Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds


by jerseyxxkid 6 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [?] - Published: 2007-02-22 - Updated: 2007-02-22 - 569 words

A/N: Not only is this a badly written chapter it's short XP


Stepping out of the steamy, hot shower Isabelle wrapped herself in a towel quickly to make sure Frank didn't do his 'I have to pee I don't care if you're naked' trick again. Sighing she dried herself off, glancing at the door every few seconds. Steam from the room hovered in her face, making it unbearably hot.

She carefully wrapped her towel around her again and opened the door. Before turning off the light she scrawled onto the mirror 'Isabelle was here.' and with that she left the bathroom.

Going through her drawers she pulled out her uniform for work, and a jacket. Outside voices were screaming and she walked over, pulling the towel a little closer she looked out the window. For a moment she felt sick, her stomach churned and the scene outside of her changed from screaming kids to quiet and serene snow falling. But as quickly as that feeling lasted it disappeared into her mind.

"I really need some sleep," she said to herself. The uniform for her job clung to her body, wondered why she worked at a bar. The alcohol and tips. She thought to herself. Pulling her hair into a loose bun, she headed toward the door grabbing her keys and jacket.

"Frank, I'm going."

"I'll come, I need a drink anyways." Frank said, grabbing his jacket too. Isabelle frowned as she stepped past the worn floor boards.

"Why are they always like that?"

"Your heels?"

"No, my heels wouldn't make huge scuff marks like that, does Ray wear boots?"

"Not unless he has an S&M fetish, no."

Laughing she pulled her coat tight around her and started down the stairs with Frank to the bar. The pair made their way to the small bar on the corner of the street. The wind was insane that day, as they walked down the street. Frank tugged his hood so it fell over his face more, as Isabelle tried to gather the flying wisps of her hair into a tighter bun.

"Ah, my saviour she's here!" the old bartender yelled over at Isabelle. "I brought that book you wanted." His voice lowered as he said that holding a thick, old book. His hands stroked the cover a few times as she grinned.

Isabelle rushed over to him, squealing. "Thank you!" she hugged the book and put it underneath her coat. /Safe/, she thought and went back to wash her hands.

While washing her hands Isabelle contemplated the idea of parallel universes. She had always been that weird loner girl, sitting in the corner, wearing all black, thinking about the paranormal. It was in her nature to gravitate toward those topics, and when the old bartender told her he had a first edition of the book, she insisted that he bring it.

"Two beers, quick." Frank yelled, standing next to a pretty girl. The girl flipped her hair obviously gravitating toward him. Obviously she was keen on her body, wearing a short skirt and a barely there top. Bleach blonde hair cascaded her shoulders and she giggled. Shaking her head Isabelle handed over two beers, and went back to cleaning up behind the counter.

Glancing around her eyes fell on the book underneath her coat. The thick cover was coated with dust and the pages were yellowed and old. Parallel Universes.
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