Categories > Anime/Manga > Sailor Moon > Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi


by Sheya 0 reviews

Sailor Moon InuYasha. AU. We know so little about the Silver Millennium. this story takes us through the ages to see what went wrong and how to fix it... I would also say it was a love story.

Category: Sailor Moon - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Ami (Mercury), Makoto (Jupiter), Michiru (Neptune), Minako (Venus), Pluto, Rei (Mars), Tuxedo Kamen, Usagi (Moon) - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-05 - Updated: 2007-03-06 - 1471 words

Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi

Chapter 9 Tendou (Heaven, Paradise)

The next day InuYasha and Usagi Met at the shrine, He told the Higurashis that they were going to get revenge for Kagome. They were wished luck and then they went down the well. When the came out of the well they looked around.

"Ooohhh it's so beautiful here...." Usagi squealed looking around. "I wish all of Japan could look like this."

"But then there wouldn't be cities." InuYasha pointed out.

"I wish that we could make cities look like nature or integrated with nature. Crystal Tokyo is supposed to reflect its name... like crystal."

"But you don't want that?"

"Not anymore. I like this place so much more. What is this forest called?" she asked looking expectantly at her hanyou companion.

"InuYasha's Forest."

"It's named after you?" she asked startled.

"When I first came here It wasn't, but when I was sealed to the tree they changed the name."

"Oh...." Usagi looked around feeling a little depressed.

"I always liked this forest if I had to be sealed... I'm glad that it was here."

"Ok." She brightened up. "Let's go meet your friends."

"Yeah. Let's."

They started to head towards the village, when they got close they heard yells of anger and cries of pain, also the sounds of battle. The two ran towards the noise.

When they got to the village they saw Naraku's Poison Wasps attacking.

"I don't remember them being that big..." InuYasha stared at the wasps.

"My dreams tell me you are right."

They both ran towards the fight, Usagi picked up a strong branch and attacked the wasps. InuYasha used his sword on them. Together they drove the wasps out of town and back to wherever they came from.

InuYasha turned toward one of the townsmen. "Where is Kaedebaba?"

"In her home tending the monk. The fox and Taijya went to get an antidote to the poison."

"Thanks." InuYasha and Usagi ran to Keade's hut. When they got there InuYasha nearly ripped the door hanging off the frame. Kaede... Miroku...."

"InuYasha, Ye have returned, did you finish the quests that you were given?"

"Hai, I would like you to meet Usagi."

"Ohayou Gosaimasu watashi wa Tsukino Usagi." She bowed to the two in the hut then they both entered and sat down.

"Ahh, I see that you have definitely completed Kagome's quest."

"Yes, I also gave the scroll to Kagome's family."

"What... did they.. say...?" Miroku opened his eyes and looked at both of them, he then closed them again.

"They... don't hat me."

"Or me!" Chirped Usagi with a smile.

"So they accepted you?" Asked Kaede.

"Yeah better'n the people who raised me."

"How long and Shippou and Sango been gone?" Interjected InuYasha.

"Three days. I have done all I can...."

"I don't know if I can heal him but I think I can help." Usagi took out the Silver Crystal and concentrated her power on Miroku. A few moments later she stopped. "That's the best I can do."

Miroku again opened his eyes. "I feel better but for how long?"

"The poison is still in your system, it hasn't been neutralized just filtered, It should be milder for now, but it won't last. We still need an antidote."

"then we should go find Sango and Shippou." InuYasha turned around and left the hut, Usagi followed.

"Be careful, and hurry back." Kaede called after them.


Sango and Shippou were fighting the Poison Wasps. After they got the antidote form Jinenji the wasps attacked them at the field.

"This is taking too long we should have gotten back yesterday." Sango shredded some wasps with her boomerang.

"Yeah but they cornered us the day before." Shippou sent some fox fire. "Sango I'm getting tired, I won't be able to keep this up much longer."

"I think that there are too many of them." Sango caught the boomerang bone. "They just keep coming, Save your strength if I need you I'll call you."

