Categories > Original > Horror > Story of a Beautiful Girl

Chapter 1: My Little Girl

by Captjacksgrl 0 reviews

A little girl grows up into something more.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Horror - Published: 2007-01-06 - Updated: 2007-01-07 - 137 words

Disclamer: Yes this is my story. So you can't take anything unless you ask!!!

It was a special day for Mark and Allison McCray, who were part of royal class and on June 17, 1630 they had a baby girl.

"Isn't she beautiful Mark," said Allison as she held the small bundle wrapped in an elaborate pink cloth.

"I believe I shall call you Irene Lilly McCray, my beautiful little girl." The little baby laughed and smiled at her mother and father.

Irene grew up to be a beautiful little girl. She had a radiant mixture of brown and blonde hair, her right eye was light blue, while her left eye was a beautiful shade of light brown; naturally she was a perfect mix between her mother and father.

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