Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > The First Breakfast

Reasons For Her Troubles

by annadb8goddess 0 reviews

Roy is furor. He's engaged to Kate and Riza gets drunk. Fun, happiness and a hangover ensue.

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Characters: Cain Fury, Jean Havoc, Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang - Published: 2007-02-05 - Updated: 2007-02-06 - 983 words


NOTE: I only toy and play with these characters. I do not own them.

Furor Roy Mustang walked in with his usual smirking face looking a little more smug than usual. He sat down at his desk in central HQ. General Riza Hawkeye walked up and placed some more paperwork on his desk.

"Good morning Furor, Here's your paperwork," She told him handing the stack over the desk.

Mustang smiled, he didn't do when Riza handed him his work, "Thank you, Hawkeye."

Hawkeye and the rest of his subordinates eyed the respected man with a weird glance. Roy didn't say 'thank you' when given paperwork. He groaned and moaned and cursed and almost anything else to get out of it but he didn't accept it.

Hawkeye went over and felt her superior's forehead, "He doesn't appear to be sick."

"Are you feeling alright sir?" Havoc asked, A cigarette in his mouth.

Mustang waved Hawkeye away, "of course! I'm perfect actually!"

Every one eyed him weirdly before Riza shrugged and made every one go back to work.

They'd been working for three hours and Mustang's cheerful mood was affecting Riza's. She was starting to feel that her world would be coming down with the reason for his change.

She finished a report and she'd been working solidly for this entire time. She decided she deserved a little break. She went to the pot, got some hot water and one of the mugs they kept in the office. She was in the middle of Adding the tiniest amount of sugar to her tea when she glanced to see if the rest of them were doing their work.

Breeda was playing tic-tac-toe with Falman, Havoc was drawing pictures, and Furry was actually doing work, at a snails pace. That was when Riza noticed a low sound. She looked over to Mustang to see something that made her want to know what they had done with the man she knew and loved.

"Sir, are you humming?" she asked him, stirring her tea.

"I'm sorry is it bothering you general?" He apologized. Mustang apologized? There was something up.

"No sir," What would cause Roy Mustang to act like when he had become the furor?

She started calculating. First there was that nothing seemed to bother him today, almost like he was on a cloud. Then there was him saying he was perfect like he meant it. Not to mention that she'd just caught him humming. What made any man act like that?
A memory came back. Hughes (god rest his soul) acting scarily like this after Gracia had accepted his proposal of marriage. Roy wasn't like Hughes, yet he was showing the classic symptoms that Hughes had.

Riza turned around and seen what she secretly feared. She dropped her cup and it shattered on to the floor. On Roy Mustang's left-hand, fourth finger, was a ring. She could have feinted right there.

"Is there something Wrong Hawkeye?" Havoc asked her coming over.

"Are you all right?" Furry asked.

"No I'm fine, I just..." She searched for a good lie, "my grip slipped on the cup, that's all. I'll clean it up."

She looked at the floor as she exited to get a mop. She was in shock. That ring, either meant that he was married already or he had gotten engaged. The man she loved belonged to another woman. He'd never belonged to her, it had always been forbidden, but oh god she wanted him. The only thing that kept her from telling him so was that he was her superior, not to mention that she was just too embarrassed about it.

Having reached the broom closet she entered and shut the door before banging her head against the wall. She was so stupid. How could she let herself be attracted to that playboy? She'd fallen into the trap that so many had already. And now she wanted to shoot the lucky one that had him.

Hawkeye leaned against the wall and sighed. Why hadn't she seen this coming? She knew he was a ladies man, she knew he took more partners to his bed in two weeks than she had in her entire life. So why didn't she see him finally getting serious with one of his one-night stands?

Because she had always seen it as her he settled down with. She wanted to be the one he had a family with. Sadly, it had been her dream for a long time. Even then it had been a long shot, now she didn't have a chance. She banged the back of her head against the wall again before grabbing a mop broom and dustpan. She had the walk back to compose herself. Maybe she was wrong.

Maybe...maybe...maybe he had a new fetish for wearing rings?
She rolled her own eyes at her thought. She truly was pathetic. Everyone was celebrating when she walked back into the office. The pit in Riza's stomach told her that she wouldn't like it.

"Oh Hawkeye you missed it!" Havoc Exclaimed. Every one was shaking the Furor's hand.

"Missed what Colonel?" she asked, as she mopped up the tea she had spilt.

"The sign of the apocalypse! Mustang's getting married!" Her heart dropped.

"That's nice," She said slightly cold, "I'm happy for him." She ended the conversation by shutting herself closed.

After she cleaned up the mess she went back to work. She didn't even bother telling the rest of them to go back to work since they were questioning their boss on his new woman smoking cigars. She shut them all out. She didn't want to hear about his miracle woman. As soon as the bell rang for work to get out, Hawkeye was the first up. She gave a fleeting Congrats to Mustang and shot out the door. She had an appointment with a man called Jim Bean.
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