Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I'm an Addict for Dramatics

The Future

by geek_of_the_week 0 reviews

Here's what happened afterward.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-01-06 - Updated: 2007-01-07 - 351 words


Brie and Andy got married, had five kids named Gemma, William, Lennon, Presley, Magnolia and Miller. Andy retired, but now works for PETA, along with Brie, who also became a fashion designer. She's one of the very few designers that doesn't make fur, wool or leather. Go figure. Oh, and the whole family is vegan. Wow. But, they are really happy.

Jade met Gerard Way, and they started a cartoon together, called "The Adventures of Super-Emo" with the catchphrase, "Cut cut cut cut!" and had kids named Helena, Dahlia (as in Black Dahlia) and Aiden. They don't have many visiters, because people say they creep them out. But I kind of find their house refreshing.

Marlee met some nice guy, who's not punk, gangster, goth, preppy or whatever, he's just normal. They had kids, live in a nice house, blah blah blah.

Desiree met some guy at her church, they got married, had kids, same old same old. Gee, how exciting is her life? She used to be like a celebrity insider, now she's just normal everyday housewife. Hm...

Pete met some girl at a show, and they moved to Arkansas, got married and had five kids named Patrick, Joe, Andy, Greta and Beckett. Pete still owns Decaydance and runs Clandestine Industries. Alothough FOB is retired.

Joe got married to another Jewish girl, and they had kids, live in a nice house, all that old happy ending crap.

Chayton married some preppy-ass-skank, and they had TONS of kids, so now they're poor. Ha! Happy ending after all.

My parents are jailed, because they were cought killing one of my many siblings, and I should give their names, shouldn't I? Well here they are, in order:

1. Earl
2. Kaylee
3. Ashlynn
4. Elvis
5. Riley
6. Orly
7. Ginny
8. Kirk (RIP)

All my siblings, besides poor Kirk, all live great lives. Just to sum it up.

As for Patrick and I, married, have kids named Isabella, Brian, Rose, Kingston, Lewis, Anastacia, Elizabeth, Paxton, and Jayden. Since FOB retired, Patrick became a succesful producer, and I became a successful director.

Guess it is a happy ending.
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