Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > Angel of Mine

chapter three

by littlewitch 2 reviews

an so on

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Darren Shan - Published: 2007-01-08 - Updated: 2007-01-08 - 1605 words

The Ball
It's time for a party at Vampire Mountain..... By the way, everyone who was killed in the books? They're alive. All of them. A bit radical but hey, parties are fun with people.
"Where do you want these, Seba?" Aiden had stopped snapping, as it was impossible around the kind old quartermaster at Vampire Mountain. She was helping him prepare for the ball that the vampire lord had announced would take place that evening. It was only yesterday that she had stormed out of the hall of princes, furious at his arrogance- and the fact that she would have to be nice to people for a whole evening. Seba stood up, rubbing his back.
"Oh, just put them down there if you would, I'll get Harkat to sort them out later." The old vampire's face creased into a tired frown.
"You ok, Seba?" Aiden asked, concerned. Even the oldest vampire in the mountain still fought at 800, and Seba was no different so it was worrying to see him tiring. He smiled.
"I am fine, just nervous."
Aiden laughed.
"You? Nervous? What could possibly make you nervous?"
The old man gave her a sly grin.
"Well miss Aiden, it has been a century or two since I last attended a ball. I fear I have lost my dance ability."
Aiden laughed again and strode over to him with a mug of warm blood.
"Don't you worry Seba. Adrielle and Vancha will have you 'partying on down' in no time!" she took a seat on a barrel of ale and sighed, sipping from her own mug.
"Oh, now that is a shame." Seba sounded a little disappointed.
"What is?"
"I was rather hoping that you would 'show me the ropes' where 'grooving' is concerned."
Aiden frowned.
"Has Darren told you to make me go?" she snapped. Seba sat down on a barrel slowly, looking sad.
"Ahh, Aiden, I merely thought you could do with some fun. Your life is so serious, sometimes I think you forget how to let go. I have not spoken to Darren since this morning, and that was to discuss food."
Aiden's face softened slightly.
"And you know, I would not 'make' you do anything, even if the Lord asked me to. You are not the sort to be 'made' to do things. I am sorry if I have offended you." He went to stand up, but had some difficulty. Aiden got up to help him but withdrew, remembering that Seba would rather die than have help standing up.
"No Seba, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any offence either."
Seba winked and carried on with his work. He had always had a soft spot for Aiden, she reminded him so much of someone he had known a long time ago.
"Hey! I have been looking everywhere for you!" Adrielle bounded into the store room, looking flushed and excited.
"We have to go get ready!"
Aiden sighed.
"I'm not going."
Addy rolled her eyes.
"I know you're not. Now let's go choose a dress each!"
Aiden looked confused.
"I just said..."
Addy cut her off.
"Look, miss 'I'm so tortured and nobody loves me,' if you don't go to this ball who the hell has achieved anything? Except Darren cos that's exactly what he wants. You're playing straight into his hands."
Aiden was going to speak but could not get a word in edge ways.
"Go to the fricking ball and have a great time! Wind him up! Throw yourself at every male you see and rub it in his face! Hell, it's not like we're short of them. There are very few women here so all eyes are on us!"
Aiden thought for a moment.
"Back me up here Seba." Addy stood with her hands on her hips, smiling craftily.
"Hmm? Oh, yes. Miss Stone is right. You should use the party to your advantage."
Aiden looked at them both through narrowed eyes.
A short pause.
"FINE." Aiden stormed out of the store room and marched curtly up the bright tunnel, Adrielle trailing behind.
"I will see you two belles later then!" Seba called after them, chuckling to himself and restacking a high shelf.
"Arra says we can go get ready with her cos her quarters are bigger. She has stuff we can wear and she'll even help......."
"SHUT UP!" Aiden screamed.
Adrielle stopped and looked like a kicked puppy. Aiden stopped a little way ahead of her and turned around slowly.
"Addy, I'm really sorry. I..... Let's go have a good time." She smiled and gestured for Addy to join her further up the tunnel. Addy grinned and ran after her.
"Worked then."
"Iv'e been perfecting my puppy dog eyes. They work a treat on Kurda."
"Oh, they do, do they?" Aiden said in an insinuating voice. Addy just giggled and knocked on Arra's door. There was a rule that female vampires had doors to their quarters- made by the princes. It opened and Arra Sails beamed at them.
"Holy crap, what made you so happy?"
She dragged the two of them inside and closed the door.
"I've been living with men so long, I forgot that I was a lady!"
Her hair was in curlers and she wore a long whit dressing robe over her clothes.
"What are you wearing under there?" Aiden asked, walking over to a rail of dresses.
"My dress. Now you choose one."
"Where did you get these? They're not exactly vampire style."
Arra sat down at a small table and began to take the rollers out of her hair.
"I picked them up from a guardian. He was going to a city and Darren apparently told him to get them."
Addy looked at the dresses one by one, trying to decide which colour she was going to wear.
"What do you think? Red? Or black? Or blue?"
Aiden sighed.
"Tell you what, I'll cut them up and make you a nice multi coloured toga if you're quiet. Now find me one!"
Addy giggled, happy to see Aiden relaxing. Arra went over to the rail and picked one out.
"Darren requested that you wore this."
She handed it to Aiden who scowled. It was a beautiful dress, but she was not going to abide by his rules. She handed it to Addy instead.
"You wear it."
Adrielle smiled.
"That'd piss him off."
Arra smiled too.
"I'm glad to see that my girls are still as rebellious as ever. Now, on with this dress Miss Stone." She slid the dress from the hanger and unzipped it. Addy took it and pulled it over her head. The other two females laughed as she struggled to pull it down, messing up her hair in the long and painful process. Arra zipped it up at the back and stood back to admire it. It was long- down to the floor, and a very dark red colour satin. The top was low cut, and dipped at the back, whilst the bodice was laced with a discreet gold pattern up the sides.
"Addy, you look stunning." Aiden said, smiling at her friend.
"I can't wait to see his face!"
They laughed again and turned back to the rail. Arra threw her robe off to reveal an ankle length dress, deep purple in colour. It was similar to Addy's at the top, revealing her muscular arms. She picked up a long scarf type garment and draped it around her shoulders, claiming that she needed it to strange unwanted oglers. Aiden picked out a short black dress that draped just below her knees. It had a lot of net under the skirt, and was figure hugging at the top. It had thin straps at the shoulders that crossed over at the back, and sparkled in the candle light. Arra complimented it with a silver necklace and scraaped Aiden's long hair into an elegant style.
"Ha! I definitely can't wait to see the loser's face now! I wish vampires could be photographed...."
Arra made a strange gurgling noise through putting on some lipstick.
"Guess what I heard?" she said, smacking them together.
"That Darren plans to try to set Adrielle up with one of the princes."
Adrielle dropped a mirror on her foot and screamed.
"What? Which one?"
Aiden laughed.
"I bet it's Paris, just to spite you."
Arra shook her head and chuckled.
"Nope, it's not Paris and it's not himself, cos he's got.....other plans." Aiden scowled, knowing full well what those other plans were.
"Then it's between: Arrow, Kurda, Vancha, and Mika."
"You're mucking about, right?" Adrielle asked, looking worried.
"Why? They're all nice guys. Oh and it's not Arrow- he's still distraught over the human woman he lost to a vampaeze."
Adrielle made a high pitched squeaking sound.
"So it's down to those three?"
"I don't see a problem. I thought you and....." A shoe hit Arra in the stomach befor she could finish her sentence.
"I don't know what you two are finding so funny. You're practically betrothed to Darren, and you!" She turned to Arra. "You and Mr 'I'm so far up my own arse I could eat last night's dinner' Crepsley are secret lovers!"
The room was silent, before it exploded into a huge fit of laughter.
The evening to come was going to be interesting. Very interesting.
Ok, imagine this: Vampires in tuxedos. Well I find it funny. Especially Vancha.
Please Review!!!!
I go now away to write chapterness of the ball kind. Fare thee well citizens of the strange world I live in........
X x x x x x x x x
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