Categories > Anime/Manga > Sailor Moon > Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi


by Sheya 0 reviews

Sailor Moon InuYasha. AU. We know so little about the Silver Millennium. this story takes us through the ages to see what went wrong and how to fix it... I would also say it was a love story.

Category: Sailor Moon - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Ami (Mercury), Makoto (Jupiter), Michiru (Neptune), Minako (Venus), Pluto, Rei (Mars), Tuxedo Kamen, Usagi (Moon) - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-05 - Updated: 2007-03-06 - 853 words

Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi
Chapter 8 Hitotoki (Time)

Two weeks after the Mamaru incident Setsuna went to the Higurashi Shrine.

"Usagi...." She walked over to the Hime and Hanyou who were both sweeping the shrine.

They looked at her. "Setsuna what's up?" asked the curious Princess.

"I need to talk to you... About InuYasha." Here she looked at the Hanyou.

"What about him?" Usagi looked worriedly at the Time Guardian.

"Well, I believe you both know the story about the Human Prince, Lunarian Princess, and the Youkai Prince?"

"Yeah..." they both said then looked at each other.

"Fine, Usagi you are the reincarnation of the Princess. InuYasha you are the reincarnation of the Youkai Prince. Mamaru is the Human Prince's reincarnation. The Queen used her power to give the magic bond a chance to weaken enough for the Princess to break it. Death broke the spell on the Youkai Prince. The Human Prince still feels the bond but it will easily break with no harm to him. However, no matter what he will still want to posses the Princess."

"So, we can handle it the spell the was used in the first place was lost."

"Usagi, you had three other incarnations...."

"I know about Kikyou and Kagome... who was the third?" InuYasha spoke with curiosity.

"You know about BOTH them?!?!" Usagi shrieked. "I thought you only knew about Kagome."

"Kagome is Kikyou's reincarnation... so yes I figured it out." He shrugged sheepishly. "But then if you know about them you also know that I was born over four hundred years ago...."

"You're right I guess I just never thought about it." She grinned.

"Well to answer the question directed towards me... there was a priestess by the name Midoriko, she was also an incarnation of Serenity-hime."

"She created the Shikon no Tama...." the hanyou stated softly.

"Yeah but the Silver Crystal of the Moon made it so she could be reincarnated with part of her soul still fighting inside the jewel as well. That is why only Kikyou and Kagome could purify it." Usagi stated.

"It is also why they were only half as powerful as Midoriko. Once the jewel is purified Usagi will regain all her power and she will have the power of the Miko and the Tsuki no Hime. Right now she only has half her Miko powers and all her Hime powers. Also Midoriko was about Five times more powerful that Rei, which is why she could not stop Usagi a few weeks ago."

"that explains that, so what now?" InuYasha sat down under the God Tree, Usagi took a seat next to him.

"Well it is obvious you care for each other and I know you both are being careful not to treat each other like the person or people they once were. You should continue in that vein. And, I will unseal the well...." She trailed off as a voice came from nowhere.

"So, you sealed the well." A figure materialized from behind the Time Guardian.

"Yes, you would not have let me do it as the Guardian of time so I borrowed Kaede's form... she could not have done it."

"And you are unsealing because...?" Sesshomaru stood beside her looking very quizzical.

"The Shikon Quest is not over. It must not stay in Naraku's hands."

"Then I'll go alone."

"With out the Tsuki no Hime you stand no chance. Usagi can protect herself better then Kagome, Kikyou, and Midoriko combined. She will be apart of your fighting force not someone who's only protection it an enchanted bow and arrow."

"Setsuna has a point Little brother, Usagi has been fighting evil youma since she was fourteen."

"Yeah and I've been learning Martial Arts since then too." She jumped up and threw a punch which InuYasha blocked then she shrew him over her shoulder. "See even with out my Hime abilities I can fight."

"Fine, but you will stick close to me Sango or Miroku. Preferably Me or Sango...."

"No arguments here... I'd rather have someone to watch my back."

"Fine." Setsuna lifted her staff and the garnet glowed, "The seal is gone. You are free to go back."

"Thanks Setsuna, We'll get ready and leave real soon." Usagi sat down next to InuYasha who had returned to his spot under the God Tree.

"When you go I will cover for you here." Setsuna turned around and walked out of the shrine, Sesshomaru looked at his brother and the Tsuki no Hime, then turned around and followed Setsuna.

"You know, It's odd the Setsuna just walked away. She usually just disappears."

"It's even odder that Sesshomaru followed her... unless she wanted him to. Do you think?"

"Well... She once told me that the is tired of being alone, but she has never found someone who won't die on her."

"Sesshomaru is practically immortal... so he won't die anytime soon."

"So, maybe they are attracted to each other?"

"That's what I thought. It doesn't matter and is not our business anyway."

"Yeah let's get ready to leave." They stood up and went to their respective homes in Juuban.
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