Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > The Little Mermaid: Evolution

Love at First Sight AKA EXPLOSIONS!

by AnonGirl88 0 reviews

Chapter Four

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: G - Genres: Parody, Romance - Characters: Cyclops, Jean - Published: 2007-03-01 - Updated: 2007-03-02 - 1955 words

AN: Well, here's chapter four. I would just like to say that the reason these updates are so close together is because I wrote this story about a year ago on paper but I just barely got an account here. For future refrences: try not to get used to it. Also, I only update when I get at the very least 2 reviews per chapter. That way, I know people are still reading it. See, I'm not greedy like some authors who don't update until they get 50 reviews. No one in particular, I just made that up off the top of my head.

AnonGirl88 and Pyro are on the beach sitting in directors chairs, far, far, far, far, far, far, far away from the ocean. Pyro has shackles on his legs to prevent him from escaping, but other wise looks pretty happy.

"Greetings! And welcome to the fourth chapter of The Little Mermaid: Evolution." AnonGirl88 says in her phony directors voice.

"I'm Pyro, your new co-director, and the insane sheila's the director, AnonGirl88." Pyro adds.

"Hey, how'd she get him to agree to that?" Bobby asks.

"Easy. She told him that he's in charge of the first part of this chapter, then she bribed him with a new lighter." Lance replies.

"Quiet on the set!" AnonGirl88 yells through her megaphone. "Alright, lights, camera, ACTION!"


Jean and Sam break the surface and see a huge ship shooting off lots of big, sparkly fireworks. Remy surfaces soon after.

"Ariel, what are you- JUMPIN' JELLYFISH!" he exclaims when he sees the fireworks. Jean swims closer to the ship, with Sam right behind her. "Ariel! Ariel please! Come back!" he yells.

Jean ignores him and continues to swim until she's right next to the ship. she then climbs up and watches the sailors, who are all either dancing or playing various instruments. Roberto, as a dog, is dancing to the music.

"Why the heck am I the stupid dog?" he whines.

"Because Mystique threatened to turn into a giant spider if I cast her as the dog, and Rahne threatened to bite me. Besides, Max is a boy." AnonGirl88 says.

"That doesn't explain why you picked me to be the dog." Roberto argues.

"Sure it does. I'm the director. Now stop stalling!" AnonGirl88 yells.

"Fine." Roberto continues to dance and bark.

He then stops dancing and sniffs the air. He makes his way over to where Jean. She hides for a minute, then when she looks, Roberto is standing there panting. He licks Jeans face then bounds off when Scott calls.

"Max! Here boy!" Scott kneels down and ruffles Roberto's ears. "Hey mutt, whatcha doing? Good boy, good boy."

Jean sighs when she sees him and gets a dreamy, glazed over look in her eyes. Suddenly Kurt flies down.

"Hiya, fraulien! Quite a show, eh?" he yells. Jean swats at him.

"Scuttle be quiet, they'll hear you!" she whispers.

"Oh, I gottcha, I gottcha." Kurt says before hiding, looking around sneakily. "We're under investigation. WE'RE OUT TO DISCOVER!" He shouts. Jean quickly grabs his beak and holds it shut.

"Shh! I've never seen a human this close before." she says while staring at Scott. "He's very handsome, isn't he?"

"I don't know, he looks kind of hairy and slobbery." Kurt says while looking at Roberto. "Although he looked that way before the hologram was added."

"Not that one!" Jean grabs his head and turns it to look at Scott. "The one playing the snarfblast!"

"Silence, silence!" Jason yells. "It is now my honor and privelage to present Prince Eric with this very ugly, very cheap, and very large present that we got from the dollar store." he indicates a large object covered by a tarp.

"Jason! I told you to follow the script!" AnonGirl88 yells. Jason ignores her.

"Ah, Grimsby, you old bean pole, you shouldn't have!" Scott says, lightly punching Jason in the arm.

"I know." Jason replies before pulling the tarp away, revealing an extremley tacky statue of Scott standing in some corny, heroic pose: complete with corny armor. Roberto growls at it.

"Gee, Grim, it's uh, it's really something." Scott says uneasily.

"Yes, I commisioned it myself. Of course I had hoped it would be a wedding present." Jason says.

"Oh come on! Look, you're not still peeved 'cause I didn't fall for the princess of Gloerhaven, are you?" Scott replies.

"Oh Eric it isn't me alone. The entire Kingdom wants to see you happily settled down with the right girl!"

"Well she's out there somewhere. I just haven't found her."

"Yes, well perhaps you just haven't been looking hard enough."

"Believe me, Grimm, when I find her I'll know, without a doubt. It'll just, BAM, hit me! Like lightning" Upon making that last little comment, lightning flashes.

"See what you did, Summers!"Lance yells from off stage.

"Hurricane 'a comin'!"Piotr yells. "Stand fast, secure the rigging!"

The entire crew panics and runs around screaming before finally having enough sense to get to the life boats. But when Jason jumps down he misses and ends up floundering around in the water. Scott sees him and tosses him a life preserver.

"OW!" Jason yells when something small smacks him in the head.

"Scott, the script says life preserver, not a packet of Life Savers!" AnonGirl88 yells

"Fine." Scott tosses him a real life preserver, which he grabs. Lightning strikes the mast of the ship, causing it to catch on fire. Roberto starts to bark because he's now trapped behind the flamming debris.

