Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Head First For Heart Ache


by angellbaby28 2 reviews

Things are starting to pick up, promise!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-12-18 - Updated: 2006-12-19 - 1011 words

"Baby, I really don't like the thought of you going to Chicago..." Brent whined as he watched Lexi throw her bags into the trunk of her car. She turned to him, not ready to have this fight again.

"Don't start. I already told you that I'm going and nothing you say is going to change that!" She snapped, slamming the trunk shut. "You know what, I have been thinking. I know that you don't support my decision so I think that we should break up."

"Break up?" Brent repeated quietly.

"Yes Brent, break up. All we do is fight and right now I just need to focus on my music. I'm sorry that things didn't work out for you and good luck with everything in the future." Lexi said, climbing into the car. Before Brent could say anything, she pulled away. She turned her stereo up full blast and sped towards the airport. All her doubts about what she was doing were washed away when she spotted Dan, Eric, and Scott standing just outside the airport waiting for her. Lexi ran towards them and hugged them each happily.

"I can't believe that we are on our way to Chicago to record our first ever CD!" Dan exclaimed as they each checked their bags. Lexi grinned as she linked arms with Dan and Scott and the group made their way to their gate. Several hours later, Lexi groaned as Scott gently shook her.

"Lex, wake up! We're here!" He whispered happily. Lexi grinned groggily as she grabbed her carry-on bag and followed her friends off the plane. She was still finding it hard to believe that all of this was actually happening to her. Before she knew it, Lexi was wrapped up in someone's arms. She looked up and smiled when she saw that it was Pete who was holding her.

"Hey! How was the flight?" He asked, letting her go.

"It was good. I slept for most of it." Lexi said, yawning.

"Good. You're going to be glad that you did because we're having a party tonight to welcome you guys to the label!"

Lexi stood in the middle of the room that she was sharing with Scott for the next few months. She was staying in Pete Wentz's house! She couldn't believe it... still! She was in the middle of putting on her makeup when her roommate barged in.

"Everyone's here! Come on!" Scott said anxiously. Lexi quickly adjusted the strap on her sexy black cocktail dress and followed Scott downstairs. She was surprised to see how many people had gathered at the house in such a short period of time. Pete noticed her standing at the bottom of the stairs and approached her.

"You look great!" He said, passing her a drink. Lexi smiled weakly, becoming kind of nervous. "Come on, I want to introduce you to some people!" He grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the crowd. This caused her to bump into someone.

"I am so sorry." She said to the tall, unknown male. He slowly turned around and Lexi felt like she was going to throw up everywhere. "This can't be happening." She thought to herself, looking for a place to run, with no such luck. "Hi..." She whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Holy fuck... hi." He whispered, clearly just as surprised as she was to be standing there. He quickly embraced her. "Hey Lexi."

"Hey Brendon. How are you doing?"

"Great... how about you?" he questioned, sitting on the couch. Pete glanced around and when she saw that Pete was nowhere to be found, she sat down beside him. "Better question is what the hell are you doing in Chicago?"

"Well... have you heard of the new Decaydance band Head First for Heart Ache?" She questioned. Brendon nodded his head yes. "Well, I am the lead singer!" She explained.

"No way! That's awesome! Congratulations on getting signed!" Brendon exclaimed, hugging her again. They both laughed and chatted for most of the night. "Lex, I'm going to get us some more drinks. Be right back." He said a few hours later. By now, they were both pretty drunk. Lexi couldn't believe how easily her and Brendon reconnected. "Maybe it's just the alcohol talking now..." She thought to herself. Her thoughts were rudely interrupted when someone else sat down beside her.

"Lexi fucking Green!" Lexi laughed as she saw Ryan and Spencer sitting beside her. She hugged them each tightly. "Bren told us you guys got signed! That's awesome!" Spencer exclaimed. He too was drunk. Lexi smiled and continued to make small talk with them until she saw Brendon standing in front of her, dragging a guy behind him.

"Lex, this is Jon Walker, our new bassist. Jon, this is our friend Lexi Green, lead singer of Head First." Lexi faked a smile and hugged Jon. She knew that it was going to take a while for her to warm up to the guy who was replacing Brent in the band. The group continued to drink heavily into the night and before too long, Lexi announced that she needed to get to bed.

"It was really great to see you guys again. Give me a call sometime." Lexi said, writing down her phone number, holding onto Brendon's arm to steady herself. She giggled as she stumbled towards the stairs.

"Woah there dear. Let me help you." Brendon suggested, grabbing onto her petite waist. She continued to giggle as Brendon guided her to her room. Scott was already passed out on his bed. "Shh, you're going to wake him up." Brendon said quietly, laying her down. He made sure she was settled and was about to leave when she quietly called his name.

"Brendon, I had a lot of fun tonight." She whispered. "Please just stay with me." He didn't object as he lay down beside her. They both smiled as Lexi snuggled up to him. within a matter of minutes, they both had succumbed to the massive amounts of alcohol they had consumed and passed out.
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