Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sweet Child Of Mine

Where'd You Put The Kids?

by A_Chemical_Tragedy 3 reviews

Gerard has to go through A LOT in this chapter and Charlotte tells Alicia and Jamia about the big news.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-02-03 - Updated: 2007-02-04 - 1824 words

Emma blinked her eyes open. She was lying on the living room couch, her feet were resting on the arm of the soft, black couch. The only light in the room came from the full moon outside, beaming through the blinds on the window, and a lamp on the other side of the couch. Her eyes surveyed the room, looking for someone to explain why there were bandages on her feet and why her entire body ached. She looked everywhere, but it wasn't until she got off the couch and heard a yelp underneath her, that she realized Charlie was sleeping on the floor, pushed up against the couch.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Charlie!" she retreated back to the couch and helped up Charlie as much she could.

"I'm okay, what about you?" Charlie asked while getting up and nodded towards Emma's foot.

"It only hurts a little, what happened?" Charlie lifted Emma's feet, sat down, and replaced them on his lap.

"Well, you kind of were at the wrong place at the wrong time," Charlie stopped to take off his beanie and scratch his hair. "Then, you ran out of here, angry, obviously, and you slipped on the ice, hurt your foot, and we went over to Chloe's. She says "hi" by the way, and she hopes you get better. Then you fell asleep, thanks a lot by the way, for creating an awkward silence for me and Gerard. After that your mom freaked out, ran you to the hospital, without me or your dad, creating another awkward silence for about four hours, and....huh, that's it. It feels like a lot more happened, I guess the awkward silences took up a lot more time than I thought."

Emma scooted over on the couch and sat next to Charlie, laying her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. Charlie did the same as her. "I'm sorry, Charlie."

Charlie lifted his head off of Emma's, "For what?"

"For still running after me even though I was being a complete bitch. I seriously think I would've died, had you not cared enough to chase me like you did."

"Emma, you know I'll do anything for you. I LOVE YOU!" Charlie laughed and hugged Emma enthusiastically.

"Shut up! I know you're joking but my dad would freak if he ever heard you say it." Charlie lowered his laughs but kept hugging her.

"So you wanna watch T.V.? I think Friday the 13th is on." Charlie reached for the remote and hit the power button.

"Sure," Emma yawned and walked away down the hall. She returned with a giant, billowy blanket, the movie had already started and Charlie spread his entire body across the couch as he always did whenever he was tired.

"You sure you wanna watch this? It is pretty late," Charlie shook his head, grabbed a part of the blanket.

"Actually, it's about nine, the vampires have just barely gone out into the night!" Emma laughed and curled up on Charlie's lap.

"Do you realize how much you and my dad are alike? It amazes me at times!"

"You keep telling me that and I do want to get to know Gerard, I really do. But most of our conversations end up being "Pass the potatoes" or just dead silence. It's like once I get a chance to talk with him, we lose everything we have in common!"

"Well, didn't you say you two have a date, or whatever? How did you get him to go for that?"

"I really don't know, he started talking to me and I just went with it."

"Then, try going with it again. I mean, I really want you two to get along, you and my mom and dad are the most important things in my life," Charlie looked straight into Emma's hazel eyes.

"You mean that?"

"Well, duh! You were the first real friend I had and you've always been there for me, no matter what," Emma's head slowly moved closer to Charlie's.

"Oh, yeah friends," Charlie returned his attention back to the movie, but Emma took it right back.

She forcefully glided her hands underneath Charlie's chin and turned his face towards her's, and without a word kissed his cherry red lips. Little did she know, Gerard had been watching her from the top of the stairs.

Gerard winced and ran to the room, his feet tread on the carpet so lightly they made no noise, as they always did. The bedroom door made a slight booming sound when he shoved it open. Charlotte gave out a moan and tossed in the king sized bed. Gerard ran over to her and shook her until her eyes popped open and glared at him.

"What the hell, Gerard?" Charlotte pulled away from Gerard's grasp.

"That little pimp just kissed Emma!" Gerard's raspy voice and veins popping out made Charlotte's fear surface.

"Babe, you have to calm down, right now! What the hell are you talking about? Who kissed Emma?" Gerard sighed, as if she was acting completely stupid.

"I told you that little pimp!! You call him a perfect little angel! What the hell? That's it, why did I even come up here," Gerard stepped away from the bed and headed for the door. Charlotte flung the covers off of her and grabbed his robe on the back of the door.

"Gerard, stop it!" he was already making his way down the stairs when Charlotte came racing down the halls.

"No, Charlotte, let me handle this!" he said without looking back at her. Emma and Charlie were still on the couch together.

"Mom, Dad, what's wrong?" Emma got off of Charlie and stood by the couch.

"Nothing, honey, it's just I think it's time for Charlie to leave......forever."