"Max!" Scott yells when he sees this. He tries to run over to him, but is stopped by the fire. He finds a way over, picks him up, then tosses him overboard into one of the life boats. The wind grows so strong that Jean has to grab hold of one ot the ropes to avoid being blown away. Kurt tries to do the same, but it proves difficult.

"Vhoah! Ze wind's picking up! AAAAAAAHHHHH!" Despite his efforts, Kurt is blown away. "Ariel!"

Jean is blown into the water. She quickly resurfaces and watches the flaming ship. The wind blows the fire towards some explosive materials and the ship explodes!

"YAY! Burn, baby! Burn!" AnonGirl88 and Pyro cheer.

"Now who's interrupting?" Bobby mutters.

Jean dives underwater and swims toward the unconcious Scott, grabs him, then drags him back up to the surface and swims to the beach. By the time she gets there, the storm has already passed. Kurt and Jean look at the still form of Scott.

"Is he, dead?" Jean asks.

"It's hard to say." Kurt grabs Scotts hand and holds it up to his ear. "I can't make out a heart beat."

"I thought Kurt was supposed to check for a pulse from his foot." Ray says.

"I changed it. And I'm the director, so expect a whole lotmore changes in the future." AnonGirl88 snaps. "Continue."

"No look! He's breathing!" Jean says when she notices that Scott is indeed breathing. "He's so beautiful." she quietly comments before putting his sunglasses back on, which fell off in the explosion. She then starts to sing quietly.

"What would I give

To live where you live?

What would I pay,

To stay here beside you?

What would I do to see you,

smiling at me?

Where would we walk?

Where would we run?

If we could stay all day in the sun

Just you and me,

And I could be,

Part of your world."

About half way through the song, Remy comes up and sees them together. His jaw drops down in his shock, but Kurt closes it for him before any sand can get in. Near the end, Scott opens his eyes and sees Jean singing to him. She hears Jason calling for him and quickly dives into the water before they can see her and her mermaid-ness.

"Eric!" Jason comes over and helps him up.

"No throwing him in the ocean this time like you did in rehearsals Master Mind." AnonGirl88 yells.

"You really enjoy these sadistic strains on my blood pressure, don't you boy?" Jason says, ignoring the director. "And don't answer that."

"A girl, rescued me." Scott says, still in a daze. "She had the most beautiful voice!"

"Uh, Eric, I think you've swallowed a little too much sea water. Off we go." Jason helps Scott back to the castle, while Roberto the dog barks. "Come on Max."

Meanwhile, Jean, Sam, and Remy are watching them from a distance. While Jean is staring at the retreating form of Scott, Remy is talking to Sam.

"We just gonna forget dis whole t'ing ever happened. De sea king will never know! You won't tell him, Remy won't tell him. Dat way, Remy will stay in one piece." Neither of them notice that Jean, who's sitting on a rock, is quietly starting to sing again.

"I don't know when.

I don't know how.

But I know something's starting right now!

Just wait and see.

Someday I'll be.

Part of your world!"

While she is singing, a small blue furry creature that resembles an evil koala with antena and two arms comes up behind her on a surf board, riding the wave. The wave dies right over Jean, causing her to be soaked.

"Cut, cut, cut, cut, CUT!" AnonGirl88 yells, coming onto the set. She glares at the strange little creature, who is calmly floating on his surf board. "Stitch, wrong story. This isn't Hawaii." Stitch mutters something in alien and presses a button on his surf board, turning it into a space ship. As he's flying away, he yells something at AnonGirl88. "Oh yeah? Well same to you, buddy!" She yells before stomping off the set.

Meanwhile, Agatha is watching all of this through her orb.

"Oh no, no, no. I can't stand it, it's too easy!" she says, laughing evilly. "The child is in love with a human! And not just any human, a PRINCE! Her daddy will just love that. King Triton's head strong, love sick girl would make a lovely addition to my little garden." she says while looking at a garden full of creepy little plants with giant eyeballs, who all tremble fearfully as Agatha laughs the official evil villian/villianess laugh.

"And cut! That's it for today. Everybody go home and rest up. We start the next chapter the second Fishy gets back with the top secret surprise." AnonGirl88 yells. Pietro zooms in.

"Whywasn'tIinthischapter?" he demands.

"Slower, ego boy." AnonGirl88 says while flipping through her papers.

"I said why wasn't I in this chapter?" he repeats.

"Because you're one of the eels and the eels were not in this chapter." she states plainly.

"But you're the director, can't you change it so I'm in every chapter?" he whines. AnonGirl88 thinks for a minute, then grins evilly at Pietro, making him very nervous. "Uh, whyareyoulookingatmelikethat?"

"You know Pietro, I am in the plotting process of doing another parody after this one, maybe, oh I don't know, Ice Age? And I think you'd make the perfect Sid the Sloth."


"You keep complaining and I would dare! But if you behave for the entire parody, and I'm still interested in the afore mentioned idea, I just might give you a decent part. Got it?"

"Gotit!" Pietro quickly runs away, lest he suffer the authors wrath.

"You were just joking about that Ice Age parody idea, right sheila?" Pyro asks nervously.

"Yes and no. It was the first thing that came to my head, but now that I think about it..." AnonGirl88 trails off, tapping her chin thoughtfully.

"Oh no, and people think I'M insane!" he exclaims.

"Come on." AnonGirl88 says while dragging Pyro away.

Well, that's the end of that chapter.
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