Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Toxic Romance

The Dream.

by Toxic_Romance 4 reviews

This story is about finding love in the most weird places. And about breaking hearts and loving people you shouldn't.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-01-22 - Updated: 2007-01-22 - 762 words

-This is my first story hope you like it.-

On a rainy December night My Chemical Romance were going to play a show in Orlando, Florida. "Well it's raining again... are we still going to play tonight?" asked Ray "Yeah we will wait 'til some kids show up and if it stops we will play." Gerard said as he started to sing the words to Cancer. "Hmmm... I'm hungry... lets go get a big hot dog!" Bob grabed Frank and Mikey and they walked out of the door. "Gerard I'm gonna go get somthing to eat too... you comin'?" "You go ahead Ray. I'll be there soon." Gerard said as he wrote somthing on a peace of paper. "'Kay see you later." Ray ran out of the room to catch up with the others. Gerard sighed and looked around. He had just broke up with Kat and he really wanted some one to love. He sang "I Don't Love You" to him self to make sure he had it right. He sighed again. "I guess it's time to start looking... Maybe I'll find a-!!" He stared at the door behind him. A girl was standing there she was wet from the rain. She had dark hair. Gerard couldn't tell if it was brown or black 'cause it was wet. She had dark brown eyes and she was tall and thin. "cough it's so cold outside. And wet! But it's worth it to see MCR." The girl said. "I wonder if I'm where that guy told me to go..." the girl walked over to a couch and sat down not seeing Gerard. "I hope I'll get to meet them." "Um... hi." Gerard said hideing his face for some silly reason. "Oh Hi I'm Amber and you are?" "Um... I'm..." Gerard was trying to think of a name he could use. "Ha ha did you forget your name?" Amber laugheg. Bang! The door was kciked open by Frank. Frank looked at Gerard then Amber. "Uh... GERARD!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO THIS GIRL?!" Frank yelled as he ran over to Amber "Don't worry! I'll protect you!" He shouted at Amber "Uh... huh?? Frank Iero!! Hi I'm Amber!! My friend Jessica loves you!" Amber said "Oh... well... whats not to love about me? I'm a cute little midget man!!" Frank smiled then grabed Amber's hand and shook it. "Hi Amber, nice to meet you." "Well... Hi cute little midget man, nice to meet you too!! And what did you mean Gerard? That's... Uh... what's your name again?" Gerard turned and looked at Amber "I'm Gerard." He laughed. "Oh so do you normally have girls in a room with you and Frank has to save them?" Amber asked smiling "NO! Frank's just a weirdo!!" "You mean I'm a cute little midget man weirdo." Frank smilied "Oh don't forget to add that I'm a lesbo!" Amber just laughed at them. "This is so exciting! I can't beileve I'm here talking to you guys!" Amber said hapily as she walked over to Gerard and shook his hand. "And I get to see you guys live! It's like a dream come true!" Frank walked over to Amber and Gerard. "Yes, this is a dream..." "What? Ha ha nice one Frankie! If this was a dream Gerard would kiss me or he would be single and looking for a girlfriend." There was silence as Frank looked at Gerard. "Amber..." "Yes Gerard?" Gerard walked closer to Amber til she was agenst the wall. Nervously she closed her eyes. "Look in my eyes." Gerard said as he brushed Amber's hair out of her face. "Oh okay..." Amber looked into his eyes. She felt lost in his stare her heart was beating fast and slow at the same time. She couldn't breath. She wanting this feeling to stay with her and she wanted this moment to last forever. "Kiss me..." Gerard said as he pulled Amber to him "Gerard... why would you want to kiss me?" Amber blushed "Because I like you... so kiss me." Amber closed her eyes and didn't move. Then Gerard started to kiss her. She couldn't beleive it. Gerard Way -The guy of her dreams- was kissing her! His lips tasted like Starbucks. And they were surprisingly soft. She opened her eyes but didn't see Frank or the room she was just in. She was in a hotel room in a bed with someone and she was kissing them! The boy she was kissing wasn't Gerard!

-That's the first chapter... sorry it sucks but it gets better-
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