"Sango!! A bunch are headed this way!" Shippou pointed towards the Horizon.

On the horizon hundreds of Poison Wasps were headed their way.

"We can't give up!!" Just as Sango yelled a good half of the wasps were shredded. Then the rest got shredded. The ones that were still at the field fled. A few moments later InuYasha and a blond girl with crystal blue eyes landed in the field.

"Ummm did my flushing of the Poison Wasps worry you?" He put his hand behind his head and laughed. "Sorry, I just wanted to get them all in as few shots as possible."

"InuYasha!!!" Both Sango and Shippou cried, Kirara jumped to his shoulder and purred. Shippou jumped up and hugged him.

"we were worried that you wouldn't make it back." Sango had tears in her eyes.

"I made it back."

"But Kaede didn't seal the well someone else did."

"Yeah, her name is Setsuna and she is the guardian of time, she would be the best candidate for sealing the well. She unsealed it yesterday... we came this morning.... Oh I want to introduce you to Tsukino Usagi, she is the one Kagome sent me to find." The hanyou pulled Usagi towards his friends.

"Hi." Usagi waved to the taijya and kitsune.

"I've never seen hair your color before. Are you youkai as well?" Sango reached out and almost touched Usagi's hair but stopped herself.

"No.... I'm human... sorta... I'll explain that part later but to the best of my knowledge both my parents were human. However, there are lots of people in Europe and America with lots of different hair colors... Not all of them natural, but then again anyone can die their hair."

"Really? I want to see new people and places..." Sango trailed off.

"If we get out of this alive you will. I'll help." InuYasha turned toward the Earthboy's hut. "What about them?"

The door to the hut opened and the Hag and Hanyou stuck out their heads.

"Don't worry about us the towns folk will help fix the field.' The Hag yelled waiving them off.

"Really...? Huh I guess you CAN get help from humans in this time..." InuYasha waved back to her and they all started back towards the village.

"InuYasha...." Sango looked at him, when he nodded she continued, "Why do you look human? I almost didn't recognize you."

"Huh...?" He pulled some of his hair in front of his face. "Uh I forgot to banish the spell..." He flipped his hair back over his shoulder, then shrugged and continued on his way.

"Right." Sango followed while Usagi and Shippou giggled in the rear.


When they got back to the village Sango gave the antidote to Miroku and he rapidly got better. They started to plan how to defeat Naraku. About two days after InuYasha and Usagi came back from the future Sesshomaru and Kouga came to the village.

"We've been trying to slow Naraku down..." Kouga began as he entered the jut, "InuYasha!! When did you get back."

"Two days ago." He replied while fiddling with some arrows.

"Yeah he and Usagi-chan here helped Shippou and I get back with the antidote." Sango looked up from where Usagi and she were trying out new hairstyles. "You know this is great, we can listen to the plans and have fun at the same time."

The two adult youkai watched the two young women then turned back to InuYasha and noticed that his hair was braided back in a loose braid, first they stared then they laughed.

"You try dissuading two determined young women and see how far you get." He growled at his brother and the okami youkai. "They are going to descend on you next."

"Maybe we should leave...."

"Don't, we need your power and you might find that getting you hair...." He looked at his brother, "And tail played with pleasant."

"NO ONE touches my TAIL!!!" Sesshomaru yelled glaring at the girls.

"Fine but at least let us make sure you hair stays out of the way. Kouga already has that but your hair is loose. Sango stood up and started walking towards the inu youkai lord.

"Actually long hair never got in Minako, or Setsuna, or Rei's way before and Setsuna's hair is longer than his...." Usagi stated.

"Let's get back on topic." Kaede interrupted the two women.

InuYasha however was still stunned at his always in control and emotionless brothers outburst. "Who'd of thought that he was that protective of his tail. Wait a minute where're Rin and Jaken?!?!"

"They are trying to stay away from Naraku's forces. He has tried to kill Rin more than once."

"Well if she is anything like Chibi Usa she should be fine." Usagi was sitting at the fire putting the finishing touches on her buns.
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