Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Nothing Like This

Panic! At the What?

by rori795 6 reviews

Laurie hasn't even heard of Panic! At the Disco until her younger cousin Jess comes to stay with her, but what will happen when she starts to fall for a certain lead singer?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-12-04 - Updated: 2006-12-04 - 1256 words

"I swear, you are going to have soooo much fun," Jessica turned to me and put on a big smile.

"You know, you don't have to convince me that I'm going to have fun anymore," I said, "I've already agreed to take you to the concert."

"I know, it's just, this is my favorite band and I really want you to like them."

"Okay, I swear I'll like them. What are they called again?" I joked.

"Panic! At the Disco!!!" she said exasperated, but when she saw my smile she laughed, "stop kidding around Laurie, this is important to me."

"Fine. All joking aside, I'm sure I'll have a great time." I parked the car on a side street, since I didn't feel like paying a fortune for parking in the lot right next to the stadium, and got out of the car.

Jessica grabbed my hand and started practically running toward the stadium. "I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this for so long. I mean, I saw them in Philly, but this is their final show of the tour, it's going to be even more amazing then any of the others," she gushed.

* A few hours later*

"I'm so in love," Jessica said as I led her back to the car.

I laughed at her, "With which one?"

"All of them. They're all so amazing. Ryan, Brendon, Spencer, and Jon. Fucking amazing."

"Yes, even I must admit, they were pretty amazing."

"Really? Miss 'I love mellow music and can't get enough of my John Mayor' actually like Panic! At the Disco?" She asked.

"Well I do love my mellow music, but good rock music isn't lost on me," I said.

Jessica hugged me, "I'm just so glad you had fun."

* The Next Day *

I woke up and headed down into the kitchen to the smell of fresh brewed coffee. "What are you doing up so early Jess?" I asked, surprised to see her up at seven in the morning.

"I don't know. I just couldn't sleep well. I got myself so hyped up for that concert last night that I couldn't calm down."

"Well, I'm working today, so you're pretty much going to be on your own. I don't know if you want to check out the city or just stay at home and watch movie. Whatever you want." Jess was from Philadelphia, but was staying with me in Los Vegas for the summer while her mom, my aunt, was in Europe with her boyfriend.

"Umm, I'm not sure, but I'll figure out something."

"Okay, just leave me a note if you go out somewhere okay? Or give me a call at work."


My job was as a Recreational Therapist in a nursing home called Sanders Home. It was part-time, since I was going to school to study Recreation Therapy, but because it was summer, school was out and I was working pretty much full-time.

The job was fun and I actually like going to work. Who wouldn't like going to work if your job was to do arts and crafts projects, and play games with senior citizens all day? Not to mention that my co-workers were some of my best friends.

When I got to work, I was greeting at the door by my friend Julie. "How was the concert last night? Was it a bunch of screaming teeny boppers?" she asked. She had had a very bad experience with taking her niece to a concert a couple of months before, that had ended up with her niece crowd surfing, and Julie getting beer spilled all down her pants.

"Nah, it was actually really good. I enjoyed it, and there were actually a few people over the age of 18 there, even though most of them were parents."

Jul laughed, "Well, as long as you had fun."

Just then my other best friend, Shane walked into the room carrying a box of BINGO prizes he had bought at the dollar store. "How was the concert, baby?" he asked, and Julie rolled her eyes, obviously not caring to hear about it again.

"Fun," I answered.

"Did you see that really hot lead singer guy?" he asked. Shane was 100% gay and showed it 100% of the time.

"How could I not? He is the lead singer and we were only like three people back from the stage."

"Oh, I am so jealous. I heard he's gay or something with one of his band mates. They kiss on stage all the time." He looked wistfully at the air.

"Well, honestly I wouldn't know anything about that. Jess would be the one to ask, not me," I laughed. I doubted that there was truth to the rumor. Somehow, every time Shane thought a celebrity was hot he would come up with the idea that they were gay. His list of possible gay celebrities would fill all the pages in a Bible, and included people like Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Jude Law.

"Well I'll keep hoping then," he said. Julie and I gave each other a look before bursting into laughter.


I got home that evening to find Jessica making dinner for me. "This is so sweet Cuz," I said as I walked into a room smelling wonderfully of pasta and homemade gravy.

"Well, I figured I'd do my share of things around the house while I'm mooching off of you all summer."

"Just don't kill yourself or anything. Half the time my house is a mess and I'm ordering Chinese food or pizza every night."

"Well, I know of one way you could repay me for this delicious dinner I made," she smiled.

"Oh, here it goes. What do you want from me now?" I acted exasperated, but I was really smiling.

"Can we go to the mall tonight?" she asked.

"Relatively painless. Yeah, sure. The mall it is."

We ate our dinner and I changed out of my work clothes and into something a little more stylish for our shopping excursion. I pulled on a pair of slightly distressed jeans and a dark green cap-sleeve shirt that had a lacy scoop neck neckline. I pulled my long, wavy, dark red hair out of the ponytail it was in and ran my fingers through it until it looked good.

I walked downstairs and Jessica was waiting for me with a pair of black jeans and a tight, lime green tee-shirt on. Her short, dark brown hair was parted to one side, and her side bangs were pushed across her forehead. She looked like she was twenty five instead of eighteen, but she always was mature for her age.

"People are going to think that you're my older cousin," I said, grabbing my keys off of the hook and heading out into the car.


The mall was crowded with people, which was especially strange for a Monday night. "Lets head to PacSun first," Jess said.

"Okay," I said and pointed us in the right direction.

Upon entering the store Jessica immediately picked out about ten things that she wanted and headed into the dressing room to try them on. I stood at an accessories counter and stared at the display of belts, sunglasses and jewelry. I fingered a plastic belt that had a red and hot pink checkerboard print on it. Who actually buys this stuff? I thought to myself, and a disgusted and confused look must have come across my face, because a male voice said, "do you always look at belts like they're personally offending you?"
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