Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > Hawkeye's Secret

The Island

by ladybug1115 0 reviews

see first chapter

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Maes Hughes, Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Winry Rockbell - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-02-19 - Updated: 2007-02-19 - 618 words

Disclaimer: I don't own it.

Chapter Four: The Island

Winry grabbed for the side as another wave rocked the boat. This isn't good, she thought. She then hurried to Riza's room. "Is this common?" she asked as the boat continued its wild lurching.

"No, this is actually very strange," Riza replied, "we usually don't get storms this time of the year." There was a knock at the door and Winry opened it to admit Armstrong, Fury, and Havoc who were dripping water all over.

"I talked to some other people on board. They all told me the same thing: the captain was washed overboard. But, we'll reach land tomorrow," Havoc explained

"Thank you for the information, Havoc," Riza responded.

"Yes, ma'am, I also ran into Gracia Hughes and her daughter. She told me Seciska is traveling with them for a little vacation."

"Thanks," Riza replied again. "Dismissed." Dang it I forgot I told her how to get to Maes.

That night no one on board got any sleep. The waves pended on the side of the boat all night. So, when the storm subsided at noon. Everyone was still asleep. At two that day they reached land. Riza was the first off the boat. Roy followed close behind. He tried to hide behind her when he spotted Gracia. It was sad to Riza, but she knew he felt guilty. Riza lost him very quickly saying she would head up to her old house and see if they knew anything. She then practically ran to catch up with Gracia and Seciska. Roy had followed, wanting to know what they had to say and somewhat wanting to know more about Riza. Riza knew he was following and let him: she planned to let him know anyway.

Roy was surprised when they walked toward a very small house. He had expected Riza to head to the big house on the hill he knew was her old house. Riza led Roy to the house Maes Hughes was living in, first admitting Gracia and Seciska and Elisia. She stopped and said to no one in particular. "How are you?"

Roy knew she was talking to him and sheepishly walked out to see her, "Hi, Lieutenant."

"You can come in too, sir. He is your best friend after all," Riza said.

Now Roy was even more confused. What? Maes is dead, she knows he will always be my very best friend. But, Roy walked into the house with Riza following. Now he knew. There sitting with his daughter on his knee was Maes Hughes.

"Roy!" Maes yelled seeing him there by the door. "Isn't Riza the best! She saved me."

"She did what?" Roy asked.

"It will take some explaining, sir. I'll explain, Maes," Riza interrupted.

Explanations took awhile. It was decided that it was safe for Maes to return. So, he joined the rest who had found the boys, miraculously. Ed had a mild concussion: Winry had hit him very hard this time. Well, everyone screamed. Winry hugged him. Armstrong joined in and everyone was glad no ribs were broken. Havoc and Breda ran away. Everyone was rounded up and they boarded a boat back to the mainland.

No on knew what had happened between Roy and Riza, but they knew something was different. It wasn't until a year later, at Roy's address as the new Furher that they found out.

"...And I would like to thank my Best friend Maes Hughes who always pushed me up. Last, and most certainly not least, I would like to thank my fiancée, Riza Hawkeye..."

A/N: So what do you think? It went somewhere from where I was originally thinking but I like it.
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