Categories > Original > Horror > Story of a Beautiful Girl

Chapter 5: Crimes Don't Go Unpunished

by Captjacksgrl 0 reviews

Irene pays for her crime

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-01-10 - Updated: 2007-01-10 - 291 words

Irene was 27 years old, when she was put on trial and found guilty for associating with the devil. Even though she passed all the tests that were given to her, it was one of her old friends from first grade who said she saw her, exactly four years ago that day, talking to this shadow. I followed her after she went off. I couldn't see who it was but I heard something mentioned about demons and the forbidden name.

"How could she do that to me!" exclaimed Irene. "I was the one who became her friend when no one else would, now I'm stuck in this cell all by myself waiting for my fate." Suddenly Irene broke down crying; she was crying so hard that she didn't even notice that her cell had gotten colder.

"Why cry when you can always take revenge?" said that same dark voice that has haunted her since she was five years old. As she looked up, she gasped at the man who had caused her this punishment. "You should know! I'm here because of you. How can you ask that!" cried Irene.

As Lucifer examined his claws he said, "I told you many times before and I'll tell you again, this is your destiny. You were born to be the ruler of the underworld and now you have to fulfill it. There is no way around it."

Before Irene could say anything, someone opened the door to take her to the forbidden forest. Before she walked into the forest, she noticed that entire town was there. She kissed her grieving parents, hugged her best friend Mary, her husband Jeremy W. Wallis and her two children. The last thing that the people heard was Irene's screams.
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