Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Age of Empire


by Your_Star 1 review

AU Draco, Ginny, an unexpected revolution. There destinies were fated by the stars. What will happen when they get together? My version of the War.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Draco, Ginny - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-01-26 - Updated: 2007-01-26 - 634 words

Disclaimer: I am not J.K. Rowling, so yeah I'm just fooling around with the characters

Ch 1 Flashbacks

Ginny Weasley stood in the center of a court room. She had never felt more certain about any thing in her life. She was ready to...


December 20, 2000 (5th)

Mr. Weasley sat across the kitchen table from her. "Ginny what is this about you and this Dean Thomas?"

"Da there is nothing going on really. We're just having some fun."

"Having fun are you! I won't have my daughter become a scarlet woman!"

"Da it's not like that at all. Really it's not."

"I forbid you to see that boy! Do you understand me?"

"You are being ridiculous."

"Do you understand?"



April 7, 2001 (5th)

"Harry what is going on?"

"Nothing Ginny I'm fine."

"You're not fine what's going on?"

"Just leave me alone."

"Tell me what's going on?"

"We've been dating for almost a year now. Why won't you have sex with me?"

"Harry, we've talked about this. I will if we get married. Until then, it's not happening."

"Why not?"

"We've already talked about this."

"Don't you love me?"

"You know I do. Please, let's not fight."


May 19, 2003 (7th)

Ginny walked up the stairs to surprise her boyfriend of a year in a half. Harry was sick and didn't go to class today. Ginny opened the door. Then she slammed the door shut.

"Ginny wait I can explain!"

"Here I am thinking I'd come visit my poor sick boyfriend and he is fucking my best friend!!!"

"Well maybe if you would do it I wouldn't have to get it from Hermione."

"Don't put this on me. It's not my fault you can't keep your pants on you arrogant bastard."

"You're right Ginny this all a mistake. I'm sorry."

"Oh, now you're sorry. Sorry doesn't cut it. I never want to talk to you again. We're over."

"Ginny I don't love her. I love you."

"Well if this is how you treat the woman you love, then I wouldn't want to see how you treat a woman you don't like."

It was that day that Ginny decided she refused to love him ever again. No matter what he did she would never let him or another man use her. She would always be against him.


April 5, 2005

Mr. Weasley took to drinking after he lost his job. Mr. Weasley was not a very nice drunk, to put it lightly. He had a tendency to beat Mrs. Weasley. One day when she was out of town he decided that his daughter was a good enough substitute.

He approached her, Firewhiskey on his breath, while she lay on the couch, reading a cheesy romance about instant romance in a bottle. She giggled at the passage of a witch slipping love potion to enjoy a night of passion.

"What are you reading, darling?" he leered drunkenly over her shoulder.

"Nothing, father," she shut the book and hurriedly attempted to hide the 'forbidden item' from her father's sight.

"Don't you hide that from me!" he shouted, falling forward and grabbing at the offending item. She rolled out of the way and off of the couch. He staggered to her and kicked her in the side when she attempted to stand.

"Father, stop you're hurting me!" she shouted desperately. He stooped down over her, smacked her hard across the face, and then grabbed her throat, cutting off her breathing.

"I'll teach you to back talk to me!"

She felt herself being thrown down the stairs. Then there was a terrible crunching sound. She knew her wrist was broken. She would never know how she did it but she managed to apparate to Saint Mungo's.



That had been the final straw. After Harry and Hermione got engaged Ginny decided she had had enough.
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