Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > You Know What They Do Like Us In Prison?

How It All Began...

by geek_of_the_week 0 reviews

What happens when an innocent KFC protest goes ugly?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-07 - Updated: 2007-01-08 - 240 words

"Do you have your camera, Izzy?" Helena asked as she got out of my VW Bus in the KFC parking lot. "Yeah, full battery. Violet, you got the fliers and leaflets?" "Yep." I replied, and handed everyone a sign and handed Lacey and Leeland the leaflets, since they were the most outgoing.

As Helena and Madison tried to put up the inflatable Colonel Saunders, and convince Leeland to wear the chicken suit, Izzy, Olivia and I were holding up signs that said "KFC Tortures Chickens!" and "Kentuckey Fried Cruelty", and Lacey handed out leaflets to customers exiting and entering, and Leeland handed out leaflets, and refused to wear the chicken suit. He finally agreed, and went in the van to change.

"I have to ask you to leave the premises." We heard Cody, Izzy's ex-boyfriend, say. "Oh fuck you. Better yet, go fuck that wannabe playmate you call a girlfriend." Izzy told him. He got angry and started attacking her, then Helena fought back. Then we heard police cops.

"Izzy, give me your camera!" I whispered to her. She handed me camera and told me, "Take care of my baby!"

"RUN!" Lacey screamed. We all ran in different directions. They went after Lacey, Izzy and Olivia. I ran to my van. Leeland, Madison and Helena had snuck in. I opened the door, but then we saw them handcuff Lacey, Izzy and Violet. "DRIVE!" Leeland scremed. So we drove my apartment.
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