Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Strange Shit At Hogwarts

Meeting Shannon

by gerardlover17 0 reviews

Okay Harry ron and hermione are at hogwarts and what they find is amazing.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Horror, Humor - Characters: Dean Thomas, Dobby, Draco, Fred, George, Ginny, Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, Lupin, Neville, Professor McGonagall, Ron, Seamus Finnigan, Sibyll Trelawney, Snape - Published: 2007-01-23 - Updated: 2007-01-23 - 340 words

*****IN the Great Hall*****

Arriving through the fire Harry looked around and the first person he saw was Hagrid, who was heading toward him. Knowing that ron and Hermione was right behind him he walked over to hagrid and was immediately pulled into a huge that knocked the wind out of him. "How yer doin Harry?"
"Good Hagrid. And you?"
"Fine Fine. Have you met any of the new teachers or the headmistress or talked to any new students. Everyone is dieing to see and talk to you."
"Well i just got he..."
"well Let's go. There's Someone i want you to meet. You'll like her."
"Who Hagrid?"
"MY sweet lil' Renee. Course you be callin her Shannon Or Dombrowski"
"The Deputy headmistress??"
"So she's related to you??"
"No No She's Just sooo Sweet. always visiting me. She even eats my food."
"It's okay Harry. I know i can't cook to save me life"
Suddenly Harry saw a beautiful woman ahead of them. She was short, about 5'3", with bright green eyes and shoulder length dark brown hair. She was scolding some first years. Since they were covered in food, Harry suspected that they had gotten in a food fight. Shooing them away, She stands up and, upon seeing Hagrid and Harry, gives a wide smile. 'She has a beautiful smile' Walking over to them she hugs Hagrid and Says, "Is this Harry Potter?"
hearing her accent, Harry says the first thing that popped in to his mind, "You're American??"
"Perceptive thing Aren't you. Tell me, is it my style my charm my good looks. What tells you i am American."
"Errrr...Your accent."
She gave a sweet laugh as she says, "Oh yes...I always forget the accent. Silly me"
"Anyway Harry, if i may call you Harry?"
"Okay, I am Professor Dombrowski. But please call me shannon....Or Renee. I really don't mind"

Okay if this nice...i'll stop now before i murder an already bad story. okay
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