whispered into his ear. "Baby, wake up, it's already past twelve."

"Really?" he groaned as he opened his eyes. "Man, we slept a while, huh?" I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness- no matter what, he always was in a good mood unless you pushed him enough to make him mad- so mad his tounge seemed to be on fire. He smiled back at me and closed his eyes.

"Am I that sexy? Just keep on starin', Dee."

"Oh yeah, you know it," I sighed, snuggling close to him. "You just know I'm that into you."

"Hmm," was all he said for several minutes. He secured his arms around me and rested his head on mine, then was still. His breath on my ear tickled a little, but I ignored it.

"You have no clue how long I've hidden my feelings," he finally whispered.

"Yeah, you don't, either," I replied.

"I was jealous anyway when you started going out with cutter stoner dickhead, but imagine how I felt when all that shit happened," he said, reffering to the cutting incident.

"What...?" Four years? "Oh, Joe..."

"Yeah... I envied him so much, because everytime he hugged you or held you he held my entire world."

He got that from a banner on my MySpace, but I didn't care. I was just absorbed in his words, his voice, his feelings...

"And then it all happened... and the first one you came to was me- just like always. I knew something was wrong even before I picked up the phone- any of us know you wouldn't call someone at three o clock in the morning just to chat. And the way you spoke, the way he spoke to you..." His voice trailed off as he finished.

I turned over to where I was facing him. Smiling, I said, "Joey, I was so scared. I knew that Petey or Pat or Andy would be asleep, and you were- and kinda still are- the act now, ask questions later kind of person. And I knew you'd be worried about me anyways."

"Just... hell, I don't know," he laughed, lost for words. I put a finger on his lip and looked up at him.

"Don't worry about charming me, you've already done that a million times over with just a smile."

"I.. just... I'm trying to... ah, screw it," he sighed. I laughed softly.

"We're together and the boys are downstairs absorbed in their Harry Potter and Super Mario brothers. We're here with each other. Isn't that all we need, for the moment at least?"

"Yeah... but one more thing..."

"And that is...?"

Quickly and without noticed, he pulled me close (closer than I already was) and kissed me. I felt his tongue slide over my lip ring- somehow, it sent goosebumps over my skin. My heart was beating fast, I was blushing, and this was my first kiss in over three years... but I didn't care. I concentrated on us and the moment, not wanting to lose it, not wanting to forget...


Kaliam POV


I opened my eyes and looked around my living room- seemed like I fell asleep on the couch. Hmm.

I got up and walked to my bedroom just down the hall from there, and flipped the lightswitch. Light flooded over the walls- my wall was covered in photos and posters, most notably of her...

How did I ever let her escape my grasp? I had her right there next to me, but... Joe. Yes, that was his name. Joe Trohman. He took her with him and swept her out of my hold again, just like he did the last time. And, just like the previous time, I let him. But I wasn't going to let her go that easily... when I said she was mine, I meant it, and I was going to make sure they knew that.

I went over to my dresser, opened the top drawer, and pulled out that same knife- I hadn't even bothered to clean it since then. The blood covered it from the tip of the silver blade to the end of the wooden handle, and still shone as red as it did that night. I ran the flat side of the blade of my hand, feeling its smoothness and the roughish texture of the bloody stains.

Joe thought he could have her- but he saw the marks, I know. How could anyone miss them? I glanced down at the knife and smiled as an idea came to me...

Oh, I would have her back soon enough.

Adia POV

" C'mon, Joey, let's go back downstairs," I said after a few minutes' silence. I cut the stereo off, pulled on my grey and black striped sweater, and went downstairs. The only one sitting there was Pete; he was writing something into a blue notebook- lyrics, I suppose- and drinking a glass of chocolate milk. When he heard me descending the stairs he closed his wrting and looked up at me and smiled. "Why good morning, Mrs. Trohman," he laughed, grinning.

God, your teeth get on my nerves. "Good morning to you, too, little miss sunshine," I said as I plopped down by him. "Whatcha writin'?" I inquired as I picked up his notebook and flipped through the random drawings and snippets of writing.

"Ah, just random shit," he replied, tapping his pencil on his lap.

'I was terrified and would you mind if I
sat next to you and watched you smile
So many kids but I only see you
And I don't think you notice me'

I smiled as I read it. Trust Pete to write something about love.

'Well I've seen your boyfriend
and I don't think he treats you right
But that's none of my business is it?

I'm not the way you think I am, girl'

I figured this was what he was just writing, but I looked at the date and saw it was wrong- it said 6/23/03. Without him seeing me, I marked the page by folding the corner and kept on flipping though until I found what he was had been writing.


why can you read me like no one else?
I hide behind these words
but I'm coming out
I wish I kept them behind my tongue
I hide behind these words
but I'm coming out

put your hand between
an aching head and an aching world
we'll make them so jealous
we'll make them hate us
an aching head and an aching world
we'll make them so jealous

all the ways you make my stomach turn
and all the long drives
with my friends blur
and I wish I kept them inside my mind
I hide behind these words

and think of all the places
where you've been lost
and then found...out
in between my sheets
in between the rights and the wrongs

put your hand between
an aching head and an aching world
we'll make them so jealous
we'll make them hate us
aching head and an aching world
think of all the places
where you've been lost and found...out'

'Aw, Petey, you're so talented," I said as I turned back to the marked page. "Who'dja write this about?"

He didn't answer me, just closed the notebook and removed it from my lap.

"Well, be that way," I said under my breath as Joe came down the stairs.

"Where's Andy and Pat?" he asked.

"I 'unno," Pete said as he got up to take his glass to the kitchen.

"Dude, somethin's up," I said to Joe.

"Really." Joe shrugged and leaned back on the couch, grasping my hand.

I decided to forget about it for a moment, and propped my feet up on the table, for a moment being unaware of all of my dillemas and questions.
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