Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Jay and the Golden Fleece

A Glass of Water

by twiinklestar 3 reviews

Jay comes back to the dorm soaking wet. What happened to Jay? Why is he crying? That's what his friends are about to find out!

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-12-29 - Updated: 2006-12-30 - 501 words

Jay came through the door of the brownstone, one hour later. The five teammates, now awake, all jumped up when the door slammed shut. Jay came in, dripping wet and he fell to his knees sobbing. Atlanta and Herry ran to him first. Archie, Neil and Odie fallowed.

"Jay? What happened?" Atlanta asked trying to soothe Jay by rubbing his back.

She kneeled on one side and Herry on the other. Odie was beside Herry and Archie was beside Atlanta. Neil stood in the front of them.

"It's all my fault!" Jay sobbed.

"What's all your fault?" asked Atlanta.

"She's gone! He's got her!"

"Whose gone? Who got her?" then Atlanta realized how stupid she must have been. Her second best friend was no where to be seen and Jay was crying about a 'her'. "You mean? Cronus got Theresa!"

Jay nodded.

"It's all my fault, I knew she was to weak to fight but I brought her anyways. I should have let her stay home. I could have fought him myself. I should have been protecting her when I knew she was weak. But I didn't and now Cronus has her!"

Neil was so shocked. This was way to much drama for him to handle.

"Um...I'm going to get you a glass of water," Neil said before running out of the room quickly.

Neil came back with the glass of water. He found Jay now sitting on the couch surrounded by his other teammates. He handed Jay the glass. Jay drank it in one gulp.

"Whoa! Thirsty are we? Can't even say thank-you," Neil said shaking his head in disbelief.

Atlanta gave him a death glare scaring the pants off poor Neil.

"I'll go get you another one," he said running away, this time even faster.

Odie was already searching for the lost red head girl on his lap top. No such luck. Not even Neil's presence could help him.

"I can't track her. Cronus must have her trapped in some far away universe,"

"We should go tell Hera about this. Come on Jay," Atlanta said pulling him up off the couch with as much strength as she had.

Jay just sulked and plopped back down on the couch when Atlanta let go of him. Atlanta crossed her arms and frowned. This angered Archie.

"Come on man! Atlanta is trying to help! Do you want to find your little girlfriend or not?"


"Well then, dont just sit there like a bump on a log. Get off your ass!" ordered Archie, now Seargent Archie.

"Well what am I going to do! Odie can't track her! Cronus probably already has her and is killing her as we speak (Atlanta gasped). What if it was At-" Jay was cut off.

Archie grabbed the glass of water from Neil's hands.

"Hey you don't have to grab!" Neil shrieked.

"Water. Drink it up Jay,"

Archie had a huge smile on his face. Atlanta punched him in the arm.


Brittany McMillan - 2007 -©
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