Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Three Cheers for a Chemical Romance

Things Happen For A Reason

by A_Chemical_Tragedy 1 review

As Gerard swerves in attempt to miss the little girl in the middle of the street he doesn't entirely miss the child and get's into a car wreck.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-12-21 - Updated: 2006-12-21 - 584 words

Gerard looked up in alarm. A little girl was standing in the middle of the street, as if she were a deer, frozen with fear at the incoming car. Gerard swerved praying that they would miss the girl, but fate wasn't on his side that day.

"Gerard, wake up! Wake up god dammit, wake up!" Tears came down Mikey's face and soaked Gerard's hair.

When the car swerved the girl ,which turned out to be Emma, was hit on her left hip and the car rammed into the iron gates of the cemetery, just barely missing Mikey and Alicia. Mikey had taken Gerard out of the smashed, black automobile, clutching him by the collar, begging him to open his eyes and awaken from what he hoped was sleep. Charlotte's arm was the only thing that got hurt during the collision and forgot about everything but Emma. She immediately burst out of the vehicle, when she got over the shock, and ran to Emma. While, Alicia called an ambulance and went to comfort Mikey.

"Gerard, please, please, wake up!" Mikey's voice was muffled as he buried his face into shoulder.

Emma had woken up and was seriously injured. Her jeans were bloodstained and you could see a little of her hip bone. She was having trouble breathing but still wanted to go to Gerard. Charlotte carried Emma tenderly in her arms as if she were her own. She set Emma down right next to Mikey and as soon as Charlotte realized what was going on in the world her jacket was stained with tears. She looked at Gerard lying on the street, his blood almost blending in with his red Guns and Roses t-shirt, cuts covered almost every visible part of his body. Mikey had given up crying and just sat there staring at Gerard's blood on his hands. Alicia put her arms around Mikey's neck and kissed his forehead.

"Why isn't Gerard waking up?" Emma asked to anyone who would listen.

"He got hurt very badly." Charlotte said looking deep into her emerald green eyes.

"Is it because of me?" Nobody said anything, but Mikey moved closer to Emma.

"Sweetheart, none of this is your fault. Everything happens for a reason, you didn't do anything wrong," Mikey opened his arms for a hug just as Gerard had done last night and likewise Emma accepted the request.

The sound of ambulance sirens echoed down the streets and red and blue flashes of lights followed. Mikey quickly raised Gerard off the ground, threw him over his shoulders, and walked towards the sound of help.

"Mikey, be careful I don't think you can carry him on your own," Alicia called.

"I don't care Gerard needs help!"

"Then let me help!"

But Alicia's help wasn't needed as the paramedics stopped just a few yards away. They brought out a long, white stretcher and Mikey laid Gerard down with care. Charlotte picked up Emma and brought her to the ambulance. Everyone: Mickey, Alicia, Emma, and Charlotte rode in the back of the vehicle with Gerard, all of them staring at his lifeless body the entire time.

Near the end of the ride, Charlotte ran her fingers through his soft, short hair, a tear forming at the same time. Emma hugged her, knowing the pain of seeing somebody in that sort of state. Suddenly, a burst of light came from the back of the ambulance and Gerard was being moved. The others walked towards the bright light and followed Gerard.
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