Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Lessons of Love

When We're Angels

by StellaWasHere 0 reviews

Yashamaru... HATES ME...?

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Gaara, Other - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2007-03-04 - Updated: 2007-03-04 - 627 words

My mind was reeling. This man in front of me... the one that took care of me, the one that I loved...

He wanted me dead. He wanted to kill me.


His eyes grew full of malice at my question. "You are the vessel of the demon Shukaku. You ARE that demon. You caused her so much p-pain... you killed Karura! I hate you! I tried to love you, b-but I still hate you!"

"I knew it..."

Yashamaru laughed. "You ended up so sweet, even though you're so evil, even though you caused my sister such excruciating pain in your birthing. You remind me of her, really, though you look like your father." He spoke this word bitterly, as if scorning Father. "I thought that I might love you, if I had tried hard enough, and believe me, I tried. I thought that maybe we could have loved like you had wanted. But everytime I looked at you, I saw a mixture of your father and that... Shukaku. I still do. So we can't."

Yashamaru closed his eyes, and I shivered in fear. "Yashamaru, open your eyes and look at me," I begged, taking his hand. "See what you are hating! See what I have become! Show me your eyes, Yashamaru, onegai... you have beautiful eyes..."

"Shut your mouth... demon. Who are you to speak of beauty?" Yashamaru spat. His words stung. "She... my sister... was beautiful. She was true beauty. I am not beautiful... I am hateful!" He shut his eyes tighter and winced in pain from the bleeding wound on his face. Wounds I gave him.

"This is it then," I said coldly. "You have nothing more to say, uncle? You lied to me for 8 years, and now you HAVE NOTHING TO SAY!" My voice raised to a shout.

"Correct." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "That's all I can say to you. Perhaps if she were alive, the words I may say on my deathbed may have more value. But hold this always with you, little Gaara. You were never loved. Not be me, not by your father, and never by Karura. Temari and Kankurou are only loyal and kind out of fear. So you never knew love, and you never say beauty. I wish I could say more to you, Gaara. How you ripped my heart in half... but I'm going to die."

He unzipped his vest.

Paper bombs! As quickly as I could, I scraped most of them off, leaving very few. Not enough to kill him, at least. I ran over to the side of the building and threw them off. I didn't care where they landed, as long as they weren't on Yashamaru... as long as they weren't hurting my Yashamaru-koi. I ran back to his body and lay beside him, curling into his chest. Maybe the bombs there weren't enough to kill him, but they would surely demolish my tiny body. I recieved a secret satisfaction in knowing this. "When we're angels, Yashamaru-koi."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He shouted, pushing me away from him. I held tightly to his arm. "I hate you, Gaara! Nothing that you say will ever change that! You are NOTHING in my eyes! We won't be angels together! We'll burn in Hell together!"

I curled up on his chest, snuggling against him. I could hear the bombs begin to hiss. "At least I'll be with you." I cried softly against his chest.

And as I swirled out of conciousness, his arms wrapped securely around me. It felt right. He was my koibito again.

And we wouldn't die. Neither of us would die that day, because we were held tightly together as one, and if we died, we would die as one.
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