"Mom?" Emma turned to Charlotte.

"Uh, well...your father says he saw you two kiss and of course, well, look at him," Charlotte motioned to Gerard who had his arms crossed and was tapping his foot.

"What? Dad, why the hell were you spying on me?"

"Watch your language, missy. As for you," Gerard pointed at Charlie. He was still sitting on the couch, wide-eyed and shaking, just a little, under the blanket. "Get out."

"Dad, you can't do that!"

"Oh, yes I can, now get out, Charlie!"

"Gerard, you're acting insane, calm down!" Charlotte led Gerard towards the couch opposite of the one Charlie was sitting on. Gerard gave up fighting and took a seat.

"Okay, Gerard, you have to realize, this was going to happen at one point. Aren't you glad it was Charlie, other than some other guy you don't know?"

"Yes," Gerard coldly replied.

"And Emma, you know how your father is. But he does everything out of love for you. And Charlie, I'm really sorry about all this," Charlie shrugged and Emma patted his shoulder.

"So, are you two a couple now?" Charlotte showed all of her pearly whites.

"Oh, god," Gerard said and walked back to his room.

When Emma heard the door shut, she looked up at Charlie, "Are we?"

"Do you wanna be?" Charlie asked. "'Cause I kind of have liked you since the day we met in the hospital."

Charlotte let out an aww and made Emma blush, "I know, you're kind of obvious, but I that's what makes you cute."

"Aww!" Charlotte squealed. "I always told Gerard, you two would make a cute couple. He never likes to talk about this kind of stuff, but I never could help myself!" At that moment, the phone rang.

"I'll get it!" Charlotte jumped up and started giggling on her way to the kitchen.

Phone Conversation


"Charlotte? Hey! It's me Alicia. I forgot to call you earlier, how'd the hospital appointment go?"

"Oh my god, Alicia!"


"I'm pregnant!" Charlotte had to pull the phone away from her ear, Alicia's scream was ear piercing.

"Shut up! No way!!" Alicia screamed once more.

"Yeah, I know! The test I took a couple days ago was wrong! Can you believe it? Me and Gerard are having a baby!"
"Alicia, what's wrong? You're scaring Frank and Jamia," Charlotte heard Mikey ask.

"Charlotte's pregnant!" Alicia whispered.

"Holy crap!" Mikey laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Alicia asked.

"I don't know I guess I'm happy! Hahaha!"

"Whatever, hey Char, can I tell Jamia? She's in the living room right now." Charlotte nodded, forgetting Alicia couldn't see her.

"Of course, she's probably gonna be mad since I told you first, though, so beware!"

"Ha ha, thanks for the heads up. I'll tell her right now, talk to you later!"

"Oh, wait, guess what?"


"It's Charlie and Emma!"

"Emma's pregnant too? Holy crap!!!" Charlotte laughed, Alicia was dead serious about Emma being pregnant.

"No, Alicia! They're going out, I'm so happy, you have no idea!"

"Oh my god, does Gerard know?"

"Yeah, he saw them kiss, he totally freaked!"

"Oh my god, I can imagine!"

"Well, I'll let you go. Send Mikey my love!"

"Will do, bye!"


End of Phone Conversation

Alicia leaned against the counter. Mikey had gone back into the living room, whether he told Jamia and Frank or not, she had absolutely no clue. She was pretty sure he hadn't yet, seeing as how there was no screaming or anything coming from the room. Alicia reflected on the load full of information she had just received. Little Emma had a boyfriend, Charlotte was pregnant! Boy, was Gerard in for a lot. She decided it was bout high time Frank and Jamia found out so she went into the living room. Mikey was lying on the floor in front of the T.V., Jamia was sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn on her lap and Frank's arm around her shoulder. Mikey looked up at her from the floor and gave her a questioning look.

"Jamia, you'll never guess what Charlotte just told me!" Jamia and Frank looked towards Alicia. "Charlotte and Gerard are pregnant!"
"What?" Frank was so shocked he quickly pulled his arm up to his head and brought Jamia's head with it, chocking her for a minute. "You okay, babe?"

"Smooth!" Mikey laughed.

"I'm okay, thanks for the support Mikey!" Jamia threw the nearest pillow at Mikey's head.

"You know I'm kidding, lighten up will ya! I mean, my brother's having a baby!"

"Yeah, you're right! Oh my god, they're having a baby!" Jamia jumped up from the couch and started hopping up and down frantically with Alicia.

"So, Mikey, how are you taking this all in? Your brother is having a baby and all."

"What's there to worry about? He's learned from you and me how to raise kids, you and me both have had kids, plus he's had Emma. Gerard and Charlotte are smart, they'll figure it out."

"Yeah, you're right. So where are your kids?"

"Oh, huh, Alicia, where'd you put the kids?"
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