Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Happy Death Day

Chapter . 2

by xxAshers88 3 reviews

Chapter 2

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-01-30 - Updated: 2007-01-31 - 938 words

Thanks for the review lady venom x =)

Chapter 2

- Mikey's Point of View -

I hated this. I hated trying to keep Hailey's attention focused on me while Gerard met up with his other girlfriend. Yeah unlike the rest of the band I knew exactly what was going on. Being Gerard's brother and everything, he of course told me what was going on. Why I agreed to help him, I'm still not sure.
Hailey was so nice and sweet. I still can't understand why he is putting her through this or why I'm helping... If he didn't have the same feelings for her then he should let her go... They had been together for almost three years now. She was with us when the band was just getting together. I remember when we met her. Yeah. I remember it perfectly...

/- Flash Back -/

"I'm nervous..." Gerard said, as we tuned our guitars backstage. It wasn't our first performance in front of an audience, we were still quite nervous though. Especially at this place. It was different than most gigs we had played at.

"Don't be nervous. This place isn't much different from the other places. We'll do fine if not better." Ray assured him. My brother nodded as his long black hair slightly bounced with the motion of his head. That's when she walked in. Her presence caused me to pause as I strummed on my bass.

She walked in, cautiously peeking her head behind a corner. Her long blonde hair fell past her shoulders. If there was one word to describe my first impression of her it would be, elegant. She didn't seem like the type of girl my brother would be 'into'. For if you ever looked at his past crushes and girlfriends they all resembled Christina Ricci in many ways.

"Um, I was wanting to tell you guys that it's about time for you to perform. The other band is now off stage..." Evidently she was like a manager of some sort at the club.

"Alright, thank you." My brother jumped. Everyone started to head onstage all except Gerard who I noticed, stayed behind to chat. I went on out with the other guys.

"Where's Gerard?" Frank asked as he plugged his guitar into the amp.

"Back there." I replied, motioning to the back room where we were gathered. He nodded.

It wasn't long until Gerard came out, probably with the biggest grin on his face I had ever seen. What nervousness he did have soon left him within seconds.

After the show, we headed to the back room for refreshments and all that. I sat down next to Ray who was busy talking to his girlfriend, Lizzie. I felt alone. Frank was gulping down a always. He didn't have a girlfriend yet, and by the way he acted sometimes I wasn't surprised.

I looked around the room trying to find Gerard. Out of the corner of my eye I seen him with her... They looked as if they were having a good time. Laughing. Smiling. But they looked so odd together. Not that her and I would look better together... Wait. What was I thinking? I had to stop thinking like this. They weren't even going out.

I casually walked toward them to introduce myself.

"This is my lil' bro, Mikey!" Gerard grabbed me and pulled me toward them.

"Hi." I gasped under Gerard's arm.

"So how much younger is he to you?" She asked, smiling. Her eyes were an ocean blue.

"Just three years." He replied, slowly letting me go from the wrath of his arm.

"Really, cool." You could tell she wasn't interested well not in me. I stood there as the two chattered away about whatever. It was either I stand there acting interested, or watch Ray and Lizzie make out or join Frank in getting drunk. Wait...I looked around. Where was Frank?

"Have you seen Frank?" I interrupted pushing my black glasses back onto my nose. Gerard glanced around.

"No...who knows where that crazy moron is." I soon heard laughter coming from the stage. I walked to the side stage to see what was going on that was so hilarious. I was shocked well not necessarily shocked, but surprised to see Frank auctioning himself off for a date. He was so drunk and wasted...

"30 dollars! Come on!" He yelled in desperation. "C'mon ladies, possibly guys, I need to pay my bills!" Oh no...he was making a fool out of himself again.

"30 dollars!" Some chick with long dark brown hair stood up and said.

"Sold! To that chick!" Frank jumped up and down. This night was getting more bizarre by the minute. But it looks like everything stayed the same for me...I was still alone...

- End Flash Back -

Turns out Frank is still with that chick. They've been together for some time now, same time as Gerard and Hailey. Her name is Chloe. I feel for them if they ever have kids and their children question, "How did you meet mommy, daddy?" I so want to be there when that line is dropped. And Frank's reply will be, "Oh your mother bought me." Oh the drama of it all.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Hailey staring out the window. Oh shit! She probably was staring at them! I got up from where I was sitting and walked toward her.

"Hailey, I thought you were getting a drink?"

"Oh." She jumped. "I was. But then-"

"But what?"

"Oh never mind. I thought I seen someone I knew." I nodded as we walked to the bar area together.
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