Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Three Cheers for a Chemical Romance

Little Emma

by A_Chemical_Tragedy 1 review

Gerard and Charlotte encounter a new friend when Gerard visits an old one.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2006-12-20 - Updated: 2006-12-21 - 581 words

"Sooo, whatcha doin?" Frank asked as he jumped on the bed next to Gerard.

"Stuff." Gerard blushed.

"Aww, honey I think our little man is growing up!" Mikey put his arm around Alicia and Frank pretended to wipe off a tear.

"Uhm Charlotte this is Frank, Alicia, and my little bro Mikey"

"Hi," they all said at once, and Charlotte said hi back.

"So Charlotte, you want to go now?" Gerard asked awkwardly. She nodded and they walked out into the frigid cold of the night.

Charlotte had no idea where they were going , she didn't think Gerard knew either. So they walked, hand in hand, around the neighborhood, talking about family, friends, memories, really whatever popped up into their minds. Then, all of a sudden Gerard became silent and stopped moving.

She looked at where Gerard's eyes were locked and saw a church across the street. He had let go of her hand and just stood there staring at it, with such sadness in his eyes that it made Charlotte just want to break down right there. But she knew if he was really hurting that she couldn't do that so she just held him tightly, never wanting to let him go.

"My grandmother was buried there, I haven't been anywhere near here since. You have no idea how much I miss her. " A single tear rolled down his cheek and landed on Charlotte's jacket.

She put a hand on his face and caressed it gently with a smile of hope.

"Let's go," she said slightly pulling his arm.

"Wait, I have to do something first." And he walked across the street, shoving the iron gates with a single, firm push.

Charlotte didn't know whether to follow or not, but her mind was made up for her when she felt like someone was watching her.

As her hands lifted off the cold iron of the gates, Charlotte could hear the sound of someone weeping. She listened intently and could hear someone trying to calm the person down. It sounded like Gerard but she wouldn't know for sure unless she followed noise. She walked around the morbid area, passing tombstones, having the dirt path occasionally come up and irritate her eyes. When she came a little closer to the church she came to the site of a little girl crying on the ground with her face buried in her hands. Gerard was right next to her, rubbing her back saying everything would be alright. Gerard looked up at her with blood shot eyes and motioned for her to come closer.

"What happened?" Charlotte asked solemnly.

"This is Emma, her mom just...passed on and she has nowhere to go."

She got on one knee and said "Hi, sweetie it's okay. Gerard's a good guy. You can trust him. "

Emma looked up and it was the first time Gerard or Charlotte saw her face. She had beautiful green eyes that glowed behind her short blonde hair.
"So now what?" I whispered to Gerard.

"The party should've died down by now, but I don't think she should see passed out drunk people lying all over the place so let's take her to my house." He walked over to little Emma and said to her,,

"Honey, I think you should come stay at my house for the time being." She refused.

"Smart girl," he said to Charlotte.

"Sweetie, it's okay. You have to trust us."

She waited a moment and then finally said, "Okay."
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