Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Jay and the Golden Fleece

A Well Deserved Rest

by twiinklestar 3 reviews

The team tries to find Theresa.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-01-03 - Updated: 2007-01-03 - 538 words

Chapter 4:

Jay shrugged it off and drank the glass of water. Afterwards everybody got into the truck and drove to the school. They found Persephone and Hera already waiting.

"Odie called us, what has happened?" asked Hera.

"Cronus captured Theresa," answered Atlanta.

"We are sure of that, but how?" asked Persephone.

Everybody turned to face Jay. He took a deep breath. He was going to have to tell them anyways so why not start now?

"This morning, Theresa and I were the only ones awake. My PMR rang and I answered it. It was Hermes. He said that Cronus had been spotted at an old abandoned store at the edge of town. Theresa was really tired but she said she would go anyways. So we left. We didn't want to wake the others and plus it was probably just a miss-sighting. We went to the shop and searched around. We couldn't find anything. We decided to split up, I took the outside and Theresa took the inside. I heard Theresa scream and I ran into the building to find her fighting Cronus. I fought Cronus for awhile until he knocked me out. Since Theresa was weak, he knocked her out too and grabbed her through the portal. I woke up just to see him taking her. I jumped but I was too late. She was already gone,"

"I see," said Hera patting Jay's shoulder. "You did your best," she whispered to him. Then she got into her order-people-around voice. "Then we must find her. Hermes! (Hermes appeared instantly, but in the air) Help track down Theresa,"

"Yes ma'am,"

The teens and the one God, went right away to finding their lost teammate. They searched everywhere that they thought that Cronus would take her. They had no physic to hint them on where Cronus might be, making it even harder. They searched until 12:30 pm. Still, nothing.

Hera came through the library doors.

"Children? You are still here? Go back to the dorm and rest. We will search for her tomorrow,"

Jay was about to protest but felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Atlanta's.

"Come on Jay. We're all tired,"

Jay looked at his teammates. Some where yawning and some rubbed their eyes. Neil was already asleep on a chair. His head was on the table and a book in front of him. Whenever he breathed out, the pages would flutter and rustle. Jay also knew that he was tired. He tried to stifle a yawn but failed. He wanted to find Theresa. He had too. But if Cronus were to come, the same thing would happen from today. Everybody would be too weak to fight and Cronus would knock them all out and pull them through the portal. Bye-bye prophecy. He decided everybody deserved a good night sleep.


Hera pointed to the door and ushered them out. Atlanta woke Neil. Atlanta nodded her head as she walked by Jay, as if to assure him that he made a good choice. Herry gave Jay a friendly punch which sent him flying backwards. Archie caught him.

"She'll be fine Jay. Our girl can defend herself. Go to sleep," he reassured him.

Jay smiled.


Brittany McMillan - 2007 -©
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