Categories > Anime/Manga > Dragon Ball Z > Charmed

Chapter two

by Lelion 0 reviews

Chapter two

Category: Dragon Ball Z - Rating: R - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Goten, Trunks - Published: 2007-01-04 - Updated: 2007-01-04 - 426 words

Goten stood just inside the door, taking in all that surrounded him. The heavy bass echoed through the dimly lit room, sparse light skimming metallic surface from all around. Dark figures were dancing in tall cages and some twirling around long shiny poles on a stage surrounded by stage lights. Slim silhouettes made their way from the bar to a center stage which was already drawing a large crowd. At it's base men were whistling and cheering and chanting for their mysterious dancer to 'take it all off' and proceeded to wave hundred dollar bills his way.

Gotens mouth was gaping open and he jumped suddenly as he felt the door open behind him. A tall male with long dark hair entered and passed Goten going in. He could feel the man looking him over as he passed, and watched him make his way to a door beside the stage and disappear. The confused demi-saiyan knitted his eyebrows slightly and looked around once more. ...Man, am I in the right place? He pulled out his paper and skimmed it, matching the address with the one on the door.

"Excuse me Sir can I help you?"

Goten tensed as he felt a hand placed gently on his shoulder. He turned to face a tall dark haired man, the very one who had passed him only moments ago. The man's eyes and hair were dark and very much like his own. Coloured light emanating from around the room reflected from the necklace he wore and his dark red collared shirt hugged him snuggly.

Goten threw one hand behind his head, grinned and slipped the man his piece of paper. The man studied it as a smile spread across his face. He proceed to make a slow circle around Goten, making 'hmm' and 'ah' noises as he eyed the teen. He furrowed his eyebrows and lifted his arms at the man's insistence.

"Ummm, can I ask a stupid question?"

Goten noticed the older mans slight surprise and watched him as he lightly stroked his chin.

"Yes... yes, I think you'll do fine," he said. He looked his subject over once more. "No doubt. Beautiful body form, sculpted arms, slender figure, cute face..." Goten blushed furiously.

"And not to mention a killer ass," the man added.

He unsuccessfully tried to repress his embarrassment. "You'll be a hit, I know it. Come on, I'll show you to your dressing room." He led his new Saiyan by the hand and back toward the stage.

"Now what'd you say your name was again?"
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