Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > The Hidden Evil Design

Prologue: Misunderstood Emotions

by KazeYoukai667 1 review

Inuyasha and his friends have eluded Naraku's grip time and time again... but this time, the tides may turn on our group... in the form of a strange game... what is it? What exactly is that demon ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Inuyasha, Naraku, Sango - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2007-01-24 - Updated: 2007-01-24 - 1011 words

Author Note: This is my first "real" fic, so to speak... but I hope you all will enjoy it! I've been roiling the ideas over in my head for quite some time now... Please Read and Review and tell me how you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters (though sometimes I wish I did lol). That honor belongs to and only to Rumiko Takahashi (bless her and her imagination for this story!!)

Prologue: Misunderstood Emotions

Why did she cry? I do not understand...
This strange yearning that fills my heart... what is it? Do I love...? Do I love Kikyou? Or do I love... the other one? Is it quite possible that I am attracted to both? I do not understand... I am at a standstill, and it has never been this way!!

"Inuyasha?" a voice called timidly, softly, as if from a great distance. "Inuyasha, are you okay?"

Inuyasha grumbled something, opened his eyes, and then jumped when he heard a sudden loud popping sound, then cursed himself when he realized it was just the campfire...

"Inuyasha..." the voice said again, and again it was very faint, as if he and the speaker were standing on opposite sides of a wall of water... a silent wall of water, where sound is garbled but still partly understood.

Slowly raising his head, Inuyasha could see that it was Kagome who had spoken, Kagome who looked slightly worried, and Kagome who looked more miserable and weary than he himself felt.

"Are you okay?" Kagome asked again, and this time her voice was clear. "We have been trying to rouse you for a while... are you sick...?" Her voice trailed off suddenly, then... because she knew that he was a demon... well, half-demon, actually, and knew he did not get ill very easily.

He grumbled again, something that sounded like "Whathehell..." and that got Shippou, who was lying nearby, laughing uproariously.

"You know," the young fox-demon said, positively crying with mirth, "I think that's the very first time I have ever heard you talk in your sleep!" Still shrieking with laughter, he was not able to hear Sango's words.

"Actually, Shippou-chan, he has been talking to himself in his sleep, and in waking... more often than usual, come to that."

"Yes," Miroku agreed, presently leaning against the trunk of a wide oak, "He does it a lot." He stifled a yawn, which was a good sign that he had just woken up.

"And how would you know, Houshi-sama?" Sango asked delicately, but could not hide a trace of amusement in her voice. "You just woke up, so you could not have heard what we were saying, right?" The monk shrugged, but when the demon slayer turned away to stroke her pet, Kirara, Miroku added in an undertone to Kagome, "I actually was awake, have been for several minutes, in fact, and I was waiting for dear Sango to turn so I could..." His voice trailed off hopefully, as if he already knew Kagome knew what he had been about to say... and she had a very good idea that she did. And as if to emphasize his unspoken point, Miroku reached out quietly, with that well-practiced hand of his, and set it on Sango's behind. A horrified scream, followed by a stinging slap on the cheek, told him he had left his mark.

And I didn't even get to start fondling her, Miroku thought hopelessly. She's getting really good at detecting when I'm going to move, it seems... Ah, well.

Inuyasha, who had been laying on his side the whole time this was going on, now shot upright, looking tense and expectant. His whole face was lit with rage. Tessaiga seemed to quiver in its sheathe.

"What is it, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked. "Is something wrong?" But then she stopped, very suddenly. She clapped a hand to her mouth. Now it was Sango, Miroku and Shippou who all said in unison, "What's the matter, Kagome?" (Except it was Miroku who said, "What's the matter, Kagome-sama?" And it was Sango who said, "What's the matter, Kagome-chan? And it was Shippou that just said, "What's the matter, Kagome?") Inuyasha didn't need telling what was wrong; he knew by instinct... that look in the girl's eyes was unmistakable. The others got their answer in just a few seconds...

"I am sensing... the Sacred Jewel!"

"WHAAAT?" the others gasped, with the obvious exception of Inuyasha. "IS IT NARAKU?" Shippou yelled, with all trace of his earlier comedic attitude vanished. But he and most of the others got a big shock when Kagome replied, "No... it seems to be just one shard." Miroku, Shippou and Inuyasha all looked confused, thinking it might be just some lowly demon, but Sango had something/someone very different in mind.

She sprang from the ground, and if she had been drowsy moments before, like Shippou, she was in fighting mode. Hiraikotsu was in her hand in a flash, and with a burst of fire, Kirara transformed from her small, domestic housecat-like form to her large, powerful one. With a movement just as quick, her master leapt on her back and the two of them were soon in the sky, heading away into the coming light of day.

"Wait, Sango!" Inuyasha shouted, but if she could hear him, Sango gave no indication. Her thoughts were only on one person.

"Just wait there!" Sango called to the air in front of her, and although she could not see it, she could tell that there was a figure not too far ahead of her. "This time, I will free you from his grip... Kohaku!!"

To be continued... Mwahahaha!!!

Note: Not that I meant to have it end this way... but you will all have to wait for Chapter 1! I am not sure when it will be complete, but I will have it up as soon as I can! I hope you all enjoyed this first part of my long in-coming story! And yes ... I leave big spoilers. Please R&R!!